Take Me To Church

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Yeah, this chapter took forever to come out, eat your heart out. Ok. Also I'll probably use a ton of words that don't exist.... They SHOULD OK!? Like "scraffling" on the other side of the phone, that's not a word, but you get it bruh. You made harambe proud.
This chapter focuses less on Adam and more on Mithross. There's a reason for the title. Ok.

Max's POV
I hold Ross's hand. I look at his pudgy little face, and imagine of all the dreams of unicorns he's had.
"I... I haven't t...told my mom.... Ross."
He nods.
I swallow at his command.
I ask, dreading this next sentence.
"We talk to your mom. Now."
I stare at him. He picks me up and throws me on his shoulder.
I yell. He slaps me down on our brown matte couch. He dug through my pants, somewhat tickling my back porch. I giggle trying to resist.
"R..Ross c...cmon."
He finds my phone and dials in a number. He forces it into my hand against my ear.
"Hello? Maxie? Are you here?"
A feminine voice calls through the phone. I gulp and look at Ross.
I want her to know about him.
"M... Mom. I need to talk to you about something, sit down."
I hear scraffling around on the other end.
She perks at me.
"Mom, I'm.... I'm gay."

Ross and I stare at each other waiting in anticipation. After a few minutes my mom exhales heavily.
"Is there like a medicine you can... Can take?  I mean surely there's a way to fix you, it'd be monstrous for anyone to just leave you with this...this problem!  I mean you must be sick!"

Ross taps my phone and ends the call.
Medicine. Fix me. I must be sick!
Ross crawls onto the couch and cuddles me. I cry into his shoulder. He ruffles my hair.
"Hey baby, there isn't medicine because you're perfectly fine. People aren't fixing you because there's nothing to fix. You aren't sick. You're Max."
Ross says to me.
"She's my f***ing mother, Ross! My own f***ing mother thinks I'm gross, and broken, and sick."
I say loudly. It wasn't yelling, but it was loud. Ross just sighs and continues to pet my head. After I few minutes I start to laugh.
"Why are you petting me like Galileo?"
I say laughing uncontrollably. He laughs too.
"Because I can, you dork!"
He says joking to me. We start joking and laughing and pushing each other. I jump on him and he tickles me. I laugh knowing my face is really red. We calm down and I just lay on him. Doing nothing. I rise and fall on his chest as he breathes. I cuddle into his chest. We lay there, just breathing.
"My lover's got humor. He's a giggle at funeral, who's everybody's disapproval. I should've worshipped him sooner."
I whisper to him.
"And the only heaven I'll be sent to is when I'm alone with you."
Ross whispers back, sending shrills down my spine.
"Take me to church, I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies, I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife!"
"Offer me my deathless death, oh good god let me give you my life!"
We sing back and forth as I cry.
"Only then I am human.... only then I am free."
We sing in unison. I love him so much. He loves me for me. No judging, no secrets, no back stabbing. Just love, trust, and ourselves.
Ross tickles me again and I giggle. (I hate the word "giggling" for male characters >:P)
"Hey buddy, wanna get some rainbow ice?"
I ask Ross. He smiles and covers his mouth.
"I think Sprinkles would like that my love!"
He says in a stupid voice. I laugh and kiss his nose real quick. We jump up and go to Kona Ice to get rainbow shaved ice.

Adam's POV
It's been two f***ing months. I'm a dumb***. I sit myself up on the pink covers. There's a pit of mascara where I sat for so f***ing long. McDonald's, Taco Bell, and Chipotle wrappers all crinkle together.
I'll have to thank Max and Ross for giving me food.
I go to my bathroom. I realize I had peed in that bed at least twenty times. I rush into the shower and take a thirty minute shower. I get out and ruffle my hair with the towel. I put on a Pokemon go shirt with jeans and attach chains to the pockets. I go downstairs and notice Milton hasn't been pestering me for like a month. I start panicking.
I scream into the house. More f***ing tears come out of my crippled f***ing eyes. I drop to my knees.
All I do is cry.
I'm a f***ing crybaby.
I'm the new Taylor Swift.
I pick up my phone and call Jess.
Ring ring ring.
"Oh... Hey Adam! What's up? Everybody misses you!"
Jess coos into the phone.
"Do you know where Milton is?"
I ask, straight to the point.
"Yeah. He's in my living room. I knew you wouldn't take care of him while you were depressed, so Jason and I picked him up while you were asleep."
I relax.
"You scared the sh** out of me you little f***er."
I respond. She giggles.
"You're welcome!"
She snarks. I sigh and thank her.
"Come pick him up wheneve!"
She chirps. I thank her again and she hangs up. I sit in the floor.
I really need to get my sh** together.

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