Shootin' and Spillin' Secrets

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Cover art by Nevamyne Bloodvixen

A/N: Hey! Just a little heads up but most of the end of this chapter is gonna be mostly about Seras and her "situation". For the people who have actually seen Hellsing it might be boring because I'm just going to recite the lines from that episode so I'm going to post another chapter tomorrow so you can have something better to read. 

Keyword of the day: e/c= eye color
                          Y/N's Pov

We went through another maze of hallways and finally ended at a door. As we walked in there were targets lined up in the shape of people. "I'm sure I don't need to tell you the necessary rules in a shooting range." Alucard said with a smirk, trying to keep his pearly whites from showing. "Exactly." I said with a devious smile as I loaded the sniper rifle in front of me and aimed it at the head of the target as I steadied my breath and turned the safety off. My finger, seconds away from pulling the trigger, I felt a strong hand grab my shoulder. I looked up confused and slightly pissed as I said, "What's wrong?" "Nothing, your stature is perfect, your aim is spot on, and you're keeping your breath steady as a rock but Police Girl is our sniper." He said taking the gun from me. "Police Girl?" I asked completely lost. "He means me." Seras said sounding depressed and disappointed. "Oh." I said still dumbfounded by the whole name. "So what gun will I practice with?" I asked curiously. "These." He said handing me two silver revolvers. Once I laid my eyes on them I felt like I got kid water guns which pissed me off. "Really? Are you kidding me?" I asked gritting my teeth out of annoyance. "Don't give me that look, they're only temporary, if you're a good girl I could have Walter custom make a gun for you my queen." He said teasingly as he held my chin and gently fixed my face to look directly at him. My eyes slightly widened as I realized he didn't have his glasses on and his pair of ruby red eyes were staring directly into my e/c colored ones. Feeling as if he was staring directly at my soul. Making me feel limp and hypnotized. "O-kay." I breathed out, still in his trance. A devious smile slithered across his face and revealed his pure white teeth yet again which snapped me out of it. He took his fingers off my chin and I turned to the target again. I shook my head to make my eyes focus again and picked up the revolvers again. I soon shot the target in the head and the heart spot on in one pull of the triggers at the same time. I slyly smiled as I blew the smoke off of them and spun them around before I set them back down on the shooting ledge. "Well done my precious." Alucard said looking very pleased, still showing his teeth. "Ah it was nothing." I said with a triumphant smile as I gestured him to stop complimenting me. About an hour later I finally got to my room and got into my pjs with Seras sleeping over with me. I asked her to stay with me so I could get the whole scoop on this place and what it's truly about. That and also there aren't many girls in my devision back at the base so I kinda wanted to learn a thing or two about being feminine since I was practically a tom boy at this point. "So, what's this place really about?" I asked hugging my pillow as I sat criss crossed. "What do you mean?" She asked confused. "Well it can't actually be about ghouls and vampires, they don't exist." I said with a smile. "Oh they're real alright." She said nodding her head quickly. "How do you know?" I asked confused and surprised. "Well I used to be a police officer, that's why master calls me Police Girl, and my team and I were investigating this church when we found a man biting into a woman's neck as if draining the blood from her body. He then turned to us with a blood soaked smile and gently swiped his arm to the side which made tons of ghouls appear and soon were coming right after us. We started to shoot at them until my partners got bitten by the vampire. I started running as fast as I could through the woods and tried to get back to the base but suddenly a wall of ghouls blocked my path. As I turned around I saw the vampire, standing there smiling as he said, "There's no use running." As he maniacally laughed. So I decided that my only option was to shoot the monster but each bullet missed. He soon teleported in front of me and grabbed my arm as he said, "Guns won't help you either." He then grabbed my breast which made me embarrassed when suddenly two ghouls come up to us. They were my partners Eddie and Simon. Soon the vampire said, "That's right, your little boyfriends belong to me now, but soon you'll belong to me too." Hearing that really ticked me off so I pulled up my gun and shot him right in the forehead. But that didn't do anything either, it just made him laugh more as he said, "I'm looking for loyalty from my servants, I wouldn't want a vampire with free will running around." He then swiped away my gun and twisted me around to where my back was facing him as he said, "Pity I can't find a virgin as lovey as you." He then touched my private parts as he said, "I'm going to violate you, I'm going to drain your blood slowly, then you will join with the rest of my ghouls, my slave for eternity." I screamed hoping someone would hear me. Then suddenly a man with a red hat and red coat came and stood there with a glowing smile. "Who the hell are you?" The vampire yelled at the man. "Your death." The man replied. "My death? Oh really? My god, this is pathetic. *laughs* kill him." The vampire said as he snapped his fingers which made all of the ghouls pull out guns and fire all at once. I saw as the man was being blown to bits. Soon a black cloud covered him as the ghouls firing stopped and the vampire said, "Is that the best you've got? *laughs maniacally*" Soon another laugh could be heard as well. I looked in shock as I saw it was coming from the dead man. The ground slightly shook and the air blew wickedly as what seemed like a small, black tornado whipped around him. From what I saw was the tornado was actually putting him back together like nothing ever happened. He then pulled out his silver caliber and started shooting all the ghouls dead, again. The vampire, shocked that his army was destroyed so easily, said, "No, how can he be killing them? It's those bullets!" I stood there amazed at what I saw as the man said, "This silver cross of Manchester cathedral was melted down to make these thirteen millimeter exploding shells. Nothing I shoot ever gets back up again." "But why? Tell me why fight to save these pathetic humans?!" The vampire said before he teleported behind me as he said, "Don't take another step. The girls the last survivor. Don't you want to save her? Be reasonable, I'm not asking for much. Just a bit of help. You can look the other way." The man then asked me, "Are you a virgin my dear?" My cheeks went pink out of embarrassment of the question. "What are you doing?!" The vampire asked enraged. "I'm asking if you're a virgin!" The man said tensely. "Uh-I-" I tried to say when suddenly the vampire yelled, "You bastard!" "Answer me!" The man yelled angrily at me. "Y-Yes I am!" I shouted when suddenly his gun was fired. It hit me straight through my left breast and hit the vampire. Soon the man got in front of him and pierced his hand straight through his heart as the vampire said his last words, "You, you." He then turned into ash and disappeared. The man then walked up to me and said, "I had to shoot through you to pierce his heart, I'm sorry but you're dying and there's no time left, the choice is yours, what do you want to do?" I reached my hand out towards him to help me. Soon my life flashed before my eyes as my hand landed lifelessly onto his. He then said, "Police Girl, tonight is truly a beautiful night." I then blacked out and woke up a vampire." "Whoa, so the man was Alucard who saved you?" I asked excitedly. "Yep, I'm grateful master saved me." She said with a smile. "Wow! That's amazing! Now I know why Tucker's so afraid of him." I said with a smile. "What do you mean?" Seras asked confused. "Oh, a partner and great friend of mine, Tucker, is deathly afraid of Alucard and I can see why. But..." I said looking at my pillow. "But what?" She asked. "But even after hearing that story, I feel like there's more to him than just that, like he's a diamond in the rough or something." I said with a slight depressed look. "I think that too, but I know he'll be never tell us his secrets, he's too stubborn." She said crossing her arms with a cute pouty face. "He he I bet you're right, he seems to be the type of guy you have to chisel before you get down to the core." I said smiling gently. "Yep, that's master for ya." She said smiling back. "Well I'm gonna go to bed *yawn* night." I said blowing out the candle. "Night." She said getting up and sitting by the window to look out it since she doesn't sleep.

To be continued...

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