Chapter 5: Something Fishy

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The alarm clock sounded at 6AM again. You got up and sighed, "I really have to get used to this."

After getting ready for the day, you headed outside and saw that your turnips started to sprout. You counted them and smiled when you discovered that all of them survived. "Yes!" you cheered to yourself as you happily watered the little green stubs that were protruding out of the soil.

You placed the watering can back onto the porch, then looked over to the mailbox. Realizing you haven't checked it at all yet, you walked over to it and peeked inside. There were a few advertisements to Pierre's and an envelope with your name on it. Curious, you opened it.

Hello there,

Just got back from a fishing trip. You should come down to the beach some time. I've got something for ya.


"Well I guess I'm going to the beach today," you shrugged. You found it a little odd, considering you didn't know this person, but you wanted to see what was up.

Using the map as your guide, you made your way to the beach that was just south of town. To your left, you noticed a little cabin with a firepit in front of it. You then turned your gaze to what was ahead of you. A large dock that extended out in multiple directions over the sea housed a building that stood near one of its corners. Next to it was a bearded man with a raggedy brown beret and a long sleeve red shirt. Cautiously, you approached him.

"Um...would you happen to be Willy?" you asked.

He turned and exhaled the breath he had taken from his pipe, smoke swirling around his face. "Ahoy there, miss. Heard there was a newcomer in town... Good to finally meet ya."

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Y/N."

"Ah...I'm still tryin' to unwind from a month out on the salty seas..." he said as he stroked his scruffy brown beard with his free hand. "It was a big haul! I sold a lot of good fish," he nodded with an obvious look of content spread across his face. "Finally saved enough to buy me a new rod. Here, I want you to have my old fishing rod. It's important to me that the art o' fishing stays alive."

You took the pole he was holding out to you. "Wow, are you sure? Thanks a lot!" You inspected it for a brief moment, noticing it was made out of bamboo. It was quite worn out, but still useful. You were glad to take anything you could get, considering your situation at the moment.

He looked out towards the open ocean. "There's good water here in the valley. All kinds o' fish. Oh yeah. My shop's back open now, so come by if you need supplies," he gestured towards the building that sat on the dock.

"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks again for the rod! I think I'll head out now."

"Alright. See ya later, miss."

You headed off the dock and towards the cabin that you saw when you arrived earlier. "I wonder if anyone lives there," you asked yourself.

When you got to the door, you knocked. No answer. "Hmm, guess not. Or maybe they're just not home. Anyway, I think I'll try this new fishing rod out..."

You took out your map again to look for any good places to fish. You weren't much of an angler, but you knew the basics. You decided you'd try the lake up in the mountains. Maybe you could meet the rest of Robin's family along the way, since the carpenter's shop is right next to it.


"Hello? Robin?" you opened the door to the shop just enough to peer in.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2016 ⏰

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