Chapter 42: Seeing Is Believing

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September 14th 2020

Dan's POV

"Why isn't he here yet?!" Becca asked in a panic tone after rubbing her back while she was on her hands and knees, her back arched slightly.

"I don't know Becca but he'll be here soon." I told her and she screamed in pain as another contraction kicked in.

Two hours into Becca's labour and me and Phil were panicking over when Tommy was getting here, Phil called him and I hear him yell over the other side of the phone and Phil said he's on his way. But he should be here by now, if he misses this birth Tommy will never forgive himself.

"Something's not right!" Becca said her voice laced with panic, breathing heavily as she sat back up properly and I shot a confused look to Phil, who shrugged not saying anything because he looked like he was about to blackout.

"What do you mean?!" I asked looking at her as she panted throwing her head back and she squeezed my hand.

"I don't know! It doesn't feel right, something's wrong." She gasped out, her eyes started filling with tears.

I opened my mouth to say something but the door flew open entering JoJo who looked concerned and walked over to Becca's side.

"Rebecca, we need to check you're baby to see what's they issue we have here." JoJo said pulling out a handle connected to an ultrasound monitor, squeezing gel over Becca's stomach and guiding the handle around her stomach, looking concerned and worried at the screen.

"Is my baby okay? What's wrong?!" She asked in panic sitting up straight as JoJo inhaled sharply, but gave us a sympathetic smile and stood up abruptly.

"Excuse me for a moment." JoJo told Becca and rushed out of the room as me and Phil stared at each other and Becca started crying.

"Dan! There's something wrong, what wrong? I don't understand, what's wrong with my baby AND WHERE THE FUCK IS TOMMY!?" She yelled in fear while crying.

"He's coming, he'll be here soon I promise. And I don't know sweetie, I'm sure everything's fine." I told her and she started crying again, a mixture of fear and worry showed on Becca's face and I squeezed her hand in comfort.

JoJo entered again, coming in with a young man wearing a doctors uniform and had light brown hair and green eyes and smiled at us.

"Hello Rebecca, I'm doctor Evans. But you may call me josh if you wish. What seems to be the problem?" He asked and JoJo whispered into his ear and he looked concerned, sitting down next to Becca and moving the handle of the ultrasound monitor around her stomach and looked at the screen.

"Right, I just need to check you're cervix. I'm very sorry if this feels uncomfortable." He said apologetic and Becca nodded, as he lifted up the blue sheet between Becca's legs and Becca squinted as she gasped in pain.

"What's wrong with my baby?!" Becca demanded sounding really annoyed and worried, JoJo and josh stared at each other and he then turned back to Becca.

"You're baby is distressed and you're dilated ten, but you're baby is not moving. It'll be fine, but we have to perform an emergency c-section." Josh said and Becca's face dropped and she looked like she was about to have a panic attack.

"What?! No, I'm ready to push. I can't have a c-section. I can't..............will my baby be okay?!" Becca asked in panic.

"It'll be fine, don't worry we need to operate now or the baby won't survive Rebecca, I'm so sorry but it's an easy proceeder and I've performed it many times and you're baby will be fine and out before you know it. We first need to make an incision under you're belly button then-"

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