Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

Dean grew to hate working. The ending of school began to creep onto the seniors as May began to draw to a close and June threatened to bloom on the other side. For all other kids, this was joyful, exciting, especially for the seniors. But Dean and Sam Winchester dreaded the ending of the school year. Sam was convinced that he and Jess could continue their relationship long distance and was determined to try. Dean wasn't as sure on what he would do. So he didn't think about it, instead he worked.

Now that Castiel was at Deans house, he felt working was stupid, a waste of his time. He knew it wasn't; it was what kept food on the table. Still, he couldn't help but be annoyed with his daily activities. It was this frustration that got him to take a Saturday off and declare it date night. It was a double date, Castiel and himself with Jess and Sam. It should be a little strange to have your brother on a date, but Dean was content with it. Sam and him were close enough, plus the couples spent a lot of time together around the dinner table. Tonight they were at a dinner table not in their tiny, run down house but in a fairly nice restraint. Perhaps Red Robin wasn't extremely nice to Jessica who was use to nicer things, but she was having a good enough time, nonetheless. They all were, laughing every few minutes at a new story. The brothers seemed to have an unspoken battle between each other, sharing embarrassing stories about one another or themselves to see what could get the biggest laugh from the group.

"So he's sick and I figured I'd take pity on the kid." Dean was saying, talking with his hands as he chewed on a fry, elbows on the table. He had perhaps the worst table manners anyone could imagine, but Castiel found that almost cute, as long as he didn't talk with his mouth full of food. "I get home with a coke and a new comic book I picked up on the way home to find Sam passed out on the couch. Figured I let the kid sleep, so I set the stuff on the table and went into the kitchen and I guess I made too much noise in there cause a few minutes later, Sams up. And I look over and he's way out of it. So I tell him that I got him a drink and a book whenever he's more awake. And I step over there and the kids literally spilled the entire thing down his front." Dean was laughing as he told this. Sam was bright red and sulking, but attempting not to smile as his girlfriend and Castiel grinned widely and listened. "I don't know how he managed it..."

"Alright, alright, go ahead." Sam sulked, a smile shining in his eyes. "We gonna head out?" He asked, starting to stand. Dean nodded and stood, throwing a few extra dollars of a tip on the table, having already paid the bill. He stood and waited as Castiel slid out of the booth and took his hand. Jessica and Sam followed the pair in a similar way as they exited the building to the car. From there they went to their main event for the night; bowling.

The smell of pizza and air fresheners hit the group as they entered the bowling ally, a classic rock filled car ride later. Dean was a cruel driver, not allowing anyone to change the music despite Sams unending arguing from the back seat. Inside the building, to Deans horror, they played a moderns hit station that was semi-bearable. Sam still enjoyed the twinge of pain Dean got on his face whenever a bad song came on more than he should.

The group got their shoes and balls and before long, the game was underway. Cas was rather annoyed to find his name spelled on the screen as Kas instead of Cas, but Dean couldn't help but grin at the way his face twisted into a scowl whenever it was his turn to go. Still, he was kicking Deans ass and Sam was the only one who had a chance of competing.

"When did you get so good at bowling?" Dean laughed after Cas got his first turkey of the night.

"It is not difficult, Dean." Castiel grinned, knowing Dean was having trouble with the actual bowling, not the aiming like most people. It was rather funny, especially for Sam who was so use to his elder sibling preforming perfectly at most tasks, to see the teenager awkwardly toss the ball down the lane, typically ending up bouncing it or landing it in the gutter.

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