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I woke up from my phone ringing. My head hurt a little. I looked at the time. Oh shit, it was 10 am already, I was supposed to be at work! I answered my phone, it was my boss.

"Listen, John, I'm sorry, I will be there in 30 minutes."

"Alright, I'll let it go this time, because it has never happened before, but next time there will be concequenses. You know I do not tolerate this, Joanne." "I know, I'm sorry, it won't happen again." "Good, now hurry up."

I quickly got dressed and ate breakfast. I didn't remember anything from last night after I drank that weird drink and realised I had to leave... I decided to go back that evening, to thank that guy who helped me out.


When I got home from work I quickly ate dinner and went to my bedroom to change. I put on a flared black dress.

Then I noticed a jacket hanging over the chair in the corner. It was his. I put it on. It fit me well. It smelled like him. I smiled, he was a typical ladies' man, but something about him was special.


As I walked past the bar I could already see his brown hair through the window. I walked in and went up to him, "hey." He turned around, "oh, hey it's you!" He smiled. "Yep, it's me, I wanted to thank you for last night, you really did not have to do that, yet you still helped made sure I got home safe." "Don't worry about it, after all I'm pretty sure I was the reason you stayed so long and I was the one who gave you that drink," he grinned. I playfully rolled my eyes, "well if you put it like that, then I guess it was your fault that I almost got fired today." "You did? I'm so sor-" I cut him off, "hey, don't worry about it," I winked. He laughed, "are you stealing my tricks?" "Oh you call them your tricks, huh? Is that all you got?" I teased. "Not at all, I have some special ones up my sleeve, but I'm saving them, for later." He winked. I shook my head as I smiled, "oh I also came to give you your jacket back, I never gave it back to you." I still had it on, so I started to take it off. "No, keep it, it looks good on you." He grinned. "Alright, thank you," I smiled, "but if you do this with every girl you walk home, you might have to buy some more jackets." "And how do you think you know how many girls I walk home?" He raised an eyebrow. "Well ehm.. I assumed that you do that at least once a week." I felt my cheeks turn red. "Well, will you be coming every week then? Because you actually were the first since we opened the bar." "You literally opened the bar 3 days ago..." "Ah man I hoped you didn't know." I laughed and shoved him lightly.

"But hey, since you're here, do you want anything to drink?" He asked. "I don't think I should, if I'm late once again tomorrow I will get fired for sure." He pouted, "ahw, just one drink?" "Fine, but just one, and just a beer! Not whatever it was you gave me last night." "I thought you said you liked it." "Yeah, but it was a hell load of alcohol, I'm not planning on getting drunk tonight." "Alright, I'll get you a beer, it's on me." He took a glass and filled it with the same care as he did the night before. He placed it in front of me. "Thank you."

"So where do you work?" He asked, seeming genuinely interested. "I work in a cafe, serving lunch and stuff, but I'm actually a writer. I graduated in English last year, but since writing doesn't pay until I actually write something good, I have this job to earn some money." I explained. "That's awesome, what are you writing?" "Well, nothing at the moment, I am so busy with my job that I do not have time to write anymore." "Why don't you work a little less then?" "I can't, it's either this or nothing at all," I sighed. "Well, I say you stay a little longer and get fired tomorrow." I looked at him as if his head just turned around 360 degrees. "Why the heck would I do that?" "Just hear me out," he took my hand and looked into my eyes, "writing is your passion, right? It's what you want to do." "Yes." "Why would you let anything get in the way of you doing what you love most?" I stayed silent, he was right and he knew. "You could even work here if you want, you get to choose your hours, and you'll get payed well." "I don't know.." "You do know, just listen to your heart," He squeezed my hand and let go, "your call." Then he left to go do something else and left me alone with my thoughts. They were racing. Should I do it, or should I not? What will happen if I do?

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