Chapter 4

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The door opens slowly, and I hear an unrecognisable voice, but it sounds so familiar. I think it's the boss, the door blocked me from being visible to them.

"Lucas. Lucas," he was expecting an answer, "Luca- someone's here. Find them! And if it's Diablos, I want him alive. I want to kill him myself." They're holding guns, pointing it downwards and they're searching the house. Caden searched the kitchen, Aiden goes upstairs, and the others spread out. The boss just walks and watches them. Luckily, they left the door open. I came out from behind the door and when I just creeping out, I hear a gunshot. I dodge to the position I think the bullet won't hit me. It missed.

"OVER THERE!" I hear one voice yells,

"BY THE DOOR!" I hear another voice say, the sound went from one bullet to a dozen bullets. One managed to pierce through my right arm, at least I'm left handed? I let out a shriek from the pain of the bullet. I struggle to run out of the house and the car door was open. Should I run or go in the car? Too late now, I already jumped into the car. They left the key in here. I forced my foot onto the pedal, and I pull the gear lever. The car suddenly shoots forward, and I hear gunshots and glass breaking, I look over my shoulder and I see them trying to shoot the car. I hear one of them say; I think it was the boss,

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO GET A BULLETPROOF CAR," He yells out of anger,

"Um, yo-you told me to get it in case someone was trying to- um- kill us..." Aiden explains,

"DON'T TALK BACK," The boss screams,

"Sorry..." His voice fades away. I'm feeling, I, don't feel, that good. The blood, I'm bleeding out. I'm going to drive to the hospital, wait, that's the first place they'd expect me to be if I'm injured. I drive to my childhood home. My house would be another place they'd know that I'd go. My childhood home was burned down, my parents died in the fire. They managed to save me.

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I arrive at the house and I find a clean fabric then I wrap it around my arm, making the blood stop coming out. I walk around the burned down house, and I find my parents' old video-recorder. I play it, and there was a video of us playing in the playground, I press next, now there's a video of us going biking, I feel a smile come out and a tear roll down my cheek. I press next, and there was a video I don't recall.

"Honey, he's outside," my dad says,

"Who?" My mother asks,

"It's Michael, he's just right outside," My dad answers,

"Give him to me, you don't need to die with him," 'Michael' says.

The videotape shows my dad facing the camera towards the window which Michael was standing at (outside), Michael looks so familiar.

"No, you can't, he's just a boy," My Mum replies,

"Do it, or your house will, 'unexpectedly' burn down. I've got a flamethrower ready in the car. Do you wish to die with him? You don't have to die, but it doesn't matter if you do. Ten seconds. Ten seconds for you to bring the boy to me," Michael said calmly,

"Never, die in hell," My mum replies,

"Ah, you soon will, in approximately, seven seconds," Michael says,

"Honey, get our valuables and leave, NOW," My dad demands. My dad put down the camera down on the table, carelessly. But you could still see Michael through the window. He gets his flamethrower out of his trunk, and he burns the house down. Michael, he looks like, the boss. He is, the boss... He's going to die. I'm going to kill him. I stand up and I kick a burnt wood plank. I fell on my knees and let out a scream. I look back at the videotape, and my eyes are full of tears. The tears came streaming down my face one by one. 

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I stand up again and I see a two black vans coming towards me. Michael and his dumb little slaves get out of the vans. They surround me while holding their guns. Michael walks through the circle of his 'workers' and stands in front of me. How dare he show his face after what he has done. What does he want from my family and me?

"I see you have found the videotape of me killing your parents," he continues, "it was funny, but they were protecting you from me. But I wouldn't say protect; you would've been more grateful if they had let me kill you. I don't really care about them; honestly. You'll never see them again-" he says

"Yeah, I will. When I die, I'll see them in heaven." I interrupted. He and his employees started laughing.

"He- He- Heaven??" Michael says while laughing, "no, no, no, my friend," he puts his arm around me while I try to push it off, "you, will go to hell." That's stupid, I have never done anything bad in my life. I wouldn't go to hell. Michael clicks his fingers then one of his workers went to one of the vans, opens the trunk and pulls a bag out.

"Put it over," Michael says. Put the bag over what? The man holding the bag comes towards me opening the bag. He tries to put it over my head but I push him and I start to run. I feel a hand grabbing my arm and hauled my arm back. Causing me to fall on my back and making me unintentionally use my injured arm to protect me from the ground. I stand up again and I feel an excruciating sharp pain in my arm. Two other workers grabbed my arms from the back and made the pain hurt even more. I'm trying to resist but it makes the pain enhance. The pain feels like nothing I have ever experienced before. The man with the bag puts the bag on my head and I feel something sharp going through my thigh. I let out a shriek and now I feel myself falling. The two guys must have let go of my arms. I can't stand up-right. My body is lying on the floor, I can barely open my eyes. My eyelids grow heavier and heavier to the point that I can't open it anymore. I just feel myself being lifted up and shoved into, I think it is the trunk of the car. And boy, it was a bumpy ride.    

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 09, 2016 ⏰

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