36.) Cry a River, Build a Bridge and Get Over It

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"We don't belong here," I whispered to Alex after taking a long hard look at every pregnant lady sitting with us in the waiting room of the clinic. "They're all old."

Alex looked away from the aquarium and at me now, "Oh well, Soph. We're here, might as well make the best of it," he took out his phone and started playing some random game that had my attention as well.

"Excuse me," Alex and I both looked up to see an older lady, maybe mid thirties. Her baby bump was huge, leaving no doubt in my mind that this was probably one of her last checkups before the arrival of what was most likely not her first child. She slowly lowered herself into the chair next to me, a bright smile on her swollen, pregnancy effected lips, "Is this your first?"

I nodded but Alex started to speak before I had a chance to. I knew he was going to oversell this whole pregnancy, "Yeah it is," he threw an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him, "We're so excited. Well...I am anyway."

Her smile dipped a bit, showing that she was slightly uncomfortable, "Well..." The right words weren't coming to mind, "It's a scary thing at first, but as soon as you see your baby for the first time, you're going to fall in love and nothing else is going to matter."

I nodded while giving her a weird look and she said her goodbye before leaving awkwardly.

One of the doors opened and a friendly looking nurse walked out, a clipboard in hand, "Sophia," she called.

"I don't wanna go," I whispered to Alex, "This is weird. I want to go home."

Alex stood up, grabbed my hands and helped me to my feet as well. "No, we have to go. I want you to change your mind about all of this, Soph."

I didn't think I was going to be easily persuaded, but everyone else was just convinced.

I sighed, brushing past Alex to get to the nurse.

"Hello. How are you?" She asked whilst leading Alex and I to an exam room.

"I've been way better."

She glanced over her shoulder at be before opening the door and allowing us to walk in, "Most people are usually excited to be here," she said, closing the door behind her as I hopped onto the bed, my legs dangling over the edge. Alex sat uncomfortably on the bench in the corner, facing me.

"Well, most people aren't in our situation."

She looked curious as to what I meant by that but didn't press the subject any further.

"What all is going to happen today?" I asked. This whole thing was making me nervous. I've only been to a real hospital once and it was under less than pleasant means. Sio, Noëlle and I always went to the Family doctor at the mafia house and she was probably the friendliest person in the world. I didn't know anything about this doctor. What if it was a boy?

"Well..." The nurse dragged on, "You'll get your blood drawn so we can confirm your pregnancy, the doctor will sit and talk to you about your last menstrual cycle so she can determine your due date and then you'll be examined."

"Examined?" I questioned, hating the word.

"A Pap smear, sweetheart," she said the words as if she expected me to know.

I shook my head like crazy, even hopping off the table, "Um...no. I'm leaving."

Alex caught me before I had a chance to open the door and walk out. His green eyes were almost pleading with me, begging me to stay, "You don't have to do that, Soph. Just...do whatever else they want, please."

"Alex, I can't," I whispered.

"You can, you just don't want to," he let go of me, leaving the option of staying or leaving completely up to me.

I sighed, and turned back to the nurse, "I'm not getting that done. I refuse."

"Ok, well, can we draw some blood?" She knew she was treading on thin ice, so she asked the question the sweetest way she could have.

I nodded.


"High HCG levels?" I asked the doctor who just so happened to be a lady.

Thank god for that.

"What does that mean?" Alex questioned. We were both very lost.

Weren't they supposed to be high? That's what makes a pregnancy test show up positive, I thought.

"Well, HCG is high when you're pregnant with one, but it's higher when there is a presence of more than one fetus," she explained.

Sort of.

"So what? I'm pregnant with twins?" I was totally just joking around, definitely not expecting the response I got from her in return.

"Or triplets..." She added.

"Whoa, what?" If there was ever going to be a time where he doubted his ability to father a child, it was definitely right now.

I started crying hysterically, not even being bothered by the crazy look I was getting from this doctor.

"He's making me keep them," I cried whilst throwing an accusing finger in Alex's direction. "I didn't even want one, what am I going to do with two...or three?"

"You have options. You can adopt out, there's abortion."

"Everyone's made it pretty clear that I only have one real option though," I mumbled, wiping at the tears falling from my eyes. In the eyes of my family and friends, the only thing they were going to let me do was keep it...them.

Would they still be open to babysit after finding out they'd be watching over two, maybe even three babies?

Probably not.

We're all a little selfish.

"I refuse to be the bad guy," Alex pointed out.

Oh great, we were going to get into another heated debate over whether or not we were going to keep it, abort it, or put it up for adoption, this time in front of a complete stranger.

"You know, I don't really want to sound like an asshole, but maybe you should cry a river, build a bridge and get the hell over it. What's done is done, Sophia."

"Get out!" I yelled.

"Gladly," he wasted no time in getting up and moving to the door, "Tell your mom to pick you up. I'm leaving. I'll see you whenever the hell you come back to New York."


He was leaving California?

The Reject & Mr. Mafia's Daughter (MESMERIZED SERIES BOOK THREE)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang