Part 63

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Hannah's POV

I'm in the bathroom getting changed, I put my shorts on and I try and slip my arm cast through my T-shirt but my arm and head get caught I'm stuck looking like an idiot. I use my working foot to open the door

"Somebody" I shout muffled "Can somebody help me?"

Michael trudges through and bursts out laughing "Just shut up and help me" I growl

He helps my arm out, he softly runs his fingers along the bruises on my stomach and I wince at his touch. "Sorry, Sorry erm I'm sorry" he stutters

"It's fine" I shrug

"Leggo" he chuckles and picks me up and carries me down the stairs, when I think he's about to put me down when he carries me into the kitchen and sets me down in the wheelchair. I try and get up he holds me down

"Eh, Eh, Eh, Would you like to stay here?" he warns

I just sigh and sit down, Ashton walks inand pats my head "Is everybody ready" he shouts and slowly the rest of the boys join us

"Oh Can I wheel Hannah? Pwease" Calum shouts excitedly

"Can he?" Ashton asks

"I don't care" I grumble. Calum wheels me out doing various tricks down the driveway and we all climb into the car and drive to Ikea, when we get there there are loads of fans and papparazi outside, how did they know?

We cautiously get out the car and tomy dismay Ashton places me in the wheelchair and wheels me towards the entrance of the shop, it feels like everyone is shouting at me

"Hannah, Can you tell us what happened?"

"What's it like being home?"

"How do you feel about your father?"

And with that I am wheeled into the store.

Short Chapter but I really wanted to upload. LY XXXXXX

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