Chapter 4

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It's her STANDARD - Chapter 4 

The doctor came back with the results and said:

-She hasn't got any problems..

Mami and Haruna were amazed:

-WHUT?! But look at her she's almost like a dead.. how is it possible?!

-If you don't belive what i'm saying look on the paper with diagnose.. -said doctor and gave Mami results.

-Eh... True! It says: "The patient is absolutely healthy." But how? How will you explain her spots, temperature and etc.?

-I think it is virus, which will be healen very fast and soon, so don't worry. Just let her stay in the bed for a while, also she has to drink a lot of water, tea, eat fruits and vegetables. 

Doctor wrote them everything that they had to do and girls headed to the house. When they arrived, Haruna went to the bedroom and fell asleep. Mami was making some meals and watching TV:

-ooh.. nothing interesting at all on this channels..I could go to the bar if Haruna was okay, but i can't leave her. So from now on i've to look after her and work har...-Suddenly she stopped talking and then shouted:

-OH NO! My work.. i forgot about it.. oh no, i had to be there half hours ago.. oh no...I didn't even practice anything..

She ran in the Haruna's bedroom and saw that she was sleeping

"I'll leave her food on the table and when she'll wake up she will eat.." 

Then Mami ran into the basement to search for her old guitar, after 10 minutes, she found it and then fastly ran out of the house. 

Looked like it was going to rain again.

-Oh.. Will this rainy season end?! It's awful.. - Mami was talking to herself while running to the bar. She didn't think to catch taxi or get up in the bus. 

After 25 minutes she finally reached bar. Mami opened the door. She was all wet, tired, guitar was also seemed too heavy for her now:

-Yes! I did it! I did it! - She was saying wuietly while holding her hand on the knees to breath.

-Hey, Mami! I was already thinking that you won't come! - Suddenly someone shouted. Mami looked up and saw Toru.

-Toru! haha, like you see i'm here! - smiled Mami, but she was feeling really bad.

-You look horrible! - exclaimed Toru.

-Well...thanks for such kind of compliment.. - said Mami and breathed deeply.

-Do i have some minutes to practice? - she asked.

-Sure.. You can practice in the hall or kitchen or in the dressing room. - answered Toru

-I'll choose dressing room. - geezed Mami and headed to her new "Practicing Room".

She opened the door, put the guitar on the floor and pulled it out. After hanged up the guitar belt and starting to play. At the beginning Mami was doing everything wrong:

-Ah..!! My fingers!! - She was shouting time by time. 

After an hour practicng, suddenly Toru came into the room:

-Mami, hour already passed.. time to play on the stage. At this time cold sweat "attacked" her. 

-I can't play.. i can't do it!

-But you need money, work. Don't you?

-You're right! For Haruna! I have to do it! I've to help her, with medicine and enough healthy products. - exclaimed Mami.

-Medicine? Healthy products? Is something wrong with her? - Toru started to worry about this narration. 

-Well... it's hard to talk about.. - Mami sat down on the chair and Toru did the same. They were sitting next to each other. Very close...

-She has red spots all over the face, also has high temperature.. in the sum, she's feeling horrible. We were on the consultation to doctor, made blood examination, but the results showed that everything is fine with her. - continued Mami.

-That's very strange.. Can i come today to see her? - asked boy.

-Sure, if you want. We both will be glad. - said Mami.

-Than i'll bring some fruits, but for now let's go outside! Time to play! - smiled Toru and they both went in the main hall of the bar.

When Mami saw the stage, she felt sick, but there wasn't other way. She rised up on the stage and started to play..At first everything was fine, but some minutes later Mami started to make a lot of mistakes, her fingers hurted and didn't command Mami. 

-I'm sorry.. i can't.. - said Mami. She was going to leave the stage, when Toru shouted:

-You can! Mami go back and play! you can do it! 

Mami got red, looked at Toru and whispered:

"For Haruna! For Toru!" 

She arrived and continued to play for more than hour. Mami showed amazing skills and it seemed that guitarist was having a lot of fun.

-Thank You! - Mami finally ended performance, thanked everyone and came off of the stage.

-Hey, amazing live! Give highfive! - said Toru and greeted Mami.

-Hai! Hai! Arigatoo! 

-So, when can i come?

-Anytime! I have to go now, sorry! I have to look after Haru! See ya later! - Said Mami and ran out of the bar. 

At this time, Haruna woke up, went out to the kitchen and saw food and a letter on the table:

"I'm gone to work, will be back in some hours. It's the food you can it.

Don't worry.. 


-She's so inocent sometimes and thoughtful. - smiled Haruna and started to eat. Suddenly door opened:

-Haruna! Are you still sleeping? - It was Mami's voice. 

-No, i'm on the kitchen, eating! - Answered Haruna.

Mami headed to the room and suddenly shouted:

-Haru! Your face!

-Wha..What's wrong with it?! 

-Have you looked into the mirror? 


-Then let's go! Look.. - They went in the bathroom and Haruna looked into the mirror:

-There are no sposts! Mami I'm not ill anymore! - Shouted Haruna and hugged her friend. 

-Oh, i forgot to tell.. Toru will come today to see you! - told Mami.

-Eeeh?! Whaat?! Toru?! No way!! Why didn't you say, that he can't come?!

-But he asked...

Than Haruna immediately ran into the bedroom to change clothes.

-Why is she so nervous? - thought Mami 

After some minutes Mami heared a knock on the door:

-It's him... Haruna! It's him! - She shouted.

Haru ran out of the room and stood beside Mami. Girls opened the door and saw tall, young boy with some fruits and juices in his hands:


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