Part 25

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Hannah's POV

"Ashton I'm sick" I shout as Ashtons trying to drag me down the stairs

"Oh really" he says annoyed

"Yes really." I say faking a cough

"You definetely didn't study drama, did you?" he chuckles

"I don't know what you mean" I say playing it dumb

"I booked a therapy session and your going. End of." He says annoyed

"Take my phone, take my laptop, handcuff me to the freaking wall. Just don't make me do it." I beg

"It's half an hour Han, get a grip" he says meanly

"FIne" I sulk. I walk down the stairs, grab the car keys and walk out to the car. I open the door and sit in the front seat. A few moments later Ashton walks out and gets in the car and starts driving.

"I'm sorry" he says gently

"No your not" I say

"Yes, I am" he says genuinly

"Do you know how many things I've done that I've done outside of my comfort zone since I met you guys. I can't even see my comfort zone anymore." I say calmly

"I know" he says when we pull up to a small building. I get out and grab his hand we walk into a building and are greeted by a small woman who says

"Hello, Hannah"

"Erm h-hi" I say weirded out that she knows my name. I keep a firm grasp on Ashton's hand as she leads us into a small room she gestures for me to sit on a chair by myself but I ignore her and sit on a large couch next to Ashton.

"So Hannah, How are you feeling?" she asks

"I'm fine" I snap

"Do you want to tell me about your past?" she asks like it's nothing

"Not particularly" I say, Ashton gives my hand a squeeze

"What about your family?" she asks bitterly

"Well, Theres Luke the tree, Ashton the meanie, Calum the puppy and Michael the teddy bear" I say and Ashton gives a slight chuckle. I can tell we both feel the same way about this lady.

"No I mean your birth family" she says. I look at Ashton and he nods

"I had a Mum, a brother and a man that lived there with us" I say

"You mean you dad" she say interupting me

"Not as far as I'm concerned" I say tightly

"Ok, have you ever been diagnosed with anything" she asks

"Yes, Anxiety, depression and insomnia" I say

"Ok" she says and walks out the room.

I look at Ashton and say "See, I'm trying"

"You are, I'm proud of you" he says

"Have you ever spoken to her before?" I ask him

"Yes only on the phone, I only told her the main things, I didn't go into to detail about your past" he tells me

"Thanks" I say giving him a small hug

The lady walks back in with a bottle of pills, she hands them to me and says "Take these before you go to bed on top of your other anti depressents, Ok?"

"Ok" I say sweetly

She purses her lips "Thank you, now your time is up."


After dinner which I eat half of Ashton walks into the game room "Time for you pills Hannah Banana"

"Ok, Ok" I grumble and he hands me two purple pills and I take them expertly. We play Mario cart for a few minutes until I start to feel funny, I stand up to stretch and I colapse, I see ashton over the top of me, his mouth is moving but I can't hear him. Thats when I pass out.

"Hannah your so useless" says Michael punching me

"I know, Ash remind me why we adopted this loser again"  Calum says slapping me In the face

"I must of been high" He says kicking me in the stoumoch "Luke are you coming or not"

Somebody walks in but it's not Luke, it's my Dad he walks up to me and grabs my hair so I'm looking directly in his eyes, I try to get away but Calum grabs my hands and holds them behind my back. "Time to finish what I started years ago" my Dad says as Michael hands him a knife. I spit at him and he slaps me.

"Goodbye sweetie"

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