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A/N:Finally after 927349473729396483 years.
I finally update :')
I am currently waiting for Woozi to come back home.
'That's strange...he is suppose to be home 2 hours ago...'

I start getting the worst possible things that could've happen to Woozi.Like what if he was in an accident?Is he cheating on me?KDHSK.
I decided to finally call my older twin,Mingyu who is in the same group as Woozi.

Y/N:Oppa..do you know where is Woozi?He was suppose to be home 2 hours ago.
Y/N:wae?Did something happen to him?where is he?
M:You didn't know?
Y/N:What did I not know?
M:He..he is getting married.
He is in Jeju right now.
Y/N:bwo?married?Jeju?are you drunk?
M:Do I sound drunk?
Y/N:...I'll call you back later.
-End of Conversation-

Is this relationship nothing to him?
3 damn years down the drain
just like that?Unbelievable.

message from Woozi...
whatever just read it.Let's see what he has to say.

To:Kim Y/N

Y/N-ah~...mianhae.This wasn't what I wanted too but I did something wrong in the last tour.I had a one night stand. We didn't use protection and, now she is pregnant.I was so drunk that I thought the girl was you.You can hate me all you want but remember this.
I'll forever love you.


BWO?!..this bastard cheated on me?after 3 years.
FANTASTIC!!How lovely 😒.
Now she is pregnant.Great job Woozi great job.Now you're getting married to a girl you spent one night with instead of me who have spent 1095
nights with you.GREAAAT.Oh well...since it's for the best.


Ya babo!Why did you even drink in the first place?!3 years together and that was for nothing.But since it's for the best Woozi.I'll let you go.
Remember this though
'Don't promise a person when you can't keep that promise'
I guess this is farewell.
It was the most amazing 3 years of my life Woozi.I thank you for that.

From:Kim Y/N

Message sent.

Now I'm just questioning my life.Why am I even alive?
What did I do wrong?

*Ding Dong*

Aish mwoya...I was about to cry..oh well might as well check who it is.I went up to the door but the peephole was blocked so I had no choice but to open the door.

Once the door was opened,the tears I have been holding back flooded out.There stood Woozi standing there with the rest of Seventeen holding a banner that says


"Jagiya,you got saiked ;)"
"And you're sleeping on the couch :]"
Seventeen:OOOOH BURN!!!
"Okay okay mianhae but that was all a set up and we actually planned to go further but the message you sent panicked us so we just came
right after you sent that text. Forgive us?"
"Apology accepted you guys now come in or I'll lock you guys out~"

They all came rushing in.
After about 3 hours of games and opening presents,they all had to go home.I sent them off at the door and then I looked at Woozi.

"You *points at couch* today."
"Jagiya~ mianhae :'("
"You made me scared and sad :("
"I know..I'm sorry.But if I'm sleeping on the couch,then no cuddles for you tomorrow."
"Oh if I don't get cuddles then no kisses for you ;)"
"Aish...when were you so smart Jagi"
"Since 1997 ;)"
"Okay okay I get it..but please no couch?:("
"Okay okay come let's go to bed."

That night was quite magical too ;).How did I even get through 3 years with this dork?


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