Chapter 2

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I casually walk faster, like I was late for something important. My heart beats faster than lightning. The thought of death passes my mind, and it wouldn't leave. I panick as I start to run unintentionally, I look back and I spot the man had started running too. I look forward and start to sprint as fast as I can, I flipped my head back and search for the man, strangely, he had disappeared. I start to slow down, and I sighed in relief. I put my head forward then my heart skipped a beat, the other man that had walked away before, standing right in front of me. Holding a gun. Yup, I am going to die. I casually turned around, to walk away, then the man that disappeared, is, is, is in front of me now. And I am surrounded. One of them is holding a knife, the other is holding a gun. The man behind me mumbled, "I'm sorry, my lord". They gave me thirty-seconds to survey them, and suddenly I almost died inside because of the fear. The man in front of me swerved his knife towards my face, and I dodge, he accidently cuts his partner, blinding him, and causing him to shoot rapidly at nothing. He, unfortunately, shot the disappearing man in his stomach. They started screech in pain, as they give me the opportunity to run away. The stabbed man swings his arm to grab me, but I slipped and fell in the attempt to run away. He used so much force in his arm, he unexpectedly leaps forward and crashes into his partner. I sprint forward as I hear, I think the disappearing man, say "Caden, I'm sorry I cut your eyes, the lord is too fast." 

Caden replies, "I don't care. I can replace them. But Aiden, did you get our lord?" I keep on running and I try to think who is who. So, I think the stabbed man is Caden, and Aiden is the disappearing man.

I run towards the police station, to report someone trYING TO KILL ME. TWO PEOPLE IN FACT. I rush inside the police station, and, it's rather quiet in here. Whenever I walk past the police  station, it's always busy. Actually, it's very, what's the word, empty. I walk to the front desk, and the front desk man is reading a newspaper. Wearing a familiar hat.

"Uh, I have to, report a crime," I say. The man doesn't even take a peek at me.

"Name and age, please." He says with a deep voice.

"Diablo and I am 27."

"And it is...?" He says with a deep voice,

"I-I-I almost got killed, by two men. One called Caden and the other called Aiden." I replied. The man started to chuckle. While he was laughing I observed the area and saw that he was wearing black gloves.

"Cade and Aiden? I haven't heard that name since-" The man stops mid-sentence. He lowers his newspaper. It's that man. The man who took me from the hospital. He's the one. He looks at me, like he is angry at me, like I did something wrong. He places his hand over his right thigh, implying that he's got a gun, and he pulls the gun out and shoots me in the arm. I turn ninety degrees, squeezing my arm, because of the impact. He takes a shot at me again but I dodge, he says "You're good, our lord. But we will get you". What is going on with people calling me lord? He continues, "27, the number of the devil. Diablo, the meaning is the devil." I dodge behind a couch.

"27 isn't the number of the devil," I yell while struggling to avoid the shots,

"Well spotted," He replies, "I will reward you with killing you!" I'm not safe anymore, these people are crazy. I need to go back to the hospital, so they can protect me. Or is it another one of their tricks? I think, I will decide later. But now, I need to run. Run where you might ask. Away. Run away. I run out of the police station, and about 52 policemen are standing outside. Holding their guns at me. Using their cars as shields. "Put your hands on your head. You are surrounded." A policeman says while speaking into a microphone.

: : :

"So, why'd you threaten the kind man on desk duty?" A policeman asks. He's got dark brown eyes, and dark brown hair. His nose is pointy, I can see that he is Caucasian. He seems very young, around 20 to 24. I can tell he's new, he seems very nervous, and he's shaking a bit, I can see that he's trying to hide it. He's very sweaty, but it isn't very hot.

"ANSWER ME" He yells with a shaky voice. I sigh and I really want to tell him what's going on, but he'll just think I'm crazy. I lifted my head, and made eye-contact with him. I stared into his eyes for about a minute before replying,

"I didn't" I said it very calmly, plus if I go to jail, it's better than being unprotected. He rolls his eyes. "He was the one who attacked me." I said.

"Why would he do that?" He asked,

"I don't know. Look at my leg." I said before showing him my leg. He lets out a gasp, showing that he isn't used to see this. He better get used to it.

He stutters "A-A-And w-what ab-bout i-it?"

"He shot me. It hurts like hell," expression is the last thing on my mind. I hear a bang from the window, well to me it looks like a mirror, but to the people outside it's a window. People call it a one-way window. I hear another one. I hear distincted mumbling. I can't make up what it's saying. I hear behind the window, something is repeatedly getting hit. I finally realise the noise was about the tattooed man is banging on the window. He swings the door open and repeated what I said.

"It hurts like hell. Hell. HELL!" The other policemen pulls him out and slam shuts the door again. The policeman looks at me, lifting one eyebrow.

"Do you know what that was all about?" He asks,

"No, but-" I answered,

"Hey, shut up kid. I didn't ask you to say anything else." He interrupts, kid? Who does he think he's talking to? His nephew?

"Hey listen up, I am not a kid." I say while standing up, he places his hand over his gun pocket, I sat back down.

"Not a kid eh? Scared of guns?" He says while pulling his gun out and pointing it at me. The strange tattoo man barges in again,

"PULL THE TRIGGER-" He yells before getting pulled out.

"Any last words?" He asks,

"What did I do. What did I do to deserve this? Why do you want to shoot me?" I said, trying to show not the slightest bit of sadness, fear, and regret for not doing anything with my life. The policeman shakes his head while smiling creepily.

"Some things in life you don't understand. This is one of these things." He said whilst smirking. The policeman re-adjusts his hand, and I shut my eyes. 'This is it,' I think, he laughs evilly, and pulls the trigger. 


Hey, guys! I'd like to say thanks for reading this! Although not that many people read this story, I'm still glad that you took the time to read this, and also I've got to start somewhere! Let me just apologise, that this chapter isn't very long. I'm also very sorry that I left you guys at a cliffhanger. I haven't had much time to write, since with school and things. But thanks anyways!

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