Part 60

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Hannah's POV

I'm sitting in a cold room in the police station on an uncomfortable sofa with a phycologist asking me questions that I'm ignoring. I have already given my official answer to official questions to the police.

I'm singing meaningless songs in my head when I hear a forceful shout from another room "Where's my daughter I need to see her now?"

Ashton! I sprint out the open door and look for the source of the voice. At the end of the coridor I see Ashton arguing with a woman behind a desk "Ashton, Michael, Luke, Calum, Shawn" I yell Ashton turns and when he sees me is face lights up. I run toward him and engulf them in a giant hug.

We stand in a group hug for a few minutes. When the hug breaks off I'm still clinging to Ashton like my life depends on it

"Baby it's Okay, I'm here now and I'll never let you go" he coos

Ashton and I are brought into the room I was in before because Ashton is my legal guardian. We sit on the sofa and I'm still hugging him tightly, every so often he kisses the top of my head. He accidently kisses my forehead and I wince because the pain engulfing my face is becoming more and more unbareable.

Ashtons notices my pain and says "We're going to the hospital"

"I don't need the hospital I need to go home" I mumble weakly

I'm not entirely sure what happens next all I know is Ashton picks me and places me in a car, after that I pass out.

I wake up screaming from an unthinkable nightmare, I'm in a hospital room and no one is with me "Ashton" I yell "Ashton"

Ashton sprints in and his face is full of worry "I thought you leaft" I whimper

"Hannah Banana, trust me I'm never ever leaving again" he assures me

I try to sit up but everything hurts, Ashton moves me over a few inches and lies down next to me. "I misssed you so much" I whisper

"Not as much as I missed you" he says

"I stayed strong, Are you proud? I heard you on the radio, I thought about you every day" I state

"Hannah I'm more than proud, everyday you just get better and I could never be more proud. I just don't know what I did to deserve someone as great as you" he says

"Ashton it's the other way round, I'd be two years dead if it wasn't for you. I'd be another suicide statistic. I owe you and the boys everything" I say

"Hannah you have more strength in you pinky than the boys and I put together. Always remember that. Not a day goes by that I don't thank god that I found you" he says

"Ashton your stonger than you think. You could of just acepted the fact that I was dead but you didn't you believed in me. I heard you guys out looking, I thought you would've just thought I was dead and stop believing but you kept going even though it caused you pain" I state

"Your right" he smiles "we are both pretty amazing"

I cried writing this so hope you love it, I still can't thank anyone enough who takes the time to read my stories XXXXXX LY

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