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Hermiones POV
When we walked into the common room I yelped with excitement. There was rows upon rows of books that I haven't read which I didn't think was possible. I walked over to one of the three doors one contained my room with Gryffindor colours next was a bathroom that connects the bedrooms. I walked into my room and shut the door. Great I thought now I have to share the common room with Malfoy. I had a shower and went to bed.

Draco's POV
Great this is going to be interesting. I heard the shower stop and seeing grangers light turn off. "Wait untill my father hears about this" I mumbled and closed my door and went to sleep.


The next morning I found granger studying. "How could you have work? The year just started!"I asked. It didn't really surprise me, granger would cry if she got a B, I reckon. She looked up and lowered her eyes. "I'm revising" she said then looked back down.I sat next to her and grabbed a book from the stack that was threatening to fall. Granger looked at me in surprise then went back to work.

Hermiones POV
"The N.E.W.Ts final is soon! You both should be studying! " I said when I saw Harry and Ron both playing wizards chess. Just as Harry opened his mouth to speak ginny came in and kissed him. "Argh" Ron groaned. He never really had gotten used to his best friend and his sister together. I walked over to Ron and kissed him, a long passionate kiss."What's up with you latley Hermione? We can never find the time to be together" Ron explained. I sighed "I know Ron but all the duties with being the head prefect and plus avoiding Malfoy as much as possible" Ron tensed, he hated the idea of me sharing the dorm with Malfoy. I kissed Ron one last time and then hurried to meet Draco.

"Hello Draco" I said politely. He looked at me in amazement. "What I asked?" He smiled and said "You called me Draco, Hermione" My heart fluttered when he smiles, no Hermione you have a loving boyfriend you are not falling for Draco.

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