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We danced to Elvis and The Beatles, and many more great artist. The sun was going down already and the sky turned pink. "That's a sign that tomorrow's gonna be a good day," Douwe smiled. I smiled back and he pulled me closer to him as a new song started. It was 'Something' by The Beatles. He put his arms around my waist and I laid mine around his neck. I rested my head on his shoulder. He softly sang along to the music. I smiled and closed my eyes.

When the song ended I did not remove my head from his shoulder, nor did he take his arms from my waist. "You have a nice voice," I said softly. "Thank you. You're a pretty good dancer." "Thanks," I smiled, "I haven't danced in a long time. I love to dance, I used to take lessons when I was younger." "Why'd you stop?" he asked. I stayed silent for a while.

"I got too busy, and it cost a lot of money." I finally said. I could feel him nod understandingly. "What about you? Do you sing often," I asked. "I do actually, I write my own songs, together with two of my friends." "Really?" I looked up at him, "that's so cool!" "Yeah," he smiled.

The next hour we spent talking. I asked him about his tattoos and his music. He asked me about my writing.


"So how's life going?" Hannah asked. We were having dinner together. "Pretty good," I smiled, "I got fired from the cafe." "What? Why?" "I was late once, and then the next day I was late as well, so I got fired. But it's fine, really." "Okay... How could you be so happy about this? It was your main source of income!" She said. "Well, yeah, but it also kept me from doing what I love, besides, I already have a new job. Remember that bar you wanted to go to?" "The new one?" I nodded, "I can work there," I smiled. "Okay, okay, I think I missed a lot, you need to tell me everything that happened!"

I told her everything, from the night I went to the bar for the first time, to that afternoon I spend with Douwe on the beach.

"oooh, sounds like you two hit it off," she giggled. I rolled my eyes, "we're just good friends, there's nothing going on, Hannah." She smiled, "Sure, Joanne, keep telling yourself that. I've seen enough movies to know where this is going." "This isn't a movie, Hannah, this is real life," I sighed.

"So what was his name again?" Hannah asked. "Douwe, he's a singer," I smiled. Her eyes grew wide, "Really? Douwe? as in Douwe Bob?" "I honestly don't know," I said. "Joanne! You are friends with one of the cutest singers The Netherlands has ever known, and you don't even know!?" I shrugged, "You know I only listen to the radio, I don't know faces or names." Hannah sighed and quickly pulled up a picture on her phone, she put her phone so close to my face, it was touching my nose. "Is this him?!" she asked. "I can't see," I pushed her hand away and looked at the picture. "Yes, that's him." "Oh my god! You have to introduce me to him!" She begged. I laughed, "alright, alright, we could go to the bar tonight?" I suggested. "Yes!!" She cheered. "You really need to calm down though," I laughed.


An hour later we entered the bar. I looked around, but I did not see Douwe. I walked up to someone behind the bar. "Excuse me, but is Douwe here?" He looked at me, "Sorry beautiful, he's not in. He has a performance tonight," he smiled. "Oh okay, thank you," I turned around, but the guy behind the bar stopped me in my tracks. "Hey, aren't you Douwe's new girl?" I looked at him, "Ehm, well I'm not exactly 'his girl'," I said, putting airquotes around 'his girl'. "But we are friends now, yeah, " I smiled. "Friends, huh, I don't think Douwe sees you in that way... but that's up to you to find out and up to him to tell you," he shrugged.

"So, who's your friend?" he asked, referring to Hannah, who was standing behind me. "This, my dear friend whose name I am yet to know, is my best friend Hannah," I said as I pulled her forward. "Nice to meet you Hannah," he winked at her, "I am Nando." He reached out his hand and she shook it. "Nice to meet you too, Nando. That is a name I never heard before, I like it." she smiled. "Thanks! Would you like anything to drink?" he asked. Hannah nodded, "I'll have a red wine." He looked at me. "I'll have a beer," I said. "Sure, be right back!" he answered, and walked away to get our drinks.

"Please don't forget that you have a boyfriend," I whispered to Hannah. "A little flirting won't hurt, Joanne." She smiled. I sighed. "Alright, if you say so.."


I'm going to Germany for the weekend so I won't be able to update or write :) anywaysss I hope you're enjoying the story so far and have a lovely day!
X Lisa

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