Chapter 14 - Eve Escapes

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Eve's P.O.V.

I couldn't let Aura do this! No way, no way at all! Mommy and daddy always told me stories about Unicron and Megatron and Starscream, and I wasn't about to let a whole 'nother war start up again because someone was being mean and selfish! I was fed up. And that fueled my powers. Enough that the door finally broke and fell off it's hinges. "HYAAH!" I looked around. "I did it!!! Wooohoooo!" I ran across and over to Aura's room. 'Aura! Don't worry! I broke out! I'm gonna get help!' I told her before taking off. 'I feel like I'm two again.' I thought to myself. It'd been forever since I was human. But I knew enough of the Nemesis, of Decepticons to know exactly where the exits were. And sure enough, found one.

the bad news was my disturbance set off the alarm and Velocitronian guards were showing up from let and right."Get her!"

"Uh oh!" I narrowed my eyes. "Hrrrraaaaaah!" I used my telekinesis to shove them away, though it was pretty hard. I rushed outside and screeched to a halt. I was definitely NOT on Cybertron! Instead, I was in an arena?! With Predacons?!! "Uh oh." Velocitron. Nice going Eve. They literally HATE Cybertronians as bad as Unicron! At least daddy told me that much...

"Welcome everyone to Velocitrons annual Predacon Games!" shouted the announcer. Everyone in the audience screamed and cheered, eager for the event to start. "Not good, definatly not good." I muttered.

It was confirmed when several Predacons marched out, all of them reminding me of Predaking the day he tried to make me into a snack. I had a plan for this, though. "... MOOOOOOOMMY!!!" I shrieked loudly as they charged!

Just as one Predacon was right in front of me and tried to move in for a bite, another Predacon swooped in, grasping me with its tail and hoisting me up into the air before tackling the Predacon to the ground.

As I was in the air, I got a good look at the Predacon who, technically saved me. He had a very similiar beast mode to Predaking but with a different colour scheme and slightly different features.

I gasped as one tried to attack him, and with my telekinesis managed to throw him away. My optics flickered purple. I was getting afraid. Mommy told me that there was a 'bad' emotion that made our powers amp up but lose our control. Mommy's was anger, Aunt Avis's was frustration, and mine was fear. And it was enough to blast back every single Predacon.

"Eve!" called out a voice. It was the sound of a mech. I looked down to see the Predacon the protected me, trying his best to move against my telekinesis. "Stop it! Stop this before it gets out of control!"

I took deep breaths, calming down that everyone dropped. There was a loud commotion in the bleachers. "Uh oh." I mumbled. "Not good. Not good at all!"

"Eve? Baby is that you?!" I heard a female voice call out to me and I looked down to see....

"AUNT AVIS!!!" I screamed, rushing over to her open arms... only to be grabbed by that big meanie, Ransack! "LEMME GO! LEMME GO!!!"

"Thought you could escape?" taunted Ransack. There was a loud roar as the Predacon who saved me ran forward, transforming into his robot mode. He did look similar to Predaking. "Let her go Ransack." said the Predacon.

"B-better listen 't them!" I took a deep breath in. "AURA'S UNDERNEATH THE ARENA!!! GO!!! HURRY!!!"

"Dusksmite, go scoop it out." said Avis. Dusksmite transformed back into his dragon mode and flew towards the entrance and flew right inside. "Scrap. This is why I hate these games." muttered Ransack. "You are coming with me, as for you, eliminate her!" A bunch of Velocitronian guards appeared, arming themselves and preparing for battle with Avis.

Avis's eyes glowed. "FEAR THOSE WHO HAVE THE POWER!" She shouted the Kari battle-cry, lifting them up and pushing them into the walls, her disguise dissipating, dark-energon purple optics glowing.

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