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"Alright, I'll do it." "Yes! Good choice!" "I sure hope so..." "It is, I promise. And since you won't have to go to work tomorrow, you can stay as long as you'd like," he grinned and walked around the bar, "wanna dance?" He reached out his hand. "Why do I get the feeling this has happened to me before?" I laughed and placed my hand into his. We danced and drank all night until everyone was gone.

"I think I might be a bit drunk," I grinned as I put my arms around his neck. "You know what I just realised," he said, a little bit drunk as well." "No I don't," I laughed. "I don't even know your name." "Oh yeah.." I moved my mouth closer to his ear and whispered, "my name is Joanne," I giggled, "What's yours?" "Take a guess," He chuckled. "Is it... Dave?" I giggled. "No, but the first and last letter are correct," he grinned. "I don't knoooow, tell me, mystery guy, tell me your name," I said, still giggling. "Man, you really are drunk," he laughed. "Am I annoying?" I smiled. "No, not at all, you just keep on giggling, but it's cute," he smiled back at me.

"Hey, hey wait a minute, I know what you are doing, you are distracting me, tell me your name, I told you yours... I mean mine." "I'll write it down for you," he took a piece of paper from behind the bar and wrote something down. He folded it and then put it in the pocket of his jacket, that was now mine. "Why won't you give it to me?" I asked. "You may look at it in the morning." "It is morning, it's 4am," I giggled, "so give it to me." "You know what I mean, Joanne," he laughed, "come on, I'll walk you home." He handed me my jacket and then took my hand. We walked to my house.

"Thanks," I said. "Oh no, I'm walking you up to you apartment. If I let you go alone, you'll be bound to fall down the stairs." I giggled, "alright mystery guy." "Stop calling me that," he chuckled. "Never." I whispered in his ear.
He walked with me to my apartment, took off my jacket and put me to bed, "sweet dreams, Joanne," he whispered before he left.


Next morning, well... Afternoon.. I woke up, my head was pounding, even more than the day before. I vaguely remembered the night before. I looked at my phone, 3 missed calls from my boss, plus a text message. I opened it.

I don't know what happened to you, but I will not accept this. I warned you yesterday, yet you're still late. You don't need to come anymore. You're fired. Your last hours will be paid. Goodbye, John.

Well that worked.. I laughed to myself. Then I remembered the note in my jacket. I quickly took it out of the pocket and opened it.

Douwe, 06-15206837 *not his real phone number haha*

Douwe... Cute. And a phone number... I decided to text it.

Me: hey

Douwe: who's this

Me: your mystery girl ;)

Douwe: Joanne??

Me: you guessed it! Proud of you!

Douwe: haha, how are you?

Me: fine, just a little hungover.

Douwe: I know just the thing for that, shall I pick you up in an hour?

Me: sure, what are we doing?

Douwe: you'll see haha

Me: tease.

I took a quick shower and put on a pair of black jeans, a blue top and black chelsea boots. I ate some breakfast and as I waited for Douwe to arrive I listened to some music.
Then I got a text from Douwe:

Hey, I'm outside

I laughed at the fact that he texted me instead of ringing the doorbell, I grabbed my jacket and left.

"Why didn't you just ring the bell?" I asked as soon as I got into his car. "Well, I honestly didn't know which one it was... There are no names for the different apartments.." "Ah, I'll make sure to do that haha, it's the top left button." "Good to know," he smiled.

"Oh, by the way, I got fired," I told him. "Good," he laughed, "that's a weird response to news like that." We both laughed.

"How long of a drive is it?" I asked. "About half an hour." I nodded.

"I'm surprised you're not asking me where we're going," he said. "Well I figured that I'd get an answer like 'you'll see'," I chuckled. "Ahh you know me too well already, Joanne," he laughed.


"We're here," Douwe said as he stopped the car. "A parking lot..." "Yeah, well, get out of the car and close your eyes," he said as he got out of the car himself. "Why?" "Because." "Wow great reason." I laughed. "Just do it," he crossed his arms. "Alrigh, alright," I closed my eyes and he took my hand.

"Take a big step here."

"Don't peek!"

"To the left."

"Watch out, this is a step down."

"open your eyes."

I did as I was told. The first thing I saw was water and a lot of sand. "Are we at the beach?" "Yes, but this is a special beach, the water is bluer, the sand is whiter and the sun is brighter. Also, this is a part of the beach almost nobody ever comes. It's great."

"It's beautiful," I said in awe.

"Let's have a walk," Douwe suggested. "Okay," I smiled.

We walked for a while and then sat down on the blanket Douwe brought with him.

We talked for a bit and I noticed that his eyes are as blue as the water from the sea. As bright as the sky. I never noticed that before. Must be because of the sun. I had never seen him in daylight before.

"Is something wrong?" Douwe asked, when he noticed I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying anymore. He looked into my eyes, making me focus even more on his.


"Huh? Oh, ehm, no nothing's wrong... It's just that.." I hesitated. "Yeah?" He seemed interested in what I had to say. "Ehm, I was just.. I just noticed how bright your eyes are, I never did before. They're mesmerizing.." Douwe smiled as my cheeks flushed red. "Thank you," he said and studied my eyes. "You know, I've been trying to figure out the colour of your eyes.. Are they green?" I nodded. "They're pretty. They have this dark border around them, I like that." "Thanks," I whispered.

"You know what we should do?" Douwe started. "What?" I asked. "Dance!" He exclaimed as he jumped up. "To what music?" I said. "I'll just play music on my phone," he takes my hands and pulls me up, "come on."


I feel like this is a weird chapter xD especially the beginning... But oh well, it'll get better!
X Lisa

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