A Stolen Piece of Art

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A/N: Hello everyone! So sorry I haven't updated in so goddamn long I've been super busy with work, school and shopping for the holidays but anyways I just wanted to address the elephant in the room. Aside from being a busy bee in my life sadly I've had no inspiration or ideas for this story lately. Don't worry I'm not gonna scrap it or stop writing it! I actually have some good news. I'm going to hopefully publish a new chapter on Friday or Saturday every week because guess what...I FOUND INSPIRATION!!! lol anyways if I don't reach the weekly quota I'm very sorry because I might have been too busy that day or forgot so look out for a new chapter on Fridays and Saturdays! Ok I'll let you get to the new chapter thank you all so much for being so patient with me it means the world to me. Love ya and happy reading!

Psst! Also heads up! There's gonna be some Italian in this so I'm sorry if I spelled it incorrectly I have no knowledge of how to speak Italian or how to write it but I will put translations after the sentence so you can understand lol, ok toodles!

                          Y/N's Pov

It's been a year and a half that I've been with the Vatican and working alongside Anderson. I've done odd jobs between training and missions like read to the orphans, feed the poor,  and preaching the word of God to people on the street who could care less. No matter how much I hated Anderson, the Vatican, and pushing religion onto people, I was actually getting used to it. I mean, it's not my favorite place to stay but at least I don't have to be out in a battlefield taking guilty and innocent lives as if they were flowers being picked. But I absolutely hated how positive everyone was. Yes I love positivity but how much they think and act because of it, it feels like I'm in some freaky robot cult. I don't know, maybe I just miss being a badass instead of a prissy virgin. What's worse I can't curse! I stub my toe and say fudge otherwise I have to gargle holy water and ask the Lord to forgive me for my sins. I guess I'm just so used to being around men instead of women because of the army since most girls in my generation wanted to be a nurse or something technological. There's nothing wrong with that it just means my division is a sausage fest. Plus I didn't really do good with girl friends. I'd either gross them out, be too graphic, sarcastic, and be a huge shit talker. Anyways enough about that crap, today I was going to meet Enrico Maxwell, the head of the Vatican's special operations 13th division, Iscariot organization. Apparently he is a big fish in the religious pond and Anderson wanted me to meet him today so I know who to protect at all costs. I was folding my clean dresses when sister Tina came in and said, "Sister Y/N, Father Anderson is ready to leave." "Oh ok thank you Sister Tina, please tell him I'm on my way." I said with a joyful smile. "Yes of course." She said with a smile back as she left. Once she fully left I just cringed and finished up my chores. I then met Anderson outside and we left for the museum where Enrico was. As we went through the side entrance Anderson said, "Be on your best behavior now. We don't want him to be cross and order me to kill you, am I clear?" "As crystal." I said as I rolled my eyes. Anderson annoyingly cleared his throat, obviously angry that I didn't say the right thing. "*Sigh* Yes Father Anderson." I said sounding like a kid who got in trouble by their parent. "Thata girl." He said with a devious smile as he patted my shoulder, heading inside. "Pervert." I said under my breath as I followed behind. We soon saw a man with long, white, pulled back hair, pure purple eyes as a pair of glasses rested on his nose with a purple, buttoned up, vest and purple pants, white gloves, and a silver cross hanging low on his neck. "Ah Anderson, so good to see you." Enrico said with a heavy Italian accent as he shook Anderson's hand. "Quite the pleasure of meeting you again sir." Anderson said with a very happy smile. "And who might be this bellissima angel with you?" (Gorgeous.) Enrico said with a sweet smile but his eyes screamed lust. "This is my new recruit, Y/N L/N." Anderson introduced me. "Buon pomeriggio Sir Maxwell." (Good afternoon Sir Maxwell.) I said using my bilingual tongue with a delighted smile holding my hand out for him to kiss even though I would rather bathe in acid. "Stupefacente! Sto facendo bene ora chi sei qui, il mio flore." (Amazing! I'm doing well now that you're here, my flower.) He said seductively as he gently kissed my hand. " Oh perché grazie." (Oh why thank you.) I said trying to sound flattered and bashful even though I wanted to barf. "Well I'm glad to see you two are getting along so well." Anderson said still with a happy smile.
"Me too, now on to business matters. How about we take a stroll through the museum while we talk business?" Enrico said as all three of us started walking through the hallway of beautiful pieces of art work. As time passed as they talked about Anderson being Enrico's bodyguard we soon were interrupted by a man who looked like a religious butler. "Pardon my intrusion sir but we must be going. Your three o'clock meeting will be here any minute." The butler notified. "Ah of course, I guess there's no way of getting out of this one *light laughter* please stay and look around, it's quite breath taking. Goodbye for now Anderson. Addio mio fiore." (Goodbye my flower.) Enrico said with a pleased smile as he walked off. "Arrivederci e buona fortuna." (Goodbye and good luck!) I called out to him with a smile. "Grazie." (Thank you.) He said still walking away. "I didn't know you could speak Italian." Anderson said sounding impressed as we kept walking through the beautiful museum. "Well when you're deployed all over the world you kinda have to know what you need to say." I said with a proud smile. "So, how many languages can you speak?" He asked sounding curious. "I can speak in eleven different languages. German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Swedish and obviously English but I don't count that one since I was born with that language." I said with a bragging smile. "*Whistle* My, you're a force to be reckoned with aren't ya?" He said as he looked at me with a sly smile. "You know it." I said with a smirk. I may hate Anderson but he was a great conversation starter. Time passed as we wandered the halls when suddenly a voice yelled, "ANDERSON!" It was Enrico. "Stay here, if you disobey you'll be punished." He said heading towards where Enrico was. I just rolled my eyes and acted like I was admiring a painting but was actually waiting for him to get far enough ahead so I could spy on him and see what was going on. I peeked around the corner of the hallway and saw Anderson walking past Enrico and towards a man in red, looking like they were ready to battle. Suddenly the man pulled out two familiar looking guns and aimed them at Anderson while Anderson did the same with his holy blade bayonets. 'Alucard?! Why is he here? Maybe I should call out to him. No, that'll catch him off guard and give Anderson the upper hand. Dammit, what the hell do I do?!' I thought to myself as my heart raced, beating a billion miles per second. I looked around and saw Seras leading an elderly tour group. There's my chance. "Psst! Seras!" I said in a hoarse voice as I waved over to her. "Oh hello ma'am, can I help you?" She said innocently. "Seras it's me! Y/N." I said desperately trying to show her it's me. "Oh my god Y/N! I can't believe you're here! Why are you here? And why are we whispering?" She said excited. "It's a long story, I need your help. I want to come back to the organization so badly, I need to get to Alucard." I said as fear of failing and never being able to see them again consumed my soul. "Yay! Ok put this on, it's a costume Walter brought along just in case something went down. Quickly put it on and join the group." She said tossing me a big, long, old lady dress, a white, curly wig, and a pair of big old fashioned glasses. I nodded and quickly did as she said. I was all set and immediately went into the group and we started to get going. The group then went in between Alucard and Anderson to stop them from fighting. My heart leaped as I saw Alucard up close again. He looked like he was about to leave until something caught his attention while Anderson soon left. It was probably the smell of my blood that made him turn around. We soon went into another room meaning the coast was clear. I quickly took off the costume and gave Seras a hug as I said, "Oh I'm so happy to see you again." "Glad to see you again too." She said happily as she hugged back. We soon stopped when she asked, "So why are you here? And what's with that ridiculous outfit?" "*Sigh* Well..." I said as I continued to tell her what all happened this past year and a half. "My god that's terrible! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. But don't worry we'll take you back to the organization. It's where you belong." She said with a warm smile. "Thanks, that means a lot to me." I said as I felt calm and safe for once. "Oh, but I beg to differ." A familiar voice said as he grabbed my wrist tightly and put a bayonet against my throat. "Do anything and her pretty little head comes off." Anderson said as we backed out of the room. "Y/N." Seras said looking heart broken. "It's ok Seras." I said as we left. He then took the bayonet away from my throat and started dragging me as he ran towards the exit. I struggled to get free as I screamed, "ALUCARD!! HELP!!" "Shut your Protestant whore mouth!" Anderson said angrily as he slammed his hand across my mouth. We then made it to the helicopter and he shoved me in as he climbed in on the other side of me as he demanded the pilot to go faster. We were about 90 feet in the air when I saw Alucard on the ground shooting at the helicopter. I quickly ducked as I heard every bullet hit the metal. Suddenly the pilot was shot in the head by a sniper  bullet. The chopper started to go out of control as I heard Alucard yell, "Y/N! JUMP!" "Oh no you won't." Anderson said gripping onto me hard. I struggled trying to get out of his grasp and I soon kicked him in the face as hard as I could, breaking his nose. He yelled in pain as he let go of me and I got to the edge in the opened area of the chopper. I looked down and got dizzy and woozy. I have a horrible fear of heights, at least when I look down or have to jump. "I CAN'T IT'S TOO HIGH!" I yelled back down to Alucard. "I'LL CATCH YOU! I PROMISE! NOW JUMP!" He yelled holding his arms out stretched. I stayed silent to get my courage up and soon my feet left the chopper. My body awaiting for Alucard's embrace. Will he be able to catch me?...Or is this the end?

To be continued...

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