• Mingyu •

878 17 0

It's literally still dark out here, everyone is still sleeping soundly and here I am awake. Getting ready for school.

I don't even know why I must get up early and go to school VERY early. You might think I'm the typical nerd but nope :).

I'm one of the "queenka's" of the school, but I'm not proud or anything. I just don't know why or how I ended up hanging around with them.

Anyways, I'm walking to school while listening to my favourite music playlist.It was a very comfortable playlist full of ballads.

It was all peaceful until I heard a twig snap.I turned around immediately and saw a guy wearing all black.
I turned around once again and ran straight to school.

When I reached the stairs near the overhead bridge, I was pulled into a familiar embrace.

"Don't worry, oppa is here."

I felt safe, since it was my boyfriend,Mingyu. I wrapped my tiny arms around his torso and snuggled into his chest for comfort.

It remained like that for a while until I heard a very low voice.

"Hey flower boy, pass over that girl.She's mine today."

I wanted to look at his face but Mingyu's arms restrained me from doing so.

"Ahjussi, how about you go to work to get money for your wife and kids.I don't think she would be happy if she found out you were stalking MY girlfriend when you were supposed to be at work."

I heard the guy sighed in annoyance and walked away.

"I swear I'm going to complain to the school to give longer skirts,Gosh."

I chuckled when I heard Mingyu grumbling. I saw him smiling as well when he heard me chuckled.

"I texted you to wait for me, why didn't you wait?"

"You did?I didn't get any messages though."

I checked my phone, no messages.I showed it to Mingyu and in return, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Then who did I send the message to?"

Mingyu checked his phone.
His face paled immediately when he saw who he accidentally messaged.

"What's wrong?"

"The mes-message w-when to Mr M-Min."

You know I should be a good girlfriend and comfort him saying it should be fine and all that but NOO :)).

I laughed at him. Such a good girlfriend aren't I? ✌.

"But you didn't do the homework he gave didn't you?"

My laughter died down.My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"Looks like both of us are going into detention huh?😏"

"Yeah,oh well it's just detention.How bad can it be?"

"So you're saying cleaning toilets isn't bad?"

"wow.. umm... okay fine whatever."

Mingyu smirked since he won this so called conflict. I linked my arms with his and headed for school,looking forward to detention with this weirdo.

hahahahahah hi?
erm... i'm sorry for being such a bad writer oml.

I just wasn't inspired and a shit ton of groups slayed me.

*ehem* Pentagon *ehem*
*ehem* SF9 *ehem*
*ehem* NCT *ehem*
*ehem* Astro *ehem*

:] #helpme

BUT!! From now on wards,
Instead of doing ONLY just imagines, I'll be making TEXTS TOOOOO!!!

and time to bless ya'lls with some seventeen shiet

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