Chapter 12: Speak Up Alredy

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*8 years later......*
April 2nd 2006

Dan's POV

"Come on Becca! Pleaseeeeee.....!!!" I begged pulling on her school blazer and she giggled pushing my hand away. "No Dan! You'd just make fun of me!" She said firmly but giggling slightly, I looked at her. "When have I ever made fun of you?" I asked smirking, she put her hand on her hip and stared at me. I laughed as she stormed off comically and I caught up with her. "Becca! Please tell me! I promise I won't make fun of who you like!" I swore.

I knew she had a crush on someone, but like always she'd never tell me anything because I'd always make fun of her. And I didn't know who'd she liked, me and Becca knew everything about each other. A crush was another thing.

Becca stopped and looked at me for a minute before sighing. "Promise you won't make fun?" She asked shuffling her feet in the pavement. I nodded, "yes I promise!" I said. She sighed heavily.

"It's the new boy, Tommy Mitchell. You know the cute blonde guy with glasses?" She blushed slightly mentioning him.

I never knew Tommy very well, I spoke to him a couple of times and he seemed like a cool guy. He was really intelligent and nice and I could see why Becca liked him. But us being 15 year olds he'd probably just be another fuck boy at the school. I just didn't want my best friend to get hurt.

"Wow, um okay then." I said unsure what to say. She whacked me arm and I turned around to her. "That's all you can say?!" She said and I laughed slightly. "I'm sorry! No really he's a nice guy. Maybe he'll ask you out?"I suggested. Becca twirled her hair nervously and looked at the ground. "There's no way a guy as hot as him would go for me." She said sadly.

"Tommy's probably got hundreds off girls lined up to go out with, he wouldn't go for me." She looked hurt, I grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around so she was looking at me.

"Rebecca Philips! You are the most smartest, prettiest, kindest girl I've ever met! If Tommy Mitchell can't see that then he's an idiot, you deserve a great guy. It may not be him, but you'll find him." I said, she blushed a deep red and looked at me. "You really think he might like me? We've been texting and calling each other a few times." She said smiling.

"Well if he doesn't like you in that way then I'll kill him!" I warned and Becca giggled wrapping her arms around my neck and hugging me.
"Thanks Danny, your the greatest friend anyone could ask for." She smiled at me. "So are you Becca." I grinned at her, she shoved my shoulder slightly and started running. "RACE YOU BACK TO MINE!!" She called after me as I sprinted to catch up with her laughing as we go.

Tommy was a lucky guy.

10 months later.......
February 18th 2007

Dan's POV

It had been ten months since Becca and Tommy started going out. They where the cutest couple anyway could ask for, Tommy was in love with her. There was no doubt about it.

It was Tommy who first asked Becca on a date, he took her to the cinema and then to dinner. Which sounds like a pretty romantic first date if you ask me.

I mean I say that now and all that together forever bullshit like every teen relationship where after a few months they end it but.......this was different. In some way they where perfect for each other.

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