Back into Your Loving Arms

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A/N: Hello everyone! So sorry the chapter hasn't been up! I had a medical issue to deal with plus the holidays took a toll on me but I should be back on track soon! I hope you like this chapter and hope you have a wonderful day and night! Love ya, and enjoy. ^_^

Cover Art by: S O L I D & E T C

                         Y/N's Pov

The wind blew through my body, giving me the feeling of flying. Suddenly I felt strong, rough hands wrap around me and strangle my throat making me dangle in mid air. "You're not gettin' away that easily!" Anderson yelled as he kept strangling me. I clawed and scratched at his hands as I was gasping for air, desperately trying to get free. Suddenly there was gun fire and the bullet went straight through Anderson's hand, making him immediately let go of me out of pain. While the chopper soon crashed and burned I soon was free falling, expecting the worse to come by cringing and waiting for the shattering pain of my body slamming onto the concrete. Soon I felt nothing but someone's arms catching me and holding me close. I slowly opened my eyes and realized I was safe and sound in Alucard's arms. I was alive. My eyes widened out of happiness with a smile creeping across my face as I quickly took off those orange glasses, revealing those beautiful, shining, ruby eyes of his. I gently cupped his masculine face and passionately kissed him. He jumped a bit out of surprise but soon returned the favor with more strength and just the right amount of roughness. My whole body became weak from the power and just the mere realization of me actually kissing him. We soon parted and gently leaned our foreheads together as our breath intertwined. "You have no idea how long I've waited to kiss those amazing lips of yours." I panted. "It just made it that much more delectable." He said with a low voice with a sly smile. I just smiled and continued to look deep into his intoxicating eyes. "Ahem." Sir Integra interrupted. Both Alucard and I looked at her very unamused face, Alucard smiling mischievously and me turning red as a tomato just now realizing we weren't alone when that happened. "S-So sorry Sir Integra. Just the heat of the moment." I stuttered out of embarrassment, getting out of Alucard's grasp and standing straight. "What was the meaning of all of this? And why are you wearing those hideous clothes?" She asked slightly cringing at my uniform. "It's a long story sir. Do you mind if I tell you when we're somewhere safer?" I asked, desperately wanting to leave. "I suppose since Anderson could get up at any moment. Follow me to the car, it's not too far from here." She said as she started to walk with Walter. I did as I was told and walked with Alucard as Seras ran to catch up. We soon got into the car and started to drive off. "So this long story of yours?" She asked for me to continue. "Oh yes sir, well..." I began to tell her how I had been under the command of Anderson and all of the training I did and the plans I over heard Anderson talk about that I thought would be important. "I see. *Sigh* Well this is a massive problem." She said sounding pissed. "Excuse me sir?" I asked confused. "Your military, more precisely your General, signed a contract saying that if we ask for assistance from them and have them send certain soldiers that they were under our control and only our control for the length of time they serve the organization. If mishaps happen and they have to immediately be sent back that they cannot go to any other base or establishment of any kind. But it seems your General chose a check instead of the safety of his putrid little life. It says in the contract if the head of the base or establishment does not obey the contract they shall be harshly punished and..." She stopped, looking like she was going to regret what she was about to say. "And what?" I asked sitting on the edge of my seat out of curiosity. "And, that the soldiers that were wronged by them shall come and do service for the Hellsing Organization." She said with a small pleased smile. "Wait, so that means I get to...stay and work for you?!" I said shocked and happy. "Yes." She stated. "*Gasp* That is amazing! Thank you so much Sir Integra I promise I won't make you regret it." I said beaming with joy as I rapidly shook her hand. "I'm already starting to regret it." She said sounding annoyed. I stopped shaking her hand and soon calmed myself. On the outside at least. "Besides don't thank me, thank the contract and your piss poor swine of boss." She said. I just nodded as a dumb smile was still plastered on my face. We soon got to a private airstrip and soon were on our way back to Hellsing. Hours passed and we soon landed. My heart was pounding as the plane door opened. Walter helped Sir.Integra out while Seras was behind her and Alucard and I were the last ones to get off. "Ladies first." He said with a slight bow. "Why thank you good sir." I said as I curtsied in my god awful religious dress. He just smiled as I turned and soon got out. I could feel the crisp, damp, England air as my boots hit concrete. I took a deep breath in of the delicious air and just beamed with happiness. Finally, things were going right. When Walter opened the front doors of the building, the smell of cleaner and antique furniture flew through my nostrils. "*Inhale* ahh, god I've missed this smell." I said with a smile as we all walked in. "Walter, take Ms.L/N to her room and have her change out of those, god awful clothes." Sir Integra ordered. "As you wish, come along Ms.L/N." Walter said as he walked ahead of me. "Yes sir." I said playfully. As we walked down the hallway a tall shadow loomed over me. I quickly whipped my head around and saw Alucard following us. "And what exactly do you think you're doing?" I asked with a devious smile. "I'm going to help you with your uniform." He said with a toothy smile. "*Light laughter* You wish." I said with a cocky smirk. He just stayed silent and kept smiling as we kept walking down the hall. "Here we are." Walter said as he opened the door for me. "Thank you." I said as I walked in and turned towards him, noticing Alucard was gone. "Here is your uniform, once you're done Sir Integra would like to speak to you about your assignment situation." He said handing me my uniform. "Oh ok thank you." I said with a smile as I held my uniform. "Welcome home." Walter said with a smile. "Thank you Walter. I'm glad to be back." I said with a smile back. Walter soon left and I shut the door as I started to get undressed. Once I was dressed, I took a look in the long mirror and my heart just fluttered. "Now this is more like it." I said as I checked how my butt looked. I then headed out to Integra's office. I walked in as I said, "Walter said you wanted to see me Sir?" "Yes, come in." She said as she was signing something.  I slowly walked in and stopped at the edge of her desk. "You're going to have to do some paperwork saying you were wronged and that you consent to being under our control." She said handing me some documents. "Oh ok, thank you sir." I said as she handed me the documents and a pen. "Here, sit." She said gesturing to the chair in front of the desk. I just nodded and sat down as I soon started writing. A couple hours passed and it soon was one o'clock. "*Sigh* Alright, I'm done." I said as I stretched out my arms and gently handed them to Sir Integra. "*Sigh* good." She said taking them, slightly looking tired. "Is that all or do you need an arm and a leg too?" I joked with a slight laugh. "Hah, no you're all done. I just have to make a trip down there and it will hopefully be all settled." She said with a small smile. "Alright, I'll head back to my room." I said as I got up and bowed. She just nodded and continued to do paperwork. I stopped once I reached the doorframe and turned as I said, "Sir Integra." "Yes?" She asked not looking up from her desk. "Thank you so much for giving me so much. I didn't have the greatest home life but you've given me more than I could ever ask for. I hope I can be useful." I said with a gentle smile. "You're welcome, and thank you for keeping up to my standards." She said with a tiny smile. "Of course." I said before I left. I soon got to my room and flopped onto the bed with a big sigh. I slowly closed my eyes and started to dream. I dreamt I woke up next to a bare chested Alucard sleeping softly next to me. I smiled as I gently brushed his long dark hair out of his face and gently kissed his forehead and whispered, "Alucard, wake up." He soon opened his eye lids and I screamed out of horror. His eyes were gone and his body was lifeless as I heard a familiar laugh. I quickly turned and saw Anderson towering over me as he wrapped his hands around my throat and said, "You thought you could run from me? You thought wrong Protestant whore!" He squeezed and strangled my neck until I could barely see anything as I felt his blessed bayonets cut through me slowly like I was just paper, while blood covered my naked body and filled my my mouth. I tried screaming but nothing came out except gurgles. He then slammed me against the floor and started to slowly stab, scoop, and cut my eye out as his smile widened to its limit. I soon lost vision in my right eye and my head started pounding. Anderson then whistled and Alucard's lifeless body got up and toward over me. Tears streamed down my left cheek as Anderson said, "Eat up you filthy mutt." Suddenly Alucard got on his hands and knees and started to devour the nape of my neck as I screamed in pain and terror. I then immediately woke up, gasping and panting from fear. I felt my neck and it was untouched and I could see out of both eyes perfectly. I bit my lip as tears streamed down my face. I was deadly afraid of Anderson and was always paranoid of when and how he would kill me. But the part where Alucard was eating me alive terrified me the most. I looked at the clock and noticed it said five o'clock, perfect, Alucard is still sleeping. I snuck out of my room and quickly ran to Alucard's mirror. I looked down both hallways and saw the coast was clear. I quietly pushed the mirror away and gently put it back, making the hallway pitch black dark. I lifted up my boot and grabbed a pack of matches I had stashed inside my sock. I fiddled with the box and soon got a match out and lit it by scraping it against the bottom of my boot. Soon I could see the stairs and began to tiptoe down them. The match soon burned out, burning my finger in the process, as I got to the bottom of the damp, cold, dungeon. It was pitch black again and I started to stumble with my hands reached out, trying to find Alucard's throne. I soon felt something soft and got way confused. I kept feeling and messing with it when suddenly a lantern turned on and showed Alucard with an unamused look. I looked and saw my hands were in his hair making my eyes widen as I quickly pulled them away. "Mmh, what is it my love?" He asked sounding exhausted. "Sorry I uh...*sigh* I had a... Nightmare." I said looking away as my cheeks turned bubblegum gum pink. He just chuckled and pulled me onto his lap. My cheeks heated up as he scooted me closer to him as he said, "Don't worry darling, I'll always protect you." He then brushed my hair out of my face and gently kissed me. I just smiled and kissed back and soon fell asleep against his warm body while listening to the lullaby of his heart. I finally felt safe for once in my miserable little life. It was a nice feeling that I never wanted to go away.

To be continued...

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 15, 2017 ⏰

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