💌 Woozi

669 22 1

A/N:If there is this emoji '💌',it means it will be a message thingy okaeii :))

When he finds out that you have a boyfriend (one of the members).

Woozi as your older bro

Jihoonie ❤

Y/N:I wanna come over to the dooorrrmmmm ( ;∀;)

W:are you coming to the dorm for me or for Jun hyung? (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

Y/N:ahahahah..... Jun obv

W:go to hell u dumb shiet

Y/N:I mean we're all goin to hell anyways →_→

W: ....  b i t c h

Y/N:last time i checked i was a human :))

W: .... what kind of human visits the dorm not for her brother but for her boyf?!

Y/N: meee :))

W: fck u

Y/N: I dun wan babies with u, u dwarf

*this user has blocked you*

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