chapter 2

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I wake up in Joe's arms curled up on Zoe's couch. And Micha on the floor sleeping.

Hay love, Joe said sleepy.

Hi Joe, I say as a hug him very close. Because this is my last day with him. I have to be back at my place to get on a plain for California in five hours. And I so do NOT want to go. I got up and when to the restroom. I looked in the mirror and got a little sad because I feel like when I move and make new friends I might change, I might become someone different, someone I don't want to be. It took me so long to be the person I am now I use to be so shy and scared of what others thought of me. After meeting Zoe and then Joe six years ago I have became brave  and with out them I don't know if I will still be this strong. I looked down at my love bracelet Joe gave me last night and smiled. I took in a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom.

Hay your brother went home and said for you to have a good last day in London. Joe said.

Oh okay um... I say. He smiled at me and said.

Come on let's go have some fun. I grabbed his hand and we left Zoe's house.
                                                        . . .

We where at the peer with ice cream in our hands.

You know I am going to really miss you right Joseph? I ask him.

Yeah I know I am going to miss you like crazy. He says. I leaned over and put my head on his shoulder. We just set there looking at the waves and talking for a good hour. And don't want this to end. Because if I do it just means having to get on that plan to go far away from the one place I am the most happest.  I say to Joe.

Can we go back to yours I want to say bye to Casper and just see the place we have spent so much of our time together? I would stay the night at Joe's a lot because my mom and dad are never really home and I hate being by self. Micha stayes with his friends alot.

We went to Joe's and played video games with Casper. About an hour or so into playing my phone started ringing. Joe posed the game and I looked at my cell phone and saw that it was my mom so I answered it.

Hi mom, I say.

Hi dear how are you? She asked. My mom has always been my big inspiration to go for my dreams ever since I meet Zoella and Joseph I stopped having anxiety attacks and started getting closer to my family and making a lot of friends I use to stay in my room and read books and just talk to my brother and no one else.

Hello mommy I am doing just fine. I say in a child like voice.

Well it's time to come home the people to take our furniture is here and when they leave we are going to the air port. She tells me. We are having our furniture shipped to California. So we don't have to buy new stuff.

Okay I will have Joe drive me there. I say sadly. And hang up the phone.

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