Chapter 3

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I am so sorry for not writing. I've been very, very busy. Thanks for hanging in there! 


I hear nothing. Is this what death is like? It's all black. I feel a tear streaming down my face. I hear laughing. I realise why it's so dark in here- it's because my eyes are shut. I open my eyes and see the policeman laughing.

"You-you-you really- think-I-I-would-have-a-loaded gun?" He says while laughing in between, "No, no, no, I'm-" He started laughing again, "I'm sorry, I just can't stop laughing. I'm new. They wouldn't trust me with a gun on my fourth day of work. That's why I'm not out in the field." He finishes. I knew it. I'm so dumb for thinking he would actually shoot me. I tried to pretend that I was amused and not pissed so I laughed. It came out as a fake laugh, but he never met me before so he doesn't know that. I hear screaming from the outside of this room, it must be that crazy guy which is upset I didn't die. The policeman talks on his walkie-talkie while I listen for another scream.

"Well, okay, you're free to go, " He says unexpectedly,

"Free? Why?" I asked confusedly,

"Aren't you happy?" He says,

"I am, but, why?" I answer,

"I don't know, but the other policemen told me on the radio." He says.

: : :

Goddamn it, I at least wanted to go to jail. 'Why?' you might ask, because I at least know I would be safe. Safe from idiots trying to kill me. I put my hands over my face, covering my eyes. I put down my hands and suddenly, I feel dizzy. Where am I? How did I get here? I look around. I think I'm in the future. I think, this is the world in the future. I see things on fire. There are people. Everything is on fire. "Hey!" I yell while waving my arms, but it seems like no one seems to notice me. This doesn't feel real. I rub my eyes and, I'm, I'm back to where I was. Nothing's on fire anymore. I walk in circles, confusedly, and I start to feel dizzy again. I stop walking and I feel an arm on my shoulder, I turn around to find out who it is, it's-it's-it's him. The man who took me from the hospital. The man who was on desk duty. He swung his fist towards me and my natural instinct is to duck. While I am still crouching, he kicks me in my nuts and it hurt like hell so I fall back. He stands on top of me and jabs a syringe in my arm.

"Goodnight, Lord Diablo." That was the last thing I remember.

: : :

I open my eyes and I was in the same room as before. I remember now. He took me and put me into this same small dirty room as now. I notice my hands were zip-tied together and my mouth had been duct-taped. I try to sit up but my feet can't move away from each other. I glance at the feet and, of course, there is a zip-tie. I pull my feet as far as I could and-


The zip-ties broke. I hear footsteps coming towards me, there was creaking with it. I think, the man who kidnapped me is coming. Kidnapped, hm. Why is it kidnapped not peoplenapped? Because I'm not a ki- okay, I'm getting distracted. I run towards the door but I'm too slow, I see the door opening. I had nowhere to hide so I dodge behind the door. Hopefully, he doesn't open the door all the way. Luckily, he opens the door slightly so it wouldn't crush me. He steps inside the room slowly and looks around.

"He's gone." He whispers, he pulls out a phone from his pocket, and started dialing a number. "Hello?" I could hear the other side of the phone,

"Boss, Lord Diablo... Is gone..." The kidnapper said,

"He got away...? Lucas! You had one job! Now he's never coming back. Come to me. Now!!!" The 'Boss' said,

"I don't think he left the house. This house is old, and with almost step anyone takes, the floor will creak. I think if he had left the house I would at least heard something." The kidnapper said.

Before he could turn around and head for the door (he would see me) I slipped out from the tight space, behind the door, and I decided to run out of the room. The door was creaky, so I had to do it quietly. I stepped out of the room, and headed for the stairs, I sighed from relievement, wait, I just remembered, there are some parts of the floor, which are creaky. Oh no, I'll never get out of here in time. I scanned around the staircase to see if there were a solution. A broken chandelier hanging from the ceiling, dirty dark green walls, and wooden stairs.

: : :

I stepped on the first step down, slowly and hardly putting any weight on my foot. I slowly put pressure on my foot. I do the same for the next stair. I hear tiny creaks coming from behind me. I repeatedly did it again, but a bit faster. I hear him walking towards me. Each step is louder than the last. I feel him put his arm on my shoulder. It feels, like, this happened before. Not in this old house, but it's like, deja vu, it happened before. Of course, it's because it did happen.

"This actually happened before, lord, in the dark alley. You were running, from me." He says. I remember, it's all coming back now, no time to explain.

I grab his arm, and thrust downward, causing him to, technically do a flip. Except, he lands on his back. I let go and he slides down the stairs. He stops at the end of the stairs, and he spits out blood.

"You are quite the fighter, just like back at home. Oh, I mean hell." He shouts. Hell? He's got to be kidding me. I walk down the stairs, and I step over him. He grabs my foot and I kick him in the face. He lets go of my foot and covers his face instead. I head for the door and open it. But it didn't open. I pull as hard as I can,

"You need a key," Lucas yells, "but you'll never find it," he laughs evilly. First, I need to open these zip ties, I walk to the kitchen and I get some scissors.

"How's that gonna help you?" He yells from the other room. I can't cut it, I mean, yes, it's obvious that it's easy to cut, but I need an extra hand. Maybe I could use another tactic, I saw a youtube video on how to open zip ties. Trust me, I have a lot of extra time. I remember I have to put my hands over my head, and thrust downwards as hard as I can, and pull my hands away from each other while doing it. Yes, I successfully did it. I walk over to Lucas,

"Still looking for the key?" He asks, I go through his jacket and I found it.

"You're very bad at hiding things," I told him,

"Well, it's very rude to go through people's things without their permission," He says,

"Well, it's very rude to kidnap people," I argue. He shrugs and nods in agreement. I find a flower pot, and smash it on his head. Well, he's knocked out. I walk towards the door, and before I could unlock the door, I see people pulling up in front of the house through the window next to the door. I see Caden and Aiden getting out of the car, with some other people. After they got out of the car, a man wearing a long, black coat getting out of the car. I see, them bowing to him, he must be the boss. No, no, no, no. They're walking up to the door. I can't fight that many people. I duck under the window, hopefully being hidden, and I hear the door unlock.   

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