Chapter 20: Lying Next To Me

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WARNING: contains *Smut*

May 23rd 2016

Dan's POV

"Jess what are you doing?" I said laughing as Jess was throwing rocks in an unusual way into the sea, we were walking on the beach for a nice sunny day for the beginning of May, as me and Jess were walking hand in hand but when she suddenly let go to throw some rocks in the sea.

"I'm trying to skimp some stones, but I can't!" She said laughing and I shook my head and walked up to her.
"Here, you gotta do it like this." I picked up a stone and took her hand getting behind her and showing her and she giggled slightly as she threw the Rock and skipped along the water as she jumped and clapped her hands in excitement.

"I did it! I did it!" She laughed and she wrapped her arms around me and I lifted her slightly while she had one leg lifted slightly and she let out a laugh as I spun her around.

I put her down and we stared into each other's eyes as she pushed back some of her hair her hair behind her ear as the wind blew in her face and she smiled at me.
"You're so sweet Jess and I love you but it's not like you won a noble prize!" I said and she giggled hysterically.

"Hey that was my life accomplishment! That literally felt like I did win the noble prize!" She proclaimed and I laughed kissing her chin and lips.

We told the internet that we were dating and now boyfriend and girlfriend, and as I predicted some fans were pissed that me and Phil weren't dating like they wanted us to. Some gave us hate, and others give us love towards some of the fans that come up to us and ask for pictures. Which is cute and sweet.

"I need to go home, but I'll see you tonight. I promise!" Jess said kissing my lips lightly and ran her fingers through my hair. "Sure, I'll see you tonight. I can't wait." I told her and kissed her one last time but I let go of her hand and she refused to let go.

"I don't want to go! I love the way you hold my hand!" She complained and pulled her close to my chest and kissed her nose and she giggled. "I know, but we'll see each other in a couple of hours. I love you." I said and we kissed passionately as she wrapped her arms around me and I picked her up spinning her slightly as she giggled.

"You're so sweet. I love you too. I'll see you in a couple hours." She pecked me lips and let go of my hand and walked off her hair bouncing from each step she was taking and looked back at me and smiled sweetly at me as I stuffed my hands in me jeans and walked off.

Phil's gone to his brothers house, so I had the apartment to myself. And I wanted tonight to be romantic.
It was coming up to our one year anniversary and I wanted our anniversary to be special.
I seriously couldn't believe it had been a year I had met the most special person of my life. I really loved Jess and I knew she loved me. She showed it and told me nearly everyday, she was special and different. And I loved that.

"Oh my god! You two are soooo cute together!" Becca stated sipping her coffee and I rolled my eyes and chuckled.
"She's so special, I love her." I admitted and Becca put her hand to her heart and 'awed'.

"Ugh! It's so obvious you two love each other." Becca said and I sighed and nodded.

"I feel great when I'm around her, she's so sweet and amazing."
Becca smiled and patted my arm. But sighed loudly, she only did that when she was sad or stressed.
"Becca what's wrong?" I asked and she gave me a sad smile.

Back In Time (Dan And Phil FanFiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora