Chapter 8 - Waking up

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-HARUNA! - Mamoru started to hit girl's face, but she wasn't breathing anymore. - What have you done? -He turned to Mami with a shocked face, but Mami seemed to be quiet. She was staring at him but didn't say a word:

-I'm doing this every week...-suddenly she whispered.


-After you said the results in the hospital, i didn't believe them. More than a week has passed since then and one day, early morning i entered her bedroom to wake her up, but i saw how her vein was growing and growing.. She screamed out to cut her veins and i did it.. She stopped breathing...I thought i killed her, but after an hour, she woke up.. the cut place was all healthy, like the knife hasn't touched it.. And since then i'm doing this every week early morning.. 

Mamoru was listening to her and at the same time was staring at Haruna's hand. His eyes were opened wide, mouth was opened too.

-How is it possible?! You cut her veins and after an hour she's alive again?

-Yup...At first it was very hard for me to do a thing like that, but when i understood that it could save her life, i agreed to do this when she needs it... - answered Mami ad came close to him. Than she sat down on the floor next to him and put her hand on Haruna's forehead.

-Help me to lay her on the sofa in the living room.. -she said and started to drag Harun to the living room, but suddenly Mamoru took her in his arm and carried to the sofa. 

-You don't have enough strengh..-he smiled and layed Haruna. Mami sat down near her and started to fonle her hair. Mamoru was standing.

-So.. can you remember anything that could make such kind of thing with her?

Mami put her left hand on the forehead and the silence fell in the room. For a moment Mami head a feeling like a heart attack and her hand fell down from Haruna's face.

-What's wrong? - Mamoru asked nervously, while he was standing on his knees in front of Mami and holding her hand.

-I...I remembered ... - Mami stood up and went in the bedroom to take out something. She quickly arrived in the living room.  She stratched out something weird in front of Mamoru. It looked more like a teeth of an animal, but he couldn't understand a thing.

-Last summer, we went camping in woods. It was very deep forest. We were walking there for three days. Once, when we made a camp fire and sat down on little float made by us..-smiled Mami. - Suddenly Haruna screamed out. She was holding her right leg. I came to her closer. It was dark so i couldn't see anything. I grabbed rotch and brought it near to her leg. There were marks of two fangs and one of them was stuck in Haru's leg. I took out it and now here it is. I just remembered, that since than, Haruna has become weirder than before...

Mamoru took the fang from Mami's hand and put it in the pocket. Than he took his coat and headed to the door.

-Where are you going?

-To find out what the hell is this... To my lab. - he replied and closed the door. 

Mami stayed alone with Haruna. She came close to her and touched her forehead with her lips. Than.. somehow Mami was going to touch Haruna's lips too when she opeed her eyes and jumped off. 

-Where am i?! - she screamed out nervously. She was all sweaty and wet. Her hands were shaking. Even if Mami said that after waking up there were no marks of knife anymore on her veins, at that moment Haruna's hand was covered with blood.. 

-Calm down Haruna.. -Mami started to wipe the sweat from Haruna's face.

-Haruna? Who's Haruna? - Haru started to look around nerviously. She seemed scared of something.

-What?! You're Haruna..Don't you remember?! 

-Who are you.. Why are you touching me..

Mami stayed away from her. Haruna stood up. She was getting close to the window.

-What are you doing? - Mami screamed out.


-Going?! Where?! from the window?! Are you crazy?!

-I'm going.. -repeated Haruna, opened the window and jumped out, but without any extra noises. Mami quickly ran to the window and looked out. There was no one. 

Suddenly someone knocked the door. Mami opened it and saw again Mamoru, breathing out deeply and holding something gripped in his hand. 

-Come in! - Mami couldn't talk easily. She didn't know what to do. When Mamoru came in he hugged her tightly.. Mami closed her eyes and tears fell down on his shoulder. 

-Don't worry.. everything will be fine.. - he whispered. Mami nodded in response and than took off her head from Mamoru. 

-So? What did you bring? - she asked while Mamoru was wiping tears from her eyes.

-The fang that you gave to me..I know who's.. i mean what's fang is it..


-Yes.. it is a fang of a really rare sake that lives only in jungles, but how did it appear in the woods here i don't know.. Only one bit can make a human crazy.. but there is another answer too... -he whispered and looked at the opened window and spots of the blood on it.

-What..What answer?! Tell me..-Mami started to scream.

-It can be a teeth of a werewolf... - he whispered and put the fang on the table...


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