Chapter 30: My Little Girl

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October 17th 2017

Dan's POV

" tilt it......yeah okay! No! No! Wait.....oh for gods sake!" I said to Phil extremely annoyed as we carried a heavy box up the stairs and Phil groaned.

"Well I can't help it! Just set it down here Dan!" Phil said and we both put the box down in the hallway and panted.

We gathered some boxes from Jess's place and put them in my room, it had been a couple of weeks since Jess moved in with us and we find out today the gender of our baby.

I was so unbelievably excited, I couldn't wait to see if we were having a boy or girl. Jess and Phil were thinking it was a boy and I just didn't have a clue what the baby was. And to be honest, I didn't care. As long as it was healthy and happy I didn't care.

Jess came in to see what all the noise and yelling was and she groaned.

"Dan! Phil! What did I tell you two; call me when we grab the boxes, I want to help." She said huffing and I shook my head.

"No Jess, it's not because you're pregnant......." I said and she raised her eyebrows and folded her arms.

"Okay maybe it is." I mumbled and she sighed annoyed.

"Oh come on! I don't want you guys to leave me out of things just because I'm having a baby!" She stated and I rolled my eyes but she smiled.

"I know I'm sorry. But me and Phil have finished, that's the last of the boxes." I said and she smiled.

"Thank you both so much but next time please let me do something." She said and I chuckled but nodded.
"Okay we will." I said and she hugged me quickly before rushing to one of her boxes and opening it and pulled out a stuffed animal.

"This was my first toy when I was born, I'd thought the baby might like it." She said and I gently took the toy from her and looked at it.
It was a stuffed mouse wearing a scarf and hat and it had the year of Jess's birth engraved on it which was the year 1993.

"It's so cute, of course we can have it for the baby. I love it!" I stated and she giggled as I handed it back to her and she put it back in the box closing it.

"Right, we better head off to the doctors to reveal the gender." She squealed excitedly and I chuckled.

"God I'm so excited. What are you hoping for?" I asked and she sighed but shrugged.
"I don't care as long as the baby's okay." She said happily and I agreed.

"Hey, Phil you coming with us?" I asked turning to Phil who moved one of the boxes to the side looking up at me.

"Thank you but I'm gonna meet up with PJ he said he needs help editing his video. So I'm gonna check it out, but! I want to know as soon as you guys know!" She stated pointing at us and I smirked and chuckled.

"Of course, we'll let you know. Also as soon as the baby gender is revealed we need to go shopping for baby stuff." I said and Phil nodded checking his phone and nearly cursing.

"Crap! I'm late I was suppose to be at Pj's ten minutes ago. I gotta go but tell me as soon as you know!" He stated grabbing his jacket and ran out of the door.

Me and Jess looked at each other and laughed slightly and she shook her head.

"Come on, let's go I want to know!" She wined tugging my hand and pulled me to the front door and I laughed.

"Okay let me grab my jacket first miss eager!" I laughed as she rolled her eyes but smiled as she put on her jean jacket and I put on my leather jacket and grabbed my keys before heading into the street.

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