Part 52

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Hannah's POV

I'm staring out of the dirty bus window watching the trees and feilds turn into motorways and dual carridgeways. A part of me wants to stay but another part of me knows most of the pain in my life happened in this beautiful bitter-sweet country.

I tear myself away and decide I'm sick of being depressed mopey Hannah and I skip to where Calum is sitting looking bored.

"Hey Cal-pal" I smile

"Hi Hannah Banana" he says enthusiastically

"You look bored" I state

"I hate long bus journeys" He complains letting out a big sigh

"Wait" I say urgently, I run away and grab two guitars from under Ashton's bed because he insists they should be kept there, I run  back through and hand Calum a guitar and sit down

"What's this for?" he asks stupidly

"Eating" I sass, he frowns "Lets play Cal-Pal"

We play some songs for until Michael, Ashton and Luke burst in the room with guitars in hand.

"You didn't think you could leave us out of a jam session, did you?" Michael asks punching me playfully

"We were afraid you would ruin it" I sass, and recieve a few angry scoffs

"Don't care" Ashton says confidently strumming his guitar

We turn into 5sos + Hannah, if I do say so myself we didn't sound too shabby, mostly cause the boys sang over me.

"England here we come!" Dave shouts from the front seat, I sprint to the nearest window and say a silent goodbye to my home country. I sit back down and absent mindedly strum.

"Hey Dave what's the time?" Ashton shouts

"Half One" he replys

"Lunch time" ashton says heading to the fridge

"I'm tired" I say fake yawning

"No your not" Ashton says catching me out

"Yes, Look how sleepy I am" I say lying on the middle of the floor

"Hannah" Michael says in a warning tone

"Yes" I say innocently, standing up

"You know what" he says sternly

"I'm not freaking hungry, Michael" I yell, storming out. Normally at this point I would start to swim but I failed to realise that I was in a fucking tour bus. So I just pace loudly in the next room. After a few minutes of ferotiously pacing and figiting Luke walks in

"You drew the short straw" I say bitterly

"No" he calmly mutters

"Go on, give me a lecture about how I'm not fat and how I'm damaging my body and blah blah blah" I sigh, he forcefully grabs my wrists and pulls me towards him

"Hannah, I need you to look at me and really listen to what I'm saying because things are gonna get a lot tougher if you don't" he warns

"Luke, What the hell are you talking about?" I say

"We've been letting you get away with your eating habits but now your kinda famous and eating is really important, your health is fucking important" He says "Now are you gonna eat properly or am I gonna have to invoke plan B"

In my mind I'm nodding  but my stupid stubborn self has to open my big mouth "No"

He sighs "Suit Your self" 

Sorry for the late update but I'm really happy with this chapter xxx

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