The Incounter

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The house hold was quiet not one sound through the entire being but little did the seven  people sleeping there know that there was an intruder lurking in the shadows that that shadow will bring nothing but misery to the one being it has set out to ruin his whole life
The shadow like being creeps through the house up the rickety stairs stepping closer and closer to his desired target the boy sleeping next to his lover feeling safe and calm in his lovers arms unknown to him that his nightmare was lurking close
The shadow moves faster than predicted as the shadow opens the bedroom door with the star crossed lovers inside the shadow thinking it has the upper hand but little does it know it miscalculated the strength in bonds that those seven beings 'sleeping'  have together
As when it opens the door he is meet with a wall of several people all sporting there beings eye color

The first and most tormented soul a single eye of the most vibrant green and one blood red eye, His lover next to him only showing his true eyes his blood red much like his lovers

Next to them another couple one with so much power that the firsts his eyes a deep purple signifying just that his lover also standing proudly next to him with pink eyes

Another couple next to them one of a similar role to the first but with one having a crystal blue eye and a blood red eye showing his true forms, his small almost scared lover still standing proudly showing his storm grey eyes very fitting for his being

And lastly one who is with out a mate at the time standing proudly almost statue like with the most vibrant and golden eyes to be seen letting there wolf show its majestic colors

The shadow taking his true form showing the two beings that are in his body one eye a dull almost swamp like color , the other a single ruby red eye showing how evil the being is the shadow opens its mouth to speak its tormenting voice

" The gangs all here hmm, I wonder which will be the first to die" the laugh following after a horrifying cackle one that would scare the devil back to hell

      The pair with purple and pink eyes step forward the purple eyed man speaking first
     " With the word of the council I, Connor Franta, here by strip you, Jack, of your Vampiric abilities with not only the council backing but every single supernatural on this planet and hereby sentence you to death with the help of all the others"

       As he finishes his speech two men unnamed barged in grabbing Jack by his wrist kicking in his legs so he is kneeling in front of the seven the second being with pink eyes speaks

" As stated before as also head of the council I, Troye Sivan, here by strip you of your Vampiric abilities, we have seen and watched you torment every person in this room and know that not only will the supernatural world be safer but so will the human world now we can only strip you of your Vampiric abilities and not your lizard capabilities that is why we have brought in others, Gentlemen please make your presence known"

The men walking in the leaders of the lizard clan Sean McLoughlin his green hair signifying his leadership and his mate Mark Fischbach his fiery red hair contrasting against his lovers but ultimately complementing his lovers at the same time stand next to Connor and his lover Troye, Sean stepping towards Jack his thick Irish accent shinning through with how much anger he emmets

" As the leader of the lizards clan I am ashamed to know that you even have your abilities still that is why with the help of the council I, Sean McLoughlin hereby strip you,Jack, of your lizards ability and sentence you to death"

His mate, lover, walks over and stares at Jack his hatred showing with knowing his mate has stressed day in and day out with this low life makes his hands shake and fire to sprout into his hand not only being the leader of his fire clan but of the lizard clan, as well as his lover being a leader of both speaks his mind

" You have not only disrupted the council but the clans of others all around the world that is why I, Mark Fischbach, strip you, Jack, of your abilities any and all that you may possess and sentence you to death your soul not even deserving to go to hell but to just rot and be forgotten"

The group of powerful leaders stand together and are ready to give the lowly man his final sentence when a voice breaks through his voice low but steady and powerful

"WAIT.... I have something to say please"

The man stepping forward the elemental powers flowing through his body ready to be released onto the one that tormented him steps in front of the man and speaks

" Do you remember the last thing you told me huh!?! DO YOU!! No you wouldn't but I do in your letter you said you would win make me end my life make my love miserable but I got news for you no matter what you put me through no matter what you say to me I will always be me I have been scared and I will be more scared but what doesn't scar me is your death I am relieved to know you do not walk on this world anymore allowed to torment anyone ever again"

The man looks towards his other powerful friends and asks the one question he has been waiting to ask for 4 years

" Am I able to finish it or would you like to do it "

The others look at one another as a silent conversation passes over Troye steps forward he looks towards the man his friend the one being tormented his whole life and utters four simple words but it's enough for the other man

" Make Him Pay, Joey"

The man Joey turns his eyes flashing different colors each second showing just how powerful he has become turns towards the man that is the root of all the problems, his steps not sounding his levitating body moving closer and closer to his target as he forms a weapon but as it forms he stops and sets his feet back on the ground as he feels his right hand being grabbed and squeezed looking up he sees his lover Daniel his beautiful Vampiric mate his left hand grabbed by his best friend Tyler his hybrid friend that always protects him as well grabbing Tyler's hand is his mate Greyson small omega wolf looking to his right he sees his sister all though not by blood but by love and best friend Meghan grab Daniels hand Connor and Troye holding hands as Connor connects with Meghan and his new found friends Sean and Mark grabbing Greyson's hand standing together as Joey feels all the power of his friends and family coming together he utters the last words that this devilish soul will hear from them

" My friends My family all together giving me the strength that you vowed to strip from me, giving me the courage you sought to destroy, and the love that you wanted to tear from me, in the end Fate was on my side I grew stronger and smarter, smart enough to out think you, to beat you, If you thought you would win you are mistaken because with my family and friends NOTHING ! AND I MEAN NOTHING CAN TEAR ME DOWN!"

With those final words a beam of different colors is shot from Joey's body towards Jacks the devilish man not having a chance to react as the beam impacts him as a quick and painless death is given towards him his body falling to the floor crashing and dissipating  the people in the room let out a relieved sigh knowing that the tormented soul is released and banished to suffer at the hands of the devil himself the people celebrating as Joey and Daniel share a moment that has been long waiting they stand to the side embracing each other Daniel looking into Joeys eyes muttering the six words that have come to help them and know that everything would be ok

"Always and forever, I love you"
"Always and forever, I love you"

VAMPIRE; janiel auWhere stories live. Discover now