Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

*AN: sorry for updating so late guys! It's been stressful for me lately-school work is insane. I haven't had much time to write this week but.. hopefully I can keep up this updating on a Sunday thing. What do you guys think of it so far? Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and days off if you're American and if not, I hope you have a wonderful week too :) *

The week went fine for Castiel. Despite the rough handling by his uncle on the day before and the glares he got from his father, he was happy for the week, now hovering on an almost completed Thursday, to be almost over and his brother to have left him alone, being too busy at work to torment the kid. However, today had started off rough with his late arrival at school, rushing to class to find Deans seat empty. He hadn’t seen the boy throughout the day and, when he walked in to his shop class and found his table empty, was staring to worry.

Sliding in to his chair, Castiel opened his notebook and started tapping his pen, looking around the class room in such a fasion that it was easy to tell he was nervous, edgy. Today, as they had been doing all week, shop class was presenting projects. However, Dean and Castiel were signed up to present today, thinking they’d both be here seeing as the plan was for Dean to not be gone until tomorrow. However, Castiel sat there, alone, and in the midst of a near panic attack as he realized he would be presenting alone.  For some, this was no big deal, just meant they would have to say a little bit more. But Castiel was not one of those people.

His first presentation had gone.. rough to say the least. Staring out with stumbling words falling from his mouth and ending up falling flat on his face, smashing the project to pieces on the way back to his desk; it was pretty obvious as to why he wasn’t fond of presentations, especially with the entirety of it laying on his shoulders now.

“Mr. Novak and Mr. Winchester. You’re up.” The teacher says shortly after class began. He looked up to find the table he had called only housing one of the pair of boys. He frowned, looking both confused and upset at the sight of Deans absence, a feeling Castiel understood. “Or just Mr.Novak, I suppose. Come on, hurry. We’ve got to get going.” He pushed, looking expectantly at his student, who was now closing his mouth he had opened to only protest.

“Yes sir…” Castiel mumbles, taking the robot he and Dean had built from the back where the classes were all gathered and bringing it to the front. He already felt panic close his windpipe, prodding his side and reopening wounds of insecurity and fear. Sweat pooled and the only thing Castiel could find to be greatful for in that moment was the trashcan being close.

The low, deep rumble of his (dads) car was the only thing keeping Dean calm. His knuckles were white as they gripped the leather steering wheel, white enough to act as another mirror, reflecting his worried green eyes back at him. This worry started the second he was woken by his father early that morning. Shooken by forceful hands he was commanded to get up, get dressed, and get packed in the car. They were leaving for the hunt a day early and Dean would have to drive; John needed sleep. This left Dean driving down the road far faster than any sign told him to go with Sam passed out in the back and John in the passangers seat. He wasn’t afraid of the hunt, in fact he was excited for it. He was afraid, angry, because he was skipping out on Cas for the presentation; the one thing Castiel didn’t want to do was the one thing Dean was now making him do alone.

He had attempted to call the boy all morning, praying for him to pick up his phone in a sleepy, out of it state since it was too early for anyone to be awake. However, the cell dropped to voice mail immeadly each and every time Dean called, causing the teenager to assume his shop partners phone was shut off. Dean tried reasoning with John too, saying he could stay till after school then take himself and Sam up safely. John wouldn’t hear of it though, demanding the boy get his ass moving as it was already getting late. This left Dean with no ideas, no clue what to do to help Cas. Right about now, he knew, Castiel would be presenting, and Dean only wanted to call the boy in class and help him through the words he would stumble on; sadly, the hunter had been out of cell covrage for miles, no hope of catching anything but annoying beeps on his shitty flip phone at this point. This left Dean to only sit and worry in his beloved leather interior, seeing as neither of his family members could be bothered to wake the fuck up long enough for him to play music or distract him with mindless chatter. The sonsofbitches

Bruised: A Destiel AUWhere stories live. Discover now