40. I Bet You Won't Tell Me

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(you wanna know what's absolutely fucking insane? the fact that in ibyw time, it's only been about three weeks.





bella_beverly are you excited cAUSE I'M EXCITED


If Harry and Louis made love into the night, and maybe a bit passed that, it'd be their little secret.

If after one round of Louis slowly making love to Harry and another of him fucking him roughly (all the while making sure he was okay, of course), the older lad admitted defeat because of how worn out he was, it'd be their little secret.

If Harry coaxed him to take a shower with him and ended up getting fucked against the wall of the large tub, it'd be the housekeeper's secret, because there's a little dent on the side that can't exactly be fixed.

And when they're finally clean and finally decide to stop jumping around like rabbits, Louis wraps his arms securely around Harry and murmurs little words of love into his ear.

After a while, around five in the morning, Louis stops whispering and Harry assumes that he fell asleep. Harry tries desperately to let his mind just relax, but he finds it impossible.

Thankfully, Louis starts talking again.

"Was... was it okay? Was I okay?" Louis asks, and he sounds nervous.

Harry's flabbergasted, to say the absolute least. Was it okay? It was... life changing. Mind altering. How does he possibly describe the feeling of cold water pouring over a cut, or falling farther and farther into the hole only to wake up before you hit the bottom?

"Louis," he breathes out, because god. "Should this be, like, a face-to-face conversation?"

"I'd prefer face-to-back-of-head, thank you."

Yeah, Louis' definitely nervous.

Harry laughs. "Alright."

"So, like..." Louis says after moments of silence.

"I don't know. I don't have any words. It was fantastic, but that doesn't really cover it. It was brilliant. It was... I don't know, Lou. I don't have any words for it," Harry admits, slurring his words seeing as he's still stuck in a post-fucked subspace.

Louis buries his head into the back of Harry's neck, nosing around the hairs that the scent of vanilla wrap around.

"So... it was good, is what you're saying?" He asks.

Harry turns around, ignoring Louis' previous wishes. Louis covers his face with his hands.

Harry smiles and pulls his hands away, holding them in the middle. "Lou, come on. Eye contact."

Louis whines. "But eye contact is so hard!"

Harry gives him a look, and he complies, gazing up at the younger.

"Louis, you were amazing. Brilliant. Fantastic. Everything I'd hoped for and more. Way, way more."

"You... you really mean that? Cause you know this was my first time. All I've ever had to go by was porn and Liam and Zayn telling me about them doing it which was really fucking disgusting and-"

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