Chapter 3: First Introductions

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

You heard a persistent ringing in your ear. You warily opened your eyes to look up at the clock that was screaming at you. 6AM. You moaned and slapped the top of the little box to get it to stop. "Who set that alarm anyway?" you thought to yourself.

Since it was still so early, you decided to unpack some of your things. By the time you were done, it was around 7AM so you took a quick shower and changed into a new set of clothes. You grabbed a pink and blue blouse with a yellow bow that draped over your upper chest, some light gray jeans, and tundra boots. Before leaving the house, you tied your long brown hair into a low side ponytail and added a daisy accessory to the base of it.

"First things first," you thought to yourself, "I should plant these turnip seeds." You stopped in your tracks, realizing you don't have any tools! Defeated, you looked around the house and let out a sigh of relief. Leaning against the left side of the cottage was a hoe, a watering can, a sickle, as well as an axe and a pickaxe.

You shoved the tools into your backpack and started to clear out an area to plant the seeds and water them. Satisfied at your first task as a farmer, you appreciated the view for a while before deciding that you should go meet some of the townsfolk.

Looking around, you thought you saw a path at the south end of the farm and started heading in that direction, clearing out some of the rocks and branches along the way.

Upon reaching the clearing, you noticed two houses to the left and a tall, ominous tower to the right. Naturally, you made your way to the barn-like house on your left first.

You walked past the silo that was placed directly next to it before noticing some cows grazing behind a fence at the other end of the building. You smiled, perhaps someday you'll get some farm animals of your own.

When you entered, a little girl with purple pigtails and a dress stood in the doorway. Before you could say anything, she ran into the room on the left and shut the door behind her.

"Ah, sorry about that. Jas is a little shy around new people." You looked up to see a stout woman in a green and red dress behind the front counter, her thick brown hair pulled into a messy braid that hung over her left shoulder.

"I'm Marnie, by the way. You must be the new farmer."

"Yep! I'm Y/N, nice to meet you."

"Pleasure's all mine," she smiled. "I run the shop here on the ranch. If you need any animals or animal supplies, this is where you get them."

"Oh awesome, what kind of animals do you have?" you were genuinely interested.

"Chickens, cows, ducks, pigs, sheep, goats, rabbits, the works."

Your eyes lit up. "Rabbits?" You recalled the time you had an albino rabbit when you were a child. You loved how cute and soft they were.

"Haha yes, rabbits. You'll need to get a silo and a coop or barn first, before you can buy any animals. Wouldn't want them starving or left out in the open now."

"Of course," you smiled. "Well, I'm going to meet some of the other townspeople now. Thanks Marnie!"

"No problem! See you around," she called as you closed the door behind yourself.

Directly ahead was a small cabin and a lake. Standing before it was a young red-haired woman, seemingly a little older than you. She wore a green crop-top with gray jeans and brown suspenders. Her hair was braided and flung over her right shoulder.

You approached. "Uhm, hi there. My name's Y/N, I'm new here."

She jumped a little before turning around, startled by the sudden voice behind her. She looked at you with pretty purple eyes. "Oh hi! I'm Leah. I was just doing some morning sketches."

"Oh? So you're an artist?"

"Hah, I guess you can say that. I'm sort of stuck in a rut at the moment though..." her gaze fell down to her feet, thinking about something before raising her head up again and smiling. "But I'll figure things out!"

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that, I hope everything works out for you." You fiddled with your fingers, not quite sure what to say next. "Anyway, I'll leave you to your sketches. Maybe you can show me some of your works one of these days?"

"Sure!" she said with enthusiasm. "See you later!"

"See ya!"

You walked back up to the path and headed to the right to where you could only assume was the rest of the town.

In the distance, you could see a tall, blond-haired young man on a skateboard.

Stardew Valley: A Song as Warm as the Sun (Sam x Farmer)Where stories live. Discover now