Welcome to Sanctuary

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Welcome to Sanctuary

Sanctuary: Present Time
Steven and Lapis stood, awestruck by what they saw. All around them, were people, gems, and everything in between mingling and interacting as if it was completely normal. There were humans buying items from gems and gems happily conversing with them.

"Welcome back general." A gem with an oval and a triangular gem on her forehead greeted, tapping something on a holographic screen to close the swirling blue portal they had come through.

"Wow." Was all the duo could manage.

Jazz chuckled. "Impressed?" She asked.

Steven didn't even turn to her, simply nodding as he continued to process the world he was looking at.

"And to think, most of this was because of you." Green said.

"…I had thought that what I was doing helped…but I never could have imagined…"

Lapis smiled. "Hey, don't get all in your head yet." She told her friend.

Steven nodded. "Yea, sure." He said, going back to staring at the crowd.

Lapis rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around his, pulling him in the direction of the group.

"Whelp, I'm going to go visit my Connie. See ya." Rose Wings told the group before summoning his wings and flying off.

"Hey, wait up!" Water Wings called before flying after him.

Bismuth watched the duo fly off with a grin.

"Man, there's so much." Steven said, watching as an adult version of himself and Connie walked past with a young Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl squabbling at their feet.

"So, who's the leader here anyway?" Steven asked.

"Leaders." Green corrected.

Bismuth cracked a grin. "Our leaders here are the black sclera: the oldest gems in their universe."

"Who?" Steven asked.

Bismuth chuckled. "A Steven and a Lapis. The Steven was the one who took charge in the beginning and his Lapis never left his side." Bismuth looked to the Steven and Lapis next to her. "You know, I knew them personally back before your signals and they're actually not too different from you. I'll tell you more about them later. Until then, just enjoy the sights until we get there."

Steven nodded in agreement, Lapis giving a frustrated look towards Bismuth before taking Steven's hand in hers, joining him as they observed their surroundings.

Steven had never been so enthralled in anything in his life. Whether it was because the only contact he had for the past five thousand years had been the hyperactive water gem who insisted upon maintaining constant physical contact with him at all times or because he had never seen something so amazing, he didn't know. It could be both for all he cared. All he knew was that this place was amazing. Everywhere they looked, left, right, forward, up, there was some sort of activity. There were many faces Steven didn't know, while there were others he completely recognized.

He saw many Stevens and Connies, both as kids and as adults, interacting. He had actually seen an adult Steven and Connie with a younger pair and a Stevonnie, the adults acting as if the three were their children. Then, he saw a Smokey Quartz blushing as they held hands with a Stevonnie. Somewhere along the way, he saw a Lapis Lazuli happily holding hands with a Jasper and a Stevonnie. Here and there, he would see a similar situation with him and a Lapis, or him and a Peridot, or even a few times with him and a Pee Dee. Heck, one or twice he had actually seen an adult version of himself with a Jasper. Though, something else he couldn't help but notice was that there were many Peridots and Lapis Lazulis who appeared to be in a relationship with each other. It was surprising at first, but was something he quickly got used to. He supposed that it was a very common outcome in the multiverse.

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