Jauregui siblings

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You were the youngest of the Jauregui family, being 5 years old you were the baby of the household and constantly being cooed over.

Your siblings, Madison and Jaxson are 18 year old twins and your mom's the famous popstar Lauren Jauregui, who was in the band Fifth Harmony.

She was currently away on a business trip, so you were at home with your older siblings.


Your older sister looked to your little body curled up on the sofa and held the cell phone against her ear. You had come down with a bad sick bug and your siblings were starting to get concerned.

Madison paced on the spot until your mom answered the phone a few seconds later.

"Hi mom, it's Maddi and Jax, can you talk right now?"

Your mom answered the call and instantly realized that something was off. "Hi babies! Of course! Is everything okay?!"

Maddi looked to her brother, then back to the phone, putting her hand against her forehead. "Okay don't freak out...but y/n's real sick."

"Don't worry ma, we're taking good care of her, she's currently laying on the sofa with lots of blankets and she's had some medicine." Jax added.

"What would I do without amazing kids like you" She replied gratefully. "Can you put her on the phone guys?"


As you were just turning in your sleep, you felt a gentle hand on your shoulder and heard your sisters voice. "Y/n, momma wants to speak to you."

You lifted your head up to Madison, with a hopeful look. "Mama?" You asked.

Madison nodded, passing you the cellphone, and you pressed it to your ear.

"Hi mija"

"Mama i miss you, i feel yucky" You whined as you felt sick again.

"Aw my poor baby girl" 

"Don't worry mama, Maddi and Jax are being my doctors." You said in the cutest voice.

"Are they doing a real good job?" She joked, making Jax and Madison giggle.

"Yep, but I wa-want you to be here."..."I love you mommy." 

"I love you more babygirl, and I promise i'll be home right away."..."Can you do me a favor baby?"

You nodded in response, and then realized she couldn't hear you. "yep"

She smiled at your cuteness, before speaking up again. "pretty please can you put Madison back on the phone?"

"Okay mama, I miss choo."

"I miss you more, and i'm going to be right there soon." She replied, but pain started again in your abdomen and you looked to your big brother.

"Jax, my tummy hurty"

Jaxson sat by your side and lifted your little form onto his lap. "aw, hang in there kiddo." He said softly, as he checked your temperature. "She's burning up Mad" He directed at your sister.

Madison took the phone from you and held it to her ear. "Mom, you might want to come home."

"I'm on it mija, can you guys hold the fort for about half an hour? I'm just on the other side of town but i'll put my foot down."

Madison nodded, "Okay ma, drive safely though mkay?"

"You got it darling, I love you guys."

"We love you too mom, see you soon."


Just after half an hour had passed, you were sleeping on the sofa cuddled into Madison's side. Your temperature had slightly decreased, but your stomach was still bothering you and you were exhausted.

You were sleeping peacefully when the twins heard the key in the lock. They looked between each other and smiled.

"Ma's home." Jaxson said, standing from the sofa to meet your mom at the door.

"Hey mom, want some help with your bags?"

She pulled him into her embrace and placed kisses all over his face. "I missed you Jax."

Jaxson laughed loudly and struggled in her arms, "ma, okay, you got enough kisses in." He managed to say between chuckles, wiping lipstick from his face.

"Sorry bub, I just missed you."

Your brother smiled, then looked out onto the driveway. "Do you need help with your cases?"

"Please baby, are your sisters in the room?"

"Yep, living room, I'll be back in a minute." He replied, hugging Lauren and then moving to get her luggage from the range rover.


Lauren walked slowly into the living room, knowing that when you're sick all you want to do is sleep.

"Hey momma." Madison greeted, carefully laying you onto the sofa and standing to hug your mom. "Y/n's just sleeping"

Lauren nodded in understanding, kissed Maddie's forehead and moved to see you laying on the cushions, grasping at your blanket.

She walked slowly over and lifted your little body into her arms. At the slight movement, you opened your eyes to see her clearly.

"Mama" You cried, resting your heavy head against her shoulder.

"Momma's here princess" She said softly, kissing your forehead. "Oh dear, you're burning up mija"

"I feel yucky." You whined and Lauren had a sad look on her face.

"My poor baby, i'm here now, everything's going to be okay."..."Now, you need to get some rest, wanna sleep in the big bed?" 

You nodded slowly and she secured you against her hip. "We just need to get you some medication, mkay baby?" 

You were carried to the kitchen and she sat you on the island counter. You were drifting to sleep as she poured some medication out and then moved back to you. She held the spoon against your lips and you shook your head in protest.

"I don't like it, tastes yucky."

"I know darling, but it's going to make you better."..."I promise." 

With that, you scrunched your eyes closed and practically downed the medication in one off of the spoon.

"That's it princess, you're such a superstar." She praised, hugging you close, then securing you back in her arms.

She looked back into the living room, Jax and Maddi were now watching a random crime show on netflix. "Guy's i'm just putting y/n to sleep mkay? We'll have a family day tomorrow, promise."

The pair lifted their heads from the screen, and nodded simultaneously "Night mom, love ya!"

She smiled at her children, "Love you too my baby's"

With that, she turned off the kitchen light and locked the front door. As you were relaxing against her comforting hold, she lifted you up the stairway.

You nuzzled into the crook of her neck as you walked into her room, she tucked you into the comfortable blankets and laid down at your side.

She ran her fingers through your hair, and just before you drifted to sleep you spoke up. "Can you stay here forever now mommy?"

Lauren kissed your forehead, and cuddled you into her. "Trust me, i'm not going anywhere babygirl."

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