Trouble in paradise

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After waking up in the morning me and Daniel walked out the room and towards the kitchen I jumped up onto the counter with a cup of coffee in my hands as Daniel stood between my legs hands around my waist I sipped my coffee when we heard a crash and I dropped it feeling my skin cut and blood dripping down my chin I looked up at daniel to see he had a shocked and worried look on his face we both looked to where the sound came from and saw that somebody had thrown a brick through our window I jumped of the counter minding the glass and bent down to pick it up I saw that there was a rubber band around it and a paper in the bottom I took it out and saw that it was addressed to me so I opened it and what I saw had me standing still shaking it read

           oh that's cute thinking your safe and sound in his arms not possible I'm keeping my promise on making sure you end it and make him suffer it will end with you bloody and unrecognizable I'll make sure it's worse then those three little bites I left you with how's it feel to be a monster how does it feel to be lonely and be forgotten I'm gonna make you suffer until you beg me to end it I'll make sure of it
                            You Know Who

I started to cry and daniel came to me I heard footsteps but all that mattered was what that message said Daniel took the letter and read it his eyes setting a blaze in red furry and his fangs came out he grabbed me and stuck his face in my neck I could hear him breathing heavily as I whimpered he let out a growl and said

J- d-Danny I'm s-scared w-what I-if
D- shhhhh baby no what ifs ok love I'm going to protect you and so will Meghan and Tyler we will make sure your ok and that nothing happens
T- ya Joey we are not going to let this jackass take you away we will protect you no matter what if we even have to call people we will just to help
J- w-wait no m-more p-people a-ask c-Connor a-and t-t-troye t-they can help u-us c-can't t-they
D- of course I'll call them right away let's just step outta this room ok
M- don't worry J we will make sure he doesn't lay a single finger on you

Me and Daniel had stepped out of the room while Meghan and Tyler cleaned the glass we walked up to our bed room and sat on the bed I got up and looked around for Connors number I had finally found it and went to sit back on the bed I pulled out my phone and started dialing his number

C- Connor speaking
J- c-con
C- Joey what's wrong is everything ok what's going on
D- he's back and we need your help you and Troyes
C- we're on our way don't worry everything is going to end once and for all we'll protect you Joey
J- t-thank you

We ended the call and just sat there me in Daniels arms and him whispering sweet words into my ear we just sat waiting until I heard Tyler call out that somebody was here me and Daniel got up and left to go check it out I opened the door and saw Connor standing with Troyes hand interlocked with his

J- Connor Troye you guys made it come in

They walked into the house as I lead them to our living room we sat on the couches and started to talk we basically told them what happened this morning and there faces contorted from worried to horrified to straight rage Conor stood up furiously

C- he is not taking you and to make sure that doesn't happen daniel you may not want to hear this but we NEED to kill him he is far to gone and far to dangerous to stay alive

T- Cons right guys we need to kill him if we don't he is a great danger to humans and supernaturals he'll just keep killing until it's all over

As I listened to what they had to say it sank in how bad this was I could feel Danny tense next to me and when I looked up his eyes where blood red I looked at Connor and Troye and not trying to be disrespectful spoke quickly

J- guys please leave for a little I gotta calm him down or it'll only get worse

They both nodded and left almost immediately I quickly got up and sat in Daniels lap he immediately wrapped his arms around my waist and locked me in his hold

D- I will NOT let him take you even if I personally have to rip his head off just so he won't take you away from me I will NOT hesitate to do it

J- I know Danny and I'm all yours ok I know you wouldn't let him hurt me I have faith that you will protect me

D- or I will die trying

I looked at him astonished he even said that I looked down then up again I had silent tears running down my face when daniel saws look of realization flashed across his features he immediately started speaking

D- oh god baby I didn't mean it like that I'm so sorry I will not leave you ok I promise I will try my best to not die ok I will not leave you alone

J- I-it's ok d-Danny I know y-you didn't mean it c-can we j-just nap p-please

D- ya baby come on

He shifted us around a little and later down my face tucked into his neck and daniel whispering sweet words into my ear I could hear his calming heart beat and that lulled me into sleep the last things I hear is

D- I will not let him take you Joey I love you so much babes

A/n it's been a while about 6 months and I'm sorry I have no excuse to not have updated I hope you still read this book and I will try harder to publish chapters all the love
                             - Hunter ❤️🏳️‍🌈

VAMPIRE; janiel auTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang