Part 54

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Hannah's POV

"Han, I bet you can't catch 20 malteasers in your mouth in a row" Harry says

"Nice try Hazza" I say and he sighs deeply. I hear a knock at the door and Louis eagerly answers it. A few seconds later he comes bounding through with three large pizza's in his hand.

"Table" he commands

I sigh and trail through to the kitchen and sit down, nobody joins me. Liam sets a Pizza in front of me "Eat it" Liam demands

"The whole thing!" I exclaim

"Eat it" he repeats forcefully. I pick up the smallest slice of pizza and slowly start to nibble at it. It takes a while but I finish two slices and I look up to Liam who is watching me intently "I'm full" I state

"Hannah" he warns

"Yes" I say sweetly

"Eat it" he says

I sigh and pick up another slice and eat it slowly. Once I'm finished another slice, I stand up and I'm immediatly sat back down by a forceful pairs of hands

"Hannah" he yells

"What?" I yell louder

He takes a deep breath and sits down across from me, he looks me straight in the eye and says "Why don't you eat?"

"Because I'm fat" I just about scream at him

"Hannah Your not fat" he screams louder

"Then Why did they shrink my thighs? Why do people call me fat? Why is everyone so much skinnier than me?" I yell

"Cause people are shit" he shouts

"Hannah, I want you to believe one person and one person only" he states

"Who?" I sulk

"Me" he smiles "I promise you that you are not fat"

"Okay" I say unconvincingly

"Nope I need you to say it" he says

"Sorry, I can't" I say grabbing one more slice of pizza and then I walk out the room and try to leave but Louis grabs me and stops me

"Where do you think your going?" he says angrily

I ignore him and walk back through to the kitchen where Niall, Liam and Harry are sitting down with a laptop in front of them.

"Hey guys we thought we'd just make this little live stream to tell you something" Liam says

"We want you to know that your beautiful no matter what anybody tells you, never bring yourself down" Harry says

"We've just noticed how girls talk to themselves and we don't think it's Okay." Niall says not taking his eyes off me

"We love you guys and stay beautiful" Liam says closing the laptop

"That was for me wasn't it" I say

"Yep" Harry says "you should take one direction's advice"

Sorry it's short xxx

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