Part Two: A Golden Song For M'Lady

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Jeannie was sitting and waiting in her car for a good half an hour before she saw an older woman all bundled up approach Jeannie's car. She looked around and sat down on a large rock near the car. Jeannie got out and decided to converse with the woman since she was bored. But as she got out of the car an started walking, the woman began to talk to her first.
"Hi there, are you waiting for Elton, too?" The woman asked.
Jeannie smiled and nodded as she sat down next to her. The air was even colder and she decided to put on her gloves and hood.

"Yes, I just got done talking to the security." She said to the woman.
"Oh really?"
"Yes, they told me Elton wasn't here and basically kicked me to the curb. I asked them if they would let Elton know that I came but they denied anything I said and threatened to call the police on me. I didn't do anything wrong..."
"Oh darn, I'm so sorry. Security can be a real mean son of a bitch." She shook her head in dismay, "I don't have the guts to go up to his door. You're a reckless, brave one."
Jeannie didn't really didn't know what the older woman meant when she said "reckless", but she just smiled back. "Yeah, I heard he was in town and I was desperate to talk to him."
The woman sighed, "Oh me too. I stood outside nearly all day yesterday with no luck. Hardly any cars passed by, and none of them went up his driveway. For a moment there I thought I was at the wrong house!" She laughed and Jeannie joined with a little giggle.
"You've been standing outside in the cold for that long?" Jeannie asked in disbelief.
"Hah, yeah, I'm sort of a crazy fan. At least my family thinks so. I stayed out here all morning, too, but I'm thinking about leaving for good soon."
"You're not crazy. I think that's so sweet!" Jeannie smiled, finally finding someone who was madly in love with Elton as much as her.
"How old are you, little one?" The woman chuckled.
"19- I know I don't look it."
The woman's jaw dropped. "Wow, I'm 49- 30 years older than you. You love Elton at that young of an age? What got you into him?" 
"Well, honestly I didn't know much about him until he, well... kinda save my life in a nutshell."
"Wait, what? Elton saved you? I don't believe it!" The woman scooted closer to Jeannie as if she was hearing the best story of her life. Knowing how big of a fan she was, it probably was.
Jeannie retold the story of how Elton and Bernie had rescued her from the streets, and how she invited him over for a cup of tea afterwards. She didn't dare to bother telling her about her intimate moments with Elton, for she knew it would be horrible on his image if the press found out he was having close relationships with a girl her age. Though she was an adult now, she wasn't back then- and although he didn't touch her against her will, she was scared to think of what anybody else thought of it. She kept it to herself.
"Holy cow, girl, you've had quite the experience there, didn't you? I'm so jealous, really I am. The most I've done was stay after his show and get an autograph, but he didn't talk to me or anything. You're so lucky, you know that?"
Jeannie just smiled back, almost into a sly smirk, because the lady had no clue what else she and Elton had done. It made her feel all the luckier.
She and the woman talked about Elton for a couple more minutes before the lady decided she should get going on her own way. Jeannie shook hands and waved goodbye as she watched the woman zip up her jacket and bundle up, then walked slowly down the slippery white roads. Watching the woman struggle to face the cold made Jeannie remember how freezing it was outside again, and she watched her breath fade away into the distance as she exhaled.
Jeannie stayed outside for as long as she could, only occasionally going back into her car for warmth. She was determined to find and meet Elton, and she was persistent with her ideas. "I'm not going to leave this driveway until I see him pull up into his driveway. I don't care what the stupid security says. I will do it." She told herself over and over. 

The long, gloomy afternoon continued on and on, and it was finally coming to an end as sun began to start setting. It was about dinner time now, and she has estimated that she'd been outside for a good 4 hours waiting for Elton. She didn't want to give up, but she was growing weary and hungry.
"How much longer...?" She though to herself, "Maybe I should stop and grab a bite to eat, then come back later?" But she was too worried that she'd miss him then.
So Jeannie decided she would wait until the sun completely set, then go home and call it a night. Frowning with sheer disappointment and dissatisfaction, she sat on the front of her hood and leaned back, looking at the dull, grey sky.
Winter was so ugly sometimes. Sometimes the sky was a bright, pretty blue with a big yellow sun to light up the sky. But other times the clouds and fog completely took over and left no trace of the sun for what seemed like an eternity. Today was one of those slow, stale winter days that seemed to have nothing positive about it. It just made everyone depressed.
Jeannie was getting lost in her thoughts and daydreaming herself almost into a deep sleep when she heard a car coming down the road. She lifted her head up. She could see the headlights through the grey fog- it was slowing down at a rapid pace.
"Please... please... please..." She closed her eyes and prayed.
The car came closer and appeared to be a big white Escalade truck- very sleek and new. The left turn signal was on and it appeared to be slowing down to enter one of the driveways. Her heart raced and she sat up. Could this really be him? It was such a nice looking truck; definitely reminded her of the sleek car Elton had picked her up in before. It was likely to be him.
Jeannie god off the hood of the car and watched as the truck pulled up towards her. Suddenly, she could hear some yell "Stop! Stop the car!" Before she knew it, the truck had stopped just as it began to turn down Elton's driveway. The backseat window rolled down, and a familiar voice sounded through her ears.
"Jeanette, is that you!?"
Jeannie's heart skipped a mile a minute. Who else knew her real name? It was Elton!
She walked up a little closer to the truck and surely enough found Elton in the backseat with a thick brown jacket on and a plaid scarf. He was wearing dark sunglasses and a shiny, crystal earring in his right ear. 
"Elton! Oh Elton!" Jeannie squealed, and covered her mouth. She jumped up and nearly slipped on the ice beneath her feet. Elton let out a small gasp and rolled down the window even further.
"Darling, I don't even recognize you- what happened? You've gotten even more beautiful!"
With a faint blush, Jeannie knew she had made the right choice with her outfit.
"Well honey, don't just stand there, hop in!" Elton smiled and opened up the back door for Jeannie to get inside. Eagerly, the wide-eyed little Jeannie made her way inside the vehicle and Elton scooted over for her to sit beside him.
"Go on." Elton directed his chauffeur to continue down his driveway.
Jeannie could feel Elton's arm wrap around her body into a tight little squeeze. Her dream had come true- he had remembered her, and maybe even still loved her, too. It was all she ever asked for. Sighing with relief, she could feel the restlessness and anxiousness pour right out of her. He calmed her aching body down with the warmth of his coat and body heat beside her. Again- she remembered his gentle touch so well.  She was in ecstasy to have his love all over again!
"Jeannie, why were you outside?" Elton turned to look at her and touched her cheeks softly with the back of his hand. "You're face is so red- you're cheeks are so cold..."
Jeannie smiled weakly back, "I-I kinda waited for 4 hours out there. So I could find you. I miss you so much..."
Elton was so deeply touched by her undying loyalty that he was unable to think of any words to express his conflicted emotions. He just watched as the truck pulled up into his driveway and the doors unlocked. It amazed him how someone could be so madly in love with him. It was sinking into to his heart literally like quicksand.
"Come on." Elton said quietly as he helped Jeannie out the door. Holding her hand, he watched as her precious black boots failed to hold a grip on the ice and nearly sent the young girl plunging face first into the pavement. He rushed over and caught her before her feet could slip any more.
"Are you okay?" He asked, smiling and staring into her deep blue eyes. He was honestly more eager to please than her own dog!
"Yes, as long as you hold my hand up these stairs!" Jeannie joked, then thanked him graciously for saving her little ass again.
Elton did as she asked, holding her hands tightly up the impressive staircase to his front door. Unfortunately, the security met him shortly after, giving Jeannie a long, intrusive stare-down.
"Elton..." Jeannie leaned over and whispered faintly into his ear, "These guards were so rude to me."
She told Elton how they disrespected her, ignored her questions and refused to be polite at all- even towards a young lady like her. She admitted that they weren't really the scariest group of men she's come across, but she certainly wanted to get even for the treatment they had given her earlier. She let Elton tell them off.
"Excuse me, Mike, Ron-" Elton let go of Jeannie's hands and got up very close to the security's face. "And wot exactly makes you think being the security gives you the right to be arrogant PRICKS?"
Jeannie gasped, but grinned shortly after as she watched the guards cower under Elton's rule. He was so much smaller and shorter than the guards, which made it even more amusing to her.
The guards looked at Elton straight in the eye and tried to deny that they had done anything wrong.
"Sir, she wasn't on the list or whatever. We were just doing our job and trying to protect you." One of them nearly begged for mercy.
"I don't CARE if she's on the list or not! What part of your FUCKING job says to treat others with such utter disrespect!?" Elton was not having it. The security closed their mouths shut tightly and tried to stand up tall.
"Exactly, NO part at all. Besides, what is there to protect me from? She's so young- do you consider babies a fucking threat, too?" He walked inside the house and forced the security out of his way.
"Sorry, sir, really." They both pleaded. Elton just scowled at them.
"Listen here, you bastards. If I have to hear one more complaint about your hostility towards men, woman, children- hell- ANYBODY in general, I'll have you fired so fucking fast you won't even have a chance to get you bloody shoes on! Do you HEAR ME?"
Jeannie awkwardly stood outside and watched closely at this new side of Elton. She had never seen him so demanding before. But honestly, it was sort of cute in a way. It made her feel protected, sheltered, safe. He was not afraid to express how he felt... in both music and his words.
"Now get out of MY house- oh, and before you do..." Elton stood in between the two guards and held their shirts as if he was a sheriff about to arrest two criminals in the wild west.
"Don't you DARE ever say NO to my little Jeannie. You got that? Now fuck off!"
He pushed the guards out the door as hard as he could, nearly tripping one of them. The guards looked over at Jeannie and frowned- she just smiled back at their failure with pity. 
Elton allowed Jeannie to come inside, slamming the door with anger behind her. This scared her a little bit- she hoped he wouldn't carry on with this anger too much longer.
"I-I'm terribly sorry that you had to endure such rubbish treatment. I don't know why they're so harsh." Elton's tone of voice dropped down to normal now.
"It wasn't that big of a deal, Elton." She begged for him to release his anger.
"It is when I ordered them to help promote peace in my house. Hate is not peace." He was right, and he had every legitimate reason to be upset over the men than he hired who failed miserably to improve his life.
Jeannie shrugged and asked where to take off her shoes and coat. As he helped her, Elton realized how he might of scared her into believing he was always harsh around his team.
"Darling, I just want to let you know, y'know- that I usually don't yell like that. I-I'm deeply sorry. I've just been stressed all day with my management. I never have time to myself anymore." He sighed as he took Jeannie's coat and hung it up on the coat rack. 
Jeannie looked up into Elton's pathetic, tired eyes. It wasn't hard feeling sorry for the man- he might've been one of the world's most cherished celebrities but deep down he was just a sorry young man with a touch of hopelessness, not unlike Jeannie herself. It was both a blessing and a curse to get to know the true side of a man that nobody else saw and understood. But she knew from the very start that there would be many ups and downs through these bittersweet roads of love.
"But- but you're alone now, aren't you?" Jeannie asked.
Elton sighed, but smiled at her childlike- innocence. "Heh, why yes, it's just you and me now, babe."
That sent Jeannie through the roof. "Babe-" She obsessed to herself, "He literally just called me babe!" Then it hit her. She was all alone with him again. Would he just have her over for dinner? Would they chat about intimate things again? W-would she get to feel the passionate sensation of his lips on hers again? Would something... new happen? Jeannie's heart raced a mile a minute as her brain began to scatter in her frenetic thoughts.
She didn't even realize Elton had been staring at her clothes and body for a while. Their eyes met, and Jeannie blushed instantly as her heart began melting even at the sight of his handsome face. 
"E-Excuse me for staring but you look, um lovely in that pink sweater-shirt-thing." His seemingly oblivious compliment almost caused Jeannie to melt into a puddle now. Cute compliments added with his distinct English accent? Ohhh yes.
"Thank y-y-" Before she could finish, Elton had walked over to her back and she could feel him messing with the clothes beneath her shirt over her shoulder. She was confused, but she let him touch her anyways.
At last he stopped and faced her again. 
"Hope you don't mind, I was fixing your bra strap. It was showing." He blushed at her and looked at the floor. He was just so damn adorable.
"Pardon me! Oh my goodness- was it really showing?" She gasped and looked at her shoulder. He fixed it now. She thought that he didn't bother to tell her until after he fixed it himself because it gave him another excuse to touch her. Clever move!
Elton took Jeannie on a mini tour around his house, showing her everything from the kitchen to the living room, to the den, bathroom, and eventually his bedroom. He had everything in his house, and she wasn't even sure if she could maneuver around it alone without getting lost!
"You have such a stunning house. I'm so jealous." Jeannie marveled at the big, open windows, the shiny wooden floors, and and luxurious, long couches. He definitely had a way with interior design, and it carried on to his fashion and clothes.
They entered a large room which seemed like an oversized foyer, and a beautiful white and gold grand piano stood proudly on a stand in the middle of the room. Elton informed her that this was his only piano in the whole house. Mesmerized by it's captivating beauty, Jeannie walked slowly around the impressive instrument and acted as if she was staring at the real Mona Lisa. It bewildered her how such an instrument could be so fascinating.
She couldn't believe herself that she was asking, but Jeannie shyly requested that she play a song on the almost-holy instrument. He graciously allowed her to play anything she wanted.
"Yes, you don't ever need to ask." 
Jeannie knew she was no expert at the piano, in fact she only knew how to play a few things here and there. But she couldn't resist touching Elton's piano... the very keys that his pure, raw talented fingers played on. She touched one key and listened as it rung out and echoed throughout the room. It made her smile.
"What a great sound!" She sat there in awe again as her fingers pressed down on the keys ever so gently. This piano was heaven. Jeannie closed her eyes and breathed slowly as she started to play the first few notes of a sweet little song she had written. No words, just a calm and serene melody that reminded anybody of a hidden, peaceful getaway somewhere far away.
Elton approached Jeannie from the side and looked down at her fingers moving so swiftly and lightly. She was very elegant about it, very precise. Though Jeannie felt like she was nothing compared to Elton, he thought quite differently.
"Jeannie, where'd you learn to play like that? Hell, you're better than me!" 
Jeannie turned around and laughed nervously. She couldn't believe he'd said that.
"Oh now don't lie to me, I'm pretty shoddy." 
"Listen," Elton bent over and sat beside Jeannie at the piano. "You're a natural at the piano. You better believe it. Did you write that beautiful song?"
Still quite self-conscious about herself, Jeannie blushed and looked at the floor. "Yeah." Her voice was quiet and squeaked.
"Really? Now THAT'S a song. You can write, m'lady." His hand reached across her back and rested upon her left shoulder. He didn't ask, he didn't give a notice, he just moved even closer to her in a protective way. There was really no reason for it. But Jeannie didn't care. It was a deep feeling that sort of turned her on.
"You're so kind, thank you truly." She was overwhelmed by the extreme gentlemen in him.
"But Elt'n..." Jeannie frowned, "I want to be better. Could you teach me something? Anything. It doesn't have to be a whole song. Pretty please?" Her bright, radiant blue eyes pleaded.  It was absolutely impossible for him to resist her innocent charm which captivated him even more than ever before.
Elton didn't speak, he just scooted up forward and took his hand of her shoulder to play. Jeannie watched his every move intently as his fingers flipped and flopped from black key to white key, note to note, chord to chord. He seemed so sophisticated at it; so cool and refined. He didn't hesitate and think at all- in fact it it was like second nature to him. Glancing over, she could see his eyes were close, he was blindly playing a song he had memorized from the soul. His talent was sent straight from the heart, through the muscles in his arms, into the veins in his fingers, and down onto the keys of the majestic piano that did play his songs proudly with justice. His creative ability was immeasurable. 

When Elton had finished, he turned over with a devious little smile towards Jeannie. "I hope you liked that, I'm gonna show you how to play it now."
Jeannie's eyes and ears lit up. "Really!?"
"Hell yeah, it's easy. Trust me. You and me will be playing it together in no time." With that said, he showed her where to place her fingers and what notes to hit at what time. Though she tried to stay on task, Jeannie was mostly consumed in the fact that Elton was touching her fingers- his hands were on top of hers as he showed her what to play so effectively. She loved it. She loved learning the piano and she loved improving her skill, but what sent her heart skipping a mile a minute was the physical affection he was subconsciously showering her with just the simple touch of his skin. Everything. Drove. Her. Wild!
There were times where Jeannie couldn't quite hit what he had asked, or became discouraged because she didn't like the way a part sounded. Elton was very patient and consistent with her. He never became frustrated- he constantly made it light-hearted and fun. He was tolerant of pretty much anything; he never raised his voice or showed any signs of agitation. This was so special to her, because this meant Jeannie could trust him- with virtually anything. Where as most guys never have the willpower or mere interest to teach somebody a skill that may be hard, Elton was driven to work more and more. It was such a rare trait in men these days.
It wasn't long before Jeannie was able to play the song with Elton, just as he assured.
"Are you content now, darling?" He joked, chuckling at her. He would do anything to make her happy- whether he had to teach her one song or a thousand, he'd do it all. With love and passion, of course.
"I am for now!" Jeannie smirked back. She loved how she could be so open with him- he was pretty much her favorite best friend if she should choose; their friendship was more than either of them could ask for. Distance didn't divide them, it made their love grow. Funny how after two long years, everything was left off like the day they said goodbye. She was still falling for his love- craving it like chocolate and needing it like air.
Elton got up from the seat and stretch his legs out. "I want to talk to you, Jeannie, but should we eat first? I'm kind of starving."
"Thank god you asked. I haven't eaten lunch today!"
"Hah, me either. Listen, I'll cook ya anything you want. How does that sound?" Elton shrugged, acting like he wasn't doing no big favor or anything.
"No no, you don't have to cook anything, honestly, I could find something quick to eat myself." Jeannie insisted.
"Sure. You can eat whatever you like, but I will cook for you if that's what you want. I was thinking maybe we could bake some cookies, too." Elton was desperate to cook for her and serve her.
"Alright, fine, you can cook me something." She fell for his silly mind tricks. "But if you're going to bake some cookies later, they gotta be mint chocolate. That's my favorite." She blushed at him again. It was rather amusing how he loved to receive orders from her. What a show off- but yet he did it like such a gentleman.
"I can do that for you." Of course he could.
Elton opened every door for Jeannie as they walked through and down the hallways and into the kitchen. Treat her like a princess? Hell, he treated her more like a goddess!

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