Chapter 1

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Hey guys, thanks for reading, but I just wanted to thank my mate, ForeverMoonlight, for helping me edit this story. 


It was dark, and I kept on running, until I didn't know where I was. I heard a branch crack. I looked to the left. I heard another on my right. I turned to my right. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and... I don't remember. What I saw, what I felt, where I was. Nothing. I slowly open my eyes to where I find, a doctor. I'm on a hospital bed.

I look towards the doctor, "Um... Diazabols?" He looks at me, I shake my head, too weak to open my mouth, "did I pronounce it wrong?" I nod. "Diablo?"

I nod again.

"You might be confused, but we found you in an alleyway. For gangsters. You were unconscious. And I have good news and bad news. Fortunately, your phone and your wallet is still with you. But, uhh, you have a un-removable tracking device. If we removed it, you would die, immediately. The tracking device is connected to your jugular vein. We're not sure how this happened. " He walks out of the room.

Why would they knock me out, if they wouldn't rob me? Why put a tracking device? What did I do to them? How did they put the tracking device in me without a cut? So many questions, so many unanswered.

I unplug the life support, who needs that? I sit up, and close my eyes. I'm tired, I need to go home. A man with tattoos, wearing a suspicious black long jacket walks in, his black hat covers his face, I can see his mouth. His chin and cheeks are covered with tattoos. He shuts the door, then walks towards me. He holds out his hand as to help me up, I grab his hand and he pulls me up. Still unable to see his face, I shake his hand. He puts his left hand on my shoulder and his right hand is reaching towards his pockets. He suddenly pulls a syringe out, jabs it in my arm then took a step back. I feel dizzy, I see three of him. Is that normal? I collapse on the floor and I feel someone pick me up.

Where is he taking me? Or is the doctor just putting me back in bed. I felt someone shove me in somewhere. Then a door shut closed. I hear talking. I only remember "You were our leader, our friend." What does he mean? I never met him or was a leader to anyone. And, I never had any friends.

I open my eyes, and I'm covered in a blanket. I'm in a house. A small dirty room. I stand up, and the same man walks in. His face uncovered, he looks in shock. "You know too much." he claims. His voice seemed to be overlaid, multiple voices covering his own. But he's the only person in the house, except me. He walks out of the room, comes back with a needle then quickly walks towards me and jabs it in my arm. "I'm sorry, my majesty." He says when everything fades to black. Majesty? What does he mean? I think I'm going crazy. I think I'm going to wake up from this nightmare.

I open my eyes again, I'm at the hospital. The window is open and the curtains are trying to escape. The wind is helping it. But it won't succeed like how I didn't. I gently run my fingers over to where I remember the man stuck the needle in me. "Ow" I quietly say. I take a peek at it and there is a mark there. I don't remember having that before. I think that nightmare is real. This is real. I wonder if the doctors noticed if I was gone.

The same doctor walks in, questionably also covering his face. I'm not sure if it was on purpose, but he's looking down so I'm unable to identify him. The same voice of his slips out of his mouth, "You're free to go." Free? To go? I'm not going anywhere. Someone's after me. I panicked and words pushed out of my mouth. "Someone took-" I am unable to speak. No words. No words came out of my mouth. "What was that?" he asked, still looking down at his papers. I open my mouth, and yell it on the top of my lungs, nothing came out of my mouth. I started to mouth the words, 'I am unsafe', but he wouldn't look up. He's too busy reading his work papers. "I have to go now, I have different patients to look after. Take your time to get ready to leave." He said, then he walked out. That was unusual. The fact that when we first met he was very engaging, and how I was unable to speak. I tried to speak again. "Hello?" I said. That was very odd. I couldn't speak for a moment, but now, I can.

I pack my stuff, it was very quick since I didn't have that much stuff, and I just thought about what happened. After that man jabbed the needle in me, I don't remember his face. I remember that I clearly saw his face, but, I don't remember it now. I started to pack as slowly as I can, knowing I will leave the safety of the hospital, to go somewhere unprotected.

I leave my room, and next to my rooms door, a man was leaning against the wall. I walk past him a went in a elevator, and the same man walks inside too. He was reading his phone. When we reach the lobby on the bottom floor, I leave the lift, and so does he. I leave the hospital, and I walk. I just keep on walking. I sense the man is following. If I look back he will realise I know. I hear talking behind me so I look back, unintentionally, and he had stopped and he's talking to his friend. I face the front again and continue walking while being relieved. I hear the talking had stopped and I accidently looked back while walking and the man's friend seems like he's following me. The first man is gone now. I think they're trying to trick me. This street is very lonely. No one but us are on this street.  

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