Chapter 6

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It's her STANDARD - Chapter 6

When Mami was going to scream, she stopped herself, through if she was very jealous, angry, sad, she didn't want to ruin Haruna's life, but it really hurted her.

Suddenly Haru noticed her and looked up. Toru turned to Mami too and opened his mouth from amazement:

-Mami, look, i'm.. i'm..-Started Toru, but Mami stopped him.

-Don't tell anything..I wasn't sure that you will be devoted, but you? I didn't expact that from you! - Mami was mumbling and crying at the same time. Tears were choking her.

-Mami! - Haruna shouted when Mami ra out from the house and closed the door of Haruna's room. 

Mamoru heard this noice and headed to Haruna's room too. He was going ro open the door, when Haru ran out of there:

-What happened?! - He asked.

-Ask Toru! I don't have time to explain! - Answered rudely Haruna, put on her coat and ran outside to catch Mami.

At that time, Mamoru went inside Haru's room to see Toru:


-So? - re-asked Toru.

-What happened to them?

-Long story.. 

-Well, i have time to listen to it. - giggled Mamoru ad sat on the bed ad stared at Toru.

-I kissed her! Happy? Mami got angry on us and that's why she ran outside. - blushed Toru.

-It's not manly.. - whispered Mamoru to his self.


-No, nothing.. you should catch Mami and explain everything if you have anything to tell.. -said Mamoru and left the room.

-Where are you going? - shouted Toru.

-Catch up Mami! If you don't want her love, i'll steal it! - replied Mamoru and ran outside too.

Toru was alone in the house. He was only, who didn't know what to do. He liked Haruna, but at the same time liked Mami too, but the question was - Who does he love and not like?

At that time, Haruna came up with Mami, cought her hand and stopped:

-Will you stop for a second and listen to me?! - She asked.

-We don't have anything to talk about! - answered Mami.

-No, we have! At first let me clear your eyes.. -said Haruna and started to clear Mami's teared eyes. Then both of them went to the huge meadow and sat down on the grass next to each other:

-Mami, i'm really..

-Don't say that! I must be sorry..i didn't want to ruin anything, but,,

-But, you were jealous, because you like Toru. I know, you said that when you first met him.. How stupid am i?! If you want i'll fight with him...-suggested Haruna, but Mami denied it.

-No, i want you to be happy! someday i'll find someone too! - smiled Mami. Haruna started to fonle her head when someone, with warm voice said:

-Like me?

Girls turned around. It was a young, tall boy, who was staring at Mami:

-Ma..Ma..-Mami fastened.

-Mamoru?! - exclaimed Haruna, then she stood up, got close to him and whispered: "Good Luck" and hit his shoulder.

-Where are you going Haru?! - shouted Mami.

-See ya! - Replied Haruna while she was waving hand from the back.

Suddenly Mamoru sat down next to Mami:

-How are you?

-Already fine, thank you .. -mumbled girl and stared at him. - What did you mean by those words? - She was very shy to ask this, but the interest was killing her.

-Oh, that? I was just trying to make you feel better, that's all..

-Okay, thanks.. - replied Mami, but didn't understand a word he said.

-May i take you home? - asked Mamoru.

-no, thanks, i want to sit for a while.. - replied quietly Mami. 

Wind was blowing softly. Her hair flew into Mamoru's face. That time Mamoru was seeing a princess.. no, a queen! He's dream girl in front of him. He didn't endurace tempt and suddenly


Mamoru kissed Mami....


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