Chapter 4 | The Growls of Danger

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"Wake up!" 

Karata jolted out of bed, a spear materializing in her hands with a flash of blue light. 

"By the Lysrix, Karata! Its just me!" Jan grinned at her, his emerald green eyes twinkling. "Are you always so jumpy?" 

She smiled sheepishly and tucked the spear back into her SI. 

"I'm always alert. Mornings are no exception." she explained.

"Well then, little Miss Pretentious. Do you want training today or not?" He started walking toward the exit.

"I didn't mean it like that!" She nudged Charcoal awake and ran after Jan. "Please, don't take my first day of training away!" 

Jan turned to look at her, and she recognized the mischievous glint in his eye. He had been kidding all along!

"Ohhhh! Don't joke about stuff like that!" She punched his bicep, then turned and jumped upon Charcoal before the raptor had a chance to growl at Jan.

He led her out the door and into the sunlight.

"So. You'll be going to a school on the Eastern Plains. I, of course will be your tutor. You'll learn from the best." He pointed his nose in the air in mock arrogance. Charcoal made a snorting sound startling similar to a laugh, and Karata grinned.

"Yeah, what Charcoal said."

"Are you insulting me?" Jan asked, feigning rage.

"No, no. Why would we ever do that?" Her voice dripped with sarcasm. They both laughed, already feeling the affection that bonds between mentor and student.

"Anyways, when we get there, I'm going to teach you the Code. You will be expected to memorize it. Then, I'll -- actually, you'll find out." He winked, then brought his fingers to his lips and whistled. Leathery flapping filled Karata's ears just before Fishwing swooped over her head and flipped Jan onto his back. 

Charcoal yelped and darted after them. Fishwing was much faster, but both Karata and Charcoal were determined, and the pteranodon never left their sight.

Through the forest, dodging carnos, swerving around compies, jumping over rivers. They stopped once to let Charcoal catch his breath, then they were sprinting again. 

Finally, they burst through the trees.

Karata slid off Charcoal, panting. The long, waving grass seemed to go on forever. Her eyes scanned the horizon and -- there! 

The school rested like a barnacle on the undulating grass. A large blocky shape with stone walls that stretched six walls into the air, and adorned with a wooden Dino Gate. 

Jan dropped out of the sky and appeared next to them. 

"We'll walk the rest of the way. I'll teach you the code on the way."

"So, the first line is 'I will never harm another member of the Dancing Lightning, unless they have broken the code and it is necessary.' Got that?"

Karata nodded, repeating it under her breath, committing it to memory.

He taught her the whole code, and soon they were at the wall of the school.

"Halt! State your name and business." A gruff voice called from behind the gate.

"Jan of Dancing Lightning, here with my student Karata and our dinos, a pteranodon and a raptor."

With a deep grating noise, the gate slowly swung open. Jan beckoned her inside and sat down in the grass between the school building and the wall.

"Now, how to take care of Charcoal."

They discussed at great lengths, until Karata realized she could no longer focus due to the growling in her belly.

He brought her into the school, passing many rooms with younger children sitting inside. 

The hallway opened into a large room brimming with sunlight. Charcoal nestled down beside her as she settled at a table. A plump woman with mountains of curly gray hair placed a savoroot, a pile of assorted berries, and a chunk of cooked prime meat in front of her. She dug in eagerly as Jan explained how to correctly oil an arrow in narcotic.

"Now, when you're quite finished with your food, we can talk about mounted battle maneuvers and mounted hunting." Jan explained.

Karata savored the last of her meal, watching as kids streamed from the doorways and were served the same foods she had just eaten. 

"Karata!" She jerked in her bench.

"Were you even listening?" Jan asked, exasperated.

"Sorry." She dropped her head, abashed. "I've just never seen so many young people in one place before."

"Oh. The first time I saw this place, I felt the same way." He stared into space for a moment. "Anyways, hurry up! Don't you want to learn some battle maneuvers with Charcoal?"

"Right!" Karata sucked the last juices from her fingers and stood up, startling Charcoal from his doze. 

Suddenly Charcoal sprang up, nearly knocking her down. He growled deep in his throat, his lips rippling to reveal a gleam of very sharp teeth.

"Charcoal!" Karata admonished, shocked. "What is wrong with you?"

He glanced at her then began pacing, nostrils fluttering. Suddenly he dashed forward and stood before a floor-to-ceiling window, displacing several children in the process. His feet slid into battle position, and his posture sunk into a defensive crouch. His low growl abruptly developed into a full-blown snarl with claws flared and all his teeth showing.

Karata rushed to his side.

"Are you all right? What's wrong?" She patted his flank comfortingly.

He didn't even acknowledge her. Now Karata was truly worried. She flashed a panicked look at Jan, who seemed very pale suddenly.

Then the sound of toppling stones and splintering wood reached her ears.

She turned back to the window, cold black dread dawning in the pit of her stomach.

A massive thud shook the building. Karata kept her eyes locked on the window, despite the terrified chaos around her.

Claws gleaming. Scales glistening wetly. A translucent rainbow of a sail.

The wall had been broken.

She had nothing but a raptor and her trusty spear to protect her.

She was surrounded by defenseless kids whom she had to protect.

And a Spinosaurus was staring her down.

[{((AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry about the short chapter, I just felt like it needed to end here. The next chapter will be released soon! ))}]

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