I Will Always Love You

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Em's POV
I just watch as he breaks down in tears.
I can't tell him I love him. He's heartbroken.
I remember when I first met him personally. I had been watching him on YouTube for six years. I watched him loose so much weight and go through romances. I'd always comment on every video.
"I bet Dawn is really happy with you."
"Wow! Alesa laughs more than Dawn! I bet you're a lot happier now!"
"I wish I could be as lucky as her!"
I'd never cut in my life. Every time my mother had hit or punched me, I'd just think to myself,
You haven't met Adam yet, you know.
I stand in front of my dream man.
You don't know how many times you've saved my life, Adam.
Why can't I just tell him? It's nothing to be ashamed of. He's heard it from millions of other people before.
I look at him.
"Uh... Yeah?"
"I love you. I always have."
I stare at him.
"But you and Alesa just broke up!?"
He gets up and lays his hands on my waist loosely. He slowly gets closer to me. Our lips barely touch....
"Em you there?"
I shake my head.
Adam sits in his chair looking at me with great concern. I clear my throat.
"Uh... Uh what?"
He raises an eyebrow.
"Are you ok Em?"
I will be if you would even tap my nose once in a while. I'll be so joyous if I could start a family with you.
"Yeah I'm fine."
His smile goes away.
"Ok, well how are you actually feeling?"
He asks.
"I'm actually ok! I.... I promise."
I cross my fingers behind my back.
He sort of shakes it off. He turns back to his monitors. The words are displayed gigantically.
Adam and I are over after today.
He just stares at it while I stare at him. A few minutes pass by then he asks me to get him coffee while he continues to stare at her tweet. I sigh and walk away to the kitchen.
Adam's POV
I..I just couldn't make it. I was at PAX. Please forgive me Alesa please. You are the mother of my child. I want to support you through your troubles, I want to provide you with all the cuddles and chocolate and cruises you'd ever want. Why did I think I knew what love was? I can't ever keep my cool for longer than two seconds. First SetoSolace, then Mitch, then Jin, and now Alesa. I'm such a huge jerk.
Emily slams down an expresso on my desk. It splatters on my lap. I jerk up but zip my mouth shut. I breathe and slowly sink back into my chair.
"What? Don't have any other orders for me to do, Hitler? Don't you want me to bend over and pick up your little pen? Want me to shave your hairy back? No wonder you love harambe so f*cking much."
I sit there, taking her insults. I deserve them. I don't know why, but I just do. She keeps rambling about how much I suck. I turn and interrupt her.
"I'm so sorry, Emily."
She stops. She blushes.
"I'm sorry, you aren't my personal slave, you are your own mind."
She gulps and then nods.
"Um... Thank you. Um.."
She just taps her pen against the clipboard she's holding.
"Can I be alone, please, Em?"
She nods and backs out then closes my door. I turn back to her tweets.
I start to mumble a song.
"If I should stay, I would only be in you way. So I'll go, but I know I'll think of you every step of the way."
"And I will always love you. I will always love you. My darling you. Mmm."
I sing through the whole song, reading all her tweets and DMs and IMs and emails and text messages to me. I cry and try to keep singing.
"I.... I hope.. *sniff* life tr-treats you.. You kind an.. And I h- *gasp* hope y-you have all you... You dreamed of..."
I burst into a fit of crying and sobbing.
"And I... I wish t-to you... Joy... And- and hap-happiness."
I bury my face into my hands.
I remember her laughing as she got mascara on my nose.
I remember her fake crying when she realized I was going to screw up all her makeup.
I remember editing the clips of when she hijacked my camera to record Mason.
I remember hugging her by the shore at sunset in Oregon.
I remember it all.
Someone knocks on my office door.
"Go away Em."
I say between sobs.
The voice giggles in an adorable way.
She said. She opens the door. She has two long black ponytails hanging from her head, and a short little body to go with it. She wears tight clothes that look like something out of Fairy Tale. She comes in and hugs me.
"Max and Ross had told me what happened, I'm so sorry Adam, I know you've been trying hard. It'll get better I promise."
I sit there while she hugs me, sobbing into her shoulder.
"We- we... Sh-she... She was my EVERYTHING Jess! EVERYTHING!"
She rubs my back.
"I know, I know,"

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