30. I Bet You Won't Christmas

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hi i wrote a new book it's called "good bad boys" go read it k thanks



You could always tell when it was Christmas in the Styles-Tomlinson flat.

Harry would get up super-extra early and decorate the entire place, even their dorm room, in an insane amount of Christmas things. He always did it the morning of Christmas when Louis was asleep so that when he woke up, he'd be surprised. Needless to say, it worked.

So when Louis woke up this morning to a big ass tree in their bedroom, he was slightly concerned.

"Um, Hazza, what's this?" He asks.

Harry pops in front of him and Louis screams, not expecting to be this close. He's wearing a cute little Santa hat that's flopping to the side and a ten-sizes-too-big Christmas jumper. He's also wearing knee-high red socks, and they lead up to...


Harry's wearing fucking red and green lace panties.

And no pants.

He's really trying to kill Louis, isn't he?

"I'm really not trying to, Lou," Harry says, smirking at him

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"I'm really not trying to, Lou," Harry says, smirking at him. The sweater goes just below his upper thighs, so if he walked in just the right way, Louis would get a full view of his ass.

"W-what? Did I say that aloud?" He asks, his cheeks flushing the color of Harry's sweater.

"Maybe," Harry says and giggles, walking over to the bed and sitting on the side of it. Louis can see just a bit of the lace poking out and his mouth waters.

He takes a pillow and puts it over his face, pushing down. Louis screams into the pillow, the material muffling his voice, and takes it back off, placing it on the bed.

"Okay. I'm good now," he says, eyes avoiding Harry's lower area. He's focusing himself on the boy's beautiful features, which isn't really doing much good, either. Anywhere he looks, it's something more gorgeous than the last.

"Well, Lou, since you asked, this is Christmas! You should see the lounge room. It's much more decorative than this," he says, smiling.

"Harry, what time did you get up this morning?"

"Only five."

Louis looks at the clock. It's nine in the morning. This boy has been up for hours. He's dedicated, to say the least.

"Oh, Harry, you really didn't have to do this. I appreciate it, though. If you want to sleep some more, that's completely fi-" Louis starts, getting out of bed to sit next to Harry.

"No! It's fine, Lou, really. I enjoy doing this. It makes me happy... do you like it?" He asks. Louis gets out of bed, throwing on a Christmas jumper that has red and green reindeer on it. He also puts on some fuzzy socks, one red, one green. That's about as dedicated as he gets.

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