Question & Answer

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Q: Gintarazimu asks, "Once again, I must ask how each version of each character is differentiated other than name. There are lots of Stevens, and there must be some way that they can be told apart."

A: Excellent question. I'm really glad that someone brought this up (because I had actually been wondering that myself). So, the system for distinguishing is odd, but necessary. Each resident of Sanctuary is given something akin to an electronic bracelet with a long barcode of sorts and three button lights on it. If you have become or are already friends with someone, they will scan their friend's barcode by pressing the button. After this, if they are uncertain if the person is the actual one they know, they can scan the person's code with the second button. If it is indeed the person they know, the light will light up. Depending on if you've saved another of the same person and in which order they were scanned in, the light color will be different, going through the colors of the rainbow depending on what order they were scanned in. If you went over the number of colors, then the second light would do the same.

First - Red; Off

Second - Orange; Off

Third - Yellow; Off

Forth - Green; Off

Fifth: Blue; Off

Sixth - Indigo; Off

Seventh - Violet; Off

Eighth - Red; Red

Ninth - Orange; Red

Tenth - Yellow; Red

And so on.

For instance, if you scanned a Steven you knew and later you wanted to check to see if it was actually him, when you did it would light up red if he was the first Steven you saved. However, the light would be orange if you had saved a Steven before that, or yellow if the third, and so on.

It might seem convoluted, but trust me, it's better than having a Peridot trying to kiss a Steven she thought was her partner, only to find that this Steven has a Connie that's more than willing to beat her to a pulp.

Q: FanficFan920 asks, "Will the canon SU universe be 'The Last Stand' for the Sanctuary people?"

A: I won't give away what I do have planned, but I will say that this question has brought up something important that I don't think I have addressed properly, the fact that there are more than kne of most types of universes. So, there are multiple universes that are like the canon series that exist (they are not anomalies and are referred to as 'mainstreams', 'anomalies' referring to the timeline types that have major differences the most common type of timeline, mainstreams). There are even repeats of anomalies as well.

To answer the question though, no the final battle won't take place in the exact universe thY we all love to watch on television because of the fact wouldn't actually be in the show. The idea that all universes/AUs/Fanfictions were all part of a connected multiverse with canon and saying that the battle happened in the show without it actually happening would be like throwing the idea out the window; it would mean that this whole multiverse is actually in an entirely separate existence, making the equivalent of an 'AU' of the actual show's multiverse (and that's territory I'm not dealing with today, no sir/ma'am). Of course, if Rebecca Sugar were to allow the battle in the show, then of course I would make it happen there (I would also cry tears of joy and faint all at the same time), but that'll never happen so we're stuck fighting around in the rest of the multiverse while the show's Steven's universe untouched. ;P Besides, I could never taint the beauty of what the show is with my poor storytelling skills.

Q: Flyingfishflops asks, "This puts me in the mind of Error Sans really. Would I be right to assume you've read CQ's work?"

A: While I have read and thoroughly enjoyed them, I had actually come up with this idea before that. Of course, back then my villan was just a power hungry sociopath with no real motive. Now that you've brought it up though, all I can think of is how my little guy and Error Sans would react to seeing each other.

Q: A guest asks, "Where's the anime reference?"

A: It's rather vague, but it's basically when Steven comments that the place they take their dead looks like one of the restaurants, to which Green replies, "Oh, well...we don't really bury our dead here. Unfortunately, they are needed for the survival of our more...ghoulish residents." It's a stretch to really call it a reference in truth, but that's what it was intended to be.

Author's note: And this concludes the first Q&A. Sorry if some of the answers were long, complicated, didn't make sense, or were answered inadequately. Also, I apologize that...I'm just bad at this...oh well, see you in the next chapter! If you had a question you wanted to ask but didn't make it in time, don't worry, there will be another one after Book 2.

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