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Drumroll please! *drumroll drumroll drumroll drumroll*
THE FIRST CHAPTER IS HEREEEEE 😊 I hope y'all enjoy, let me know what you think 😘


"Ugh.." I groaned as I threw my blanket off of me and got out of bed. Another day, the same old riddle.

As I walked to the bathroom my phone started ringing, I answered, "Hey Hannah."

Hannah is my best friend, she had been for 4 years now, we met at the university.

"Hey Joanne, do you want to grab something to drink this afternoon?" Her voice chirped through the phone. It was 9 in the morning, how was she so happy!?

"I can't, I'm sorry, maybe after dinner?" I replied. "No can do, I'm going out with Mike... Too bad though, I heard they opened a new bar just down your street and I wanted to check it out."
"Really? I didn't know that, I might go and have a look tonight, since I have nothing better to do."

"You should! You could meet new people!"

"I don't need to meet new people, Hannah, I've got you and the other girls. Anyways, I've got to go get ready for work. I'll talk to you later."

"That you already have friends, doesn't mean you can't meet new ones, Joanne. But tell me how it went tonight, if the bar was nice and if there were any cute boys," she giggled.

I sighed, "Reminder, Hannah: you got yourself a boyfriend 2 months ago."

"I know, I know, just text me alright?"

"I will, but I really gotta go now. Byee."


I put my phone away and continued getting ready.


Twelve hours later I was standing in front of my closet, "What to wear... What to wear..."

I took out a wine red button up skirt.. "Nah.." I put it back.

With my eyes I scanned all the items in my closet again. Then my gaze fell upon a black and grey bodycon dress that had been lying around for ages but had never been worn. I tried it on to see if it still fit.



Moments later I walked into the bar. Music was playing and people were playing darts and pool. It seemed nice. I walked up to the bar and sat down on one of the stools.

"Hey beautiful, what can I get you?" One of the guys behind the bar asked. "I'll have a beer." "A beer, huh, coming right up." He took a glass and carefully filled it. He placed it in front of me, "here you go." I looked a him, "thanks." He smiled and winked before he walked away. I rolled my eyes, ladies' man. I turned around and looked at all the people there whilst I drank my beer. There were a lot of people, mostly men, but it was not too crowded. I bopped my head along to the music.

I felt a pair of eyes staring at me and I turned around. It was the bar guy. "What?" I said when I saw the smile on his face. The smile turned into a grin, "nothing I was just enjoying watching you enjoying the music." "Makes sense..." I replied sarcastically. "Hey, don't judge," he put his hands up, "I just like a woman with a good taste in music." He shrugged. "They are not very easy to find, you know."

"Sure, don't you need to go back to work?" I grinned.

"Actually, no. I own this place, you know, I can do whatever the heck I want."

"That's pretty cool." I said, and I looked around to see how he decorated the place. Lots of posters, paintings and records hanging on the wall. I turned back around," you know-" I stopped as I noticed him not standing behind the bar anymore. I felt light tap on my shoulder and turned around to see him standing in front of me. He reached out his hand, "wanna dance?" I looked at him and shrugged, "sure." I took his hand and he lead me to where some others were dancing as well. He took my other hand too and started dancing and turning me around.

We went on like this for a few more songs until a pretty slow song came on and I said I wanted something to drink. "Alright, let me make you something," he sprinted to the bar and grabbed a bunch of bottles. I watched as he poured the liquids into a glass. I looked at the tattoo in his neck. It was a rose. I noticed he had more tattoos, on his arms.

Then my attention was drawn back to his face, "here you go." He smiled proudly as he placed the creation in front of me. "What is it?" I asked. He laughed, "well it doesn't really have a name yet, but I can assure you that it's amazing." I chuckled, "we'll see about that." I took a sip and immediately noticed that the amount of alcohol in the drink was pretty high. But it tasted good. I looked at the guy who looked at me, expecting a reaction. I smiled at him, "I quite like it." "Yes!" He cheered, "I knew it!" I laughed and glanced at the clock on the wall, "shit!" I quickly knocked back the drink and stood up. But I sat down again within a second because the world around me started to turn, "wow, okay, that did not go as planned."

"What's the rush?" The guy asked.

"It's 1:30 am already and I need to go to work tomorrow morning," I explained. I could feel the alcohol still burning in my throat.

"Okay, hold on, I'll bring you home, you just drank all that alcohol in one chug, so it would not be very smart to let you go home alone."

I nodded, still a bit dizzy.

He left for 2 minutes and then came back with 2 jackets and a big glass of water. "I just told everyone that I was bringing you home so they won't miss me. Here, put this on." He handed me one of the jackets. I put it on. "And drink this." He gave me the glass. I chugged it down. Then he helped me stand up and guided me through the people.

"Alright, where do we need to go?" He asked when we come outside.

"Right, and then we will be there in like 10 minutes. It's just down this street." I explained.
"Make that 20, because you won't go as fast," he chuckled.


Heyy! Thank you for reading the first chapter of my story :) I just wanted to say that I will update at least once a week, hopefully twice or even more.
X Lisa

He KnowsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora