Joeys pov

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I woke up in a white room millions of questions fill my brain
Am I dead?did he really beat me up that bad?did that boy I saw help me?
I slowly felt my eyelids lift and I was staring at a white ceiling I look to my left and I see all these machines and I automatically know we're I am this is not good I'm in the hospital there going to see my cuts and bruises from my dad ahhh crap there going to ask me a bunch of questions I look In front of me and see the door to my room. I finally look to my right and my heart immediately starts to quicken....... There in the seat next to the window is the same boy from the hallway back in school he must have noticed I was a wake because he's eyes fluttered open and he was looking at me
(D- Daniel J-Joey )
X- Hey your awake are you ok do you need water or something
J- no I'm ok but if you don't mind me asking who are you and how did I get here
X- my names Daniel and I brought you here after you got attacked
J- wow thanks I never thought someone like you would stand up for somebody like me
D-what does that mean somebody like me
J- no like I meant uhhh I'm so stupid I meant because you are soooo jock material and I'm just a nerd
D- oh ok and your not stupid I think your great
Wow he thinks great maybe we're going to be friends and maybe something even more
J- hey I haven't seen you at school before are you new
D- ya I just moved here from Pennsylvania
J- wow that's cool I've lived here in Boston my whole life
D- that's cool but I have 2 questions for you
J- ok shoot
D- 1 what's your name
J- oh how rude of me my names Joey Joey graceffa
D- 2 what happened to you does it happen often and why do you have so many cuts and bruises from before the attack
J- ummm well it happens as many times as Preston wants it to I've been attacked ever since I was a freshman and I have so many bruises beca- 
                     * trigger warning*
I stopped my self I barely meet him I can't tell  him about my home life he doesn't need to know what my step father does to me I have so many bruises because he , he raped me I was 17 and I had fallen asleep in my room and when I woke up he was on top of me reaking of booze and cigars he wouldn't stop even when I tried fighting dim he held me down and wouldn't stop I need to stop thinking about this or else I'll start to cry
                                *End *
J- I'd actually like to not talk about it please
D- ok we don't have to talk about it if your not comfortable
D-no problem
*3 days later*

It's been about three days and me and Daniel have been growing closer and closer I'm still not able to tell him my dark secret but he will either find out or I will tell him when the time comes.
(Authors note: ok so watt pad is acting dumb so know all my words have lines under them I will try to fix it but for know it has lines)

What the hell was that it sounded like it came from upstairs I was currently in the living room I think it came from up stairs . I walk up to my room to see
A/n YAYAYAYAY it's fixed continue the story )
Who it was I opened my door and saw somebody on my balcony I began to panic but when I got closer the figure looked at me then jumped from my balcony and took of sprinting really fast
I was creeped out. I told my mom when she got home and she said it was nothing
                           Next day

I was at school when I saw Daniel again I walked over to him and my locker which he was standing next to
J- hey Daniel
D- hey Joey you ok you look a little shaken up
J-ya last night I saw somebody on my balcony but when I got closer the jumped down and took off running
D- did you see what he looked like
J- no oh and also since we're friends could I have your phone number just in case
D- of course here
He gave me his phone and I gave him mine I quickly typed in my number and gave him back his phone
J- well I'll see you later Daniel
D-ok bye Joey
But for the whole day I didn't see Daniel I couldn't find him anywhere I thought it was weird but when the final bell rang I started to walk home I remembered that Daniel walks to so I waited for him were we usually meet I saw him so I walked next to him we were walking for a while and we were about to hit were me and him usually split and go our separate ways but he seemed a little uneasy
J- Daniel are you ok I didn't get to see you all day
D- ya it's just I really have to tell you something but I don't want you to think any differently about me I'm still your friend what I tell you hopefully won't change anything
J- okay
Okay now I'm nervous actually I hope he tells me he's gay because I would totally love him for who he is because I'm gay to
D- ok well I'm not what you think I am
J- ummm ok what do you mean by that
D- I mean I'm a bad person I'm, I'm a ......vampire
Ok well didn't expect that I'm not scared I'm intrigued but what he said next was what brought my heart beat to a stop
D- and I'm a vampire who has fallen in love with a human but he doesn't know
J- ohh well first of all I'm not scared that your a vamp and I bet he's a lucky boy to have you as a crush or possibly a boyfriend he's a lucky guy you should tell him
D-well that's the thing I don't know if he's gay
Oh well that sucks man I wish it were me but you know I'm happy for him I'm just glad we're still friends
D- Joey are u gay
Wow ok that was umm uncalled for
D- no like I-I me-an oh god I'm stupid I d-didn't mean it like th-at
J-umm ahh y-yes
D- whooooooooo
Um ok he just let go of a breath what is he doing
D- ok so you know how I told you I liked somebody but I didn't know if they were gay or not
J- ya what about it
D- well guess he's not straight
Oh shit I think I know who he has a crush on I-I think its me
J- w-what d-do you mean
D- well mr graceffa I like you and well I was wondering if maybe you would like to go on a date tomorrow
J-of course I'll go on a date with you Daniel well I'll text you later and we can set a time
I was a couple feet away when I heard Daniel say
D- wait Joey I forgot something
What he did next took me by surprise he used he's vampire speed to run over to me he put his hand on my stomach and his other on my face he brought his face closer to mine until I felt his lips press on mine I felt thousands of butterflies erupt thro my stomach our kiss was just so amazing he is amazing when we finally pulled apart  I looked up at him smiling he let go and I immediately missed his presence I was about to walk away again but he said something that caught my attention before he ran across the street
D- thank you Joey you just made me the happiest vampire in the whole world I love you
He said he loved me I- I love him to
J- I love you to Daniel
I don't think I was supposed to hear that because he looked at me with shock written all over his face his cheeks turned red as he ran across the street
I got home and went to my room I was tired so I went to take a nap on my bed I slowly drifted to sleep with one person on my mined DANIEL
                       4 hours later 
I woke up startled after I heard something crash from down stairs I got up to see what it was but I heard creaking from down stairs and immediately got scared so I grabbed my phone and texted the only person that came to mind Daniel
D- Joey ok hide I'll be there soon please stay safe and quite they hopefully won't here you I love
J- I love you to Daniel please hurry
I stopped texting and hide under my bed I heard the steps getting louder and louder towards my room when I heard the door knob jiggle and to black boots stepped into my room I held my breathe and tried not to make a sound but some how they found me and tugged at my leg fudge they were strong It felt as if a huge weight was thrown at my ankle it hurt like hell
J- ohhhhh fudge nuggets what the hell are you doing in my house damn I think you broke my ankle
X- ohh silly boy do you really think I'm here for you
J- well why else would you be here
X- to see how much pain I can cause your little boyfriend if I hurt you
What the hell is he talking about I'm so fudging confused
J- boyfriend what boyfriend
X- oh you idiotic boy the one that saved you from Preston the one that just told you he loved you I think you know who I'm talking about
J- he's not my boyfriend we barely even set up a date who or what are you anyways
X-well my name is jack and I'm just like your little "friend"  but I am also part lizard ( just role with it)you see I'm here to cause you pain
J- your a a vampire to b-
I couldn't finish my sentence he picked me up and threw me towards my wall I crashed against it with a thud
J- ahhhh damn
It hurts so bad
J- now I will give you one chance and after that you will be changed understood
J- what do you mean
J- well since you want to be with Daniel you'll have to change but again I will tell you what I want I want you to call him and tell him to hurry any funny business and I'll kill you or worse I'll turn you so pick wisely
I really had no choice but I wasn't going to tell Daniel to hurry so he would get killed
J- Daniel
D- Joey omg are you ok are you hurt
He grabbed my wrist and said
J- you shouldn't have done that
And with that I felt to fangs pierce my wrist God it hurt so much it felt like fire shooting thru my veins after that I felt another bite on my neck and another on my stomach the pain that shoot thru was to much it hurt so much
J- what the hell god it hurts what's happening
I started to shake uncontrollably and he just stood up and laughed I remembered Daniel was still on the phone
J- Daniel please hurry please I n-
I felt a hand connect with my cheek and a fist connect with my eye I winced at the sudden pain when jack started to talk
J-I told you if you tried anything funny I would turn or kill you and I decided to turn you, you see If Daniel tries to save you it will probably be to late but if he does save you well he won't because he will only see this one and this one

As he said that he grabbed my wrist and my neck blood poured out as my skin still had holes as he did this he turned me towards the wall and pressed me against it
                   *Trigger warning*
This felt all to familiar he was still holding my wrist but his body was pressed against mine I could already tell what was about to happen and I tried to get away but his grip only tightened
J- if  you keep that up I won't be nice I can see why Daniel loves you
He let one of his hands slip from my wrist while I was still kept in that spot as his hand started lurching towards my pants he grabbed me with one hand and I couldn't stop from crying
J- please please don't do this
He didn't say anything he just kept he's hand on my area and slowly undid my belt and slipped he's hand in my boxers I could take it anymore I tried so hard to get him off my but now I was furious I got all the strength in me to kick him were it hurt and run I grabbed my phone and ran to the bathroom and locked it i sat in the tub I tried so hard to calm down but I couldn't he was banging on the door when I was trying to open my phone but I was to slow as usual he broke the door and came straight to me
J-oh you stupid boy now I will have you trembling underneath me
He grabbed my wrist and flung me over his shoulder me kicking and screaming but my screams barely audible he threw me on the bed and ripped my jeans off he stared at me and stuck his hands under my shirt he touched the bite mark and I started to feel tired he was about to stick his hands in my pants when he stopped and looked at my lips I couldn't stop struggling he grabbed my neck and forces me to look at him when I did he forcefully pressed his lips to mine I gasped and he took this opportunity to stick his lizard like tongue in my mouth I felt like gaging he didn't stop his tongue it just kept going down my throat I started to gag and he finally unlocked his lips from mine bringing his tongue with him
J- now how about we see to this
He motioned towards my under wear he quickly grabbing me and pumping I let out a gasp but I couldn't help my self the venom was getting to me I couldn't think straight I felt myself growing closer and closer to darkness he had won I was going to die I was going to loss I was going to miss Daniel he was so sweet and nice I had really wished he was here but as I thought there has a bang on my front door and I immediately yelled for help I hope they heard me I was almost out when I felt jacks body leave mine pulling underwear up, putting a shirt on me and him leaving thru my balcony I was still tied to the bed trembling I couldn't hold it in the last thing I thought and said were
J- d-Daniel I-I love y-y-o......
Then I saw darkness

VAMPIRE; janiel auWhere stories live. Discover now