You Don't Have to do This on Your Own

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This is an authors note chapter.
Firstly, where the frick have my updates been?
I have softball twice a week, play practice twice a week, homework, studying, editing, and a lot more. Play practice and softball are the most time consuming, but they'll over be over in like a month.
I'm also.... Trying to figure out.... Myself.
Personal stuff I'm not really even 20% sure on.
I don't want to come out and say something that may not be true.
I also have a slight addiction to the sims...
If you haven't already, catch up on my story man.
If you don't you'll be seriously confused XD
I'm so sick of that, so sick of that love
Can you tell I'm listening to music?
Anyway. Ily ttyl byyyye

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2016 ⏰

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