Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - It's her STANDARD

-Surprise!! - young boy shouted when girls opened the door.

-Doctor?! - They both exclaimed at the same time. 

-Can i come inside? - He asked.

Girls noded. Boy came in and Mami closed the door.

-But what..what are you doing here? How did you find our house?! - Asked Haruna.

-Wel.. i'll start from the beginning. -said he. - At first, you wrote your adress in the information blank and i decided to come and see how my patient is. It's the most weird thing i've ever seen. Show me your face Haruna..- Doctor touched Haruna's face to look at it. 

-I i said, she's healthy! No need to worry about anything. 

Mami was pretty surprised by this kind of twist of the situation. 

"But, where's Toru?" 

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Mami jumped up of the chair and ran to open it. Haruna didn't notice anything. She was chatting with doctor. 

-Hello, mamichuu! - greeted Toru.

-Hello, come in please. - Greeted Mami.

-i brought some fruits like you said..-He said, but suddenly heard Haruna's and doctor's laugh, - Am i odd here? I can come later, looks like you have a guest.

Mami got nervous because of his words, but survived this feeling and answered:

-It's Haruna's doctor, you can come in! - She took bag full of fruits from Toru and closed the door.

-Hello Haruna! 

Girl quickly stood up and hugged new visistor. Doctor and Mami were standing in the corner and watched couple talking to each other:

-I'm so sorry that i didn't introduce myself! I'm Toru, barman in the bar where Mami works. - exclaimed Toru.

-Actually, girls don't know my name too -  giggled boy. - I'm Mamoru. Nice to meet you.

Girls were amazed, how these wo boys got along with each other very well. Suddenly Mami asked:

-If it's not a secret, how old are you both?

Boys looked up at eachother and said in the same time:


Everyone started to laugh. Mami went to the kitchen and began to search some sweets for the guests. At that time Mamoru came in:

-Can i help?

-No need. I can do everything myself.- answered Mami.

-I'll take plates..

"Why won't he leave me alone?!"  

When Mami was poring tea, now in the room came Toru and suggested his help as Mamoru. He took the cups and put them in front of the Haru and doctor. Looked like they were haveing a great time together.

Mami finished her work in the kitchen and when she arrived to the dining room:

-Finally Mamichan!  Come sit with us! -yelled Haruna.

-But don't shout that loud okay?

-Got it.

For a minute there was a silence, because they didn't know what to talk about, but then Toru started a conversation:

-So, i heard about Haruna's fever, that's why i'm here. Is now everything okay with her doctor? 

-Actually, it's the weirdest fever i've seen, but yes. The results showed that there's nothing serious with her, you can all calm down now.

-Thank goddness! - whispered Mami

-Oh, and don't call me doctor again, i'm not a stranger anymore right? - laughed Mamoru.

-Yeah, right. - answered Toru. - Can i steal Haruna for a minute?

Mami noded, but thought that something smelt weird. 

-Are you coming Haruna? 

-Sure, but what's the matter? - she asked.

-I'll tell you later.

They both stood up and went to Haruna's bedroom.

-Mamoru-san, what to do? - Mami started to get nervous.

-Don't worry, they just went to talk. Everything is okay. Like Haruna told me they haven't seen each other many years right? So, there is nothing to worry about.

Mami calmed down.

*Passed 5 minutes

*Passed 10 minutes

-Where are they? What are they doing? 

Mamoru couldn't tell a word, so Mami decided to go and look at them. When she opened the door of the door, saw Haruna and Toru hugging each other.

"I guess i was wrong.."  but was everything like she thought? 

Mami was going to close the door, when Toru kissed Haruna...

Her eyes got full of tears..


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