The Proposal

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Hermione's POV

After the exam we walked to the great hall, just before we entered Draco grabbed my hand. "It's time" he whispered. I giggled and squeezed his hand, were going to show everyone that we are official. We walked through the great hall doors, the room went silent, all heads turned in our direction. I looked up at Draco blushing. He nodded and leaned down to kiss me. When I pulled away I saw that people had disgusted looks in their faces. I have Draco a quick peck on the cheek before going to sit at the Griffendor table.

"Hermione" Ron tried. "Talk to me M'ione" Ron said as he tried to get my attention. I avoided him for long enough I think. I looked at him and saw he had a glint of hope in his eyes. "Ron, you were my best friend, you were my boyfriend but you killed that when you started cheating on me and became a complete jerk. So just get out of my life" I said as I killed all hope he had. I turned to Ginny just as a huge firework display went off. Harry came walking through it and surprisingly the fireworks followed. When he stopped next to Ginny the fireworks made a sentence. It read:

Ginny molly Weasley, Will you marry me?

I smiled, I was so happy for them. Ginny stared at Harry shocked. Just as I thought she was going to say no she jumped off her chair and shouted "YES" and hugged Harry as he put the ring on her finger. The whole room burst into cheers, Even the Slytherin table was cheering.

Ginnys POV

"Harry's been acting really strange lately, I wonder what's wrong.." I said to George. He just shrugged and smiled, I knew he knows something but if he's not telling me Id better not push it. A second later the Great Hall entrance burst into a show of fireworks and there was Harry. He started walking over to me and magically the fireworks were beside him. My heart thudded agains my chest as I read the sentence it made. He was proposing to me! I screamed yes and hugged him. This day couldn't possibly get any better.

Ron's POV

What? He never told me he was going to do this. He can't possibly still be mad of what I did to Hermione. I was about to confront him when a red envelope dropped i front of me. I swallowed hard. I just stared at it, I heard footsteps behind me and knew instantly they were Hermiones. "Here let me help you with this" She took the letter and opened it. My mothers voice boomed out shaking the Great Hall. "RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY! YOUR FATHER AND I ARE REPULSED AT YOU FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE! YOU HAVE DISGRACED OUR FAMILY AND I NEVER THOUGHT MY OWN FLESH AND BLOOD WOULD DO THIS KIND OF THING. WHAT MADE YOU DO THIS? JUST WAIT UNTIL YOU GET BACK HOME MR, THIS ISN'T THE LAST YOU HAVE HEARD ABOUT THIS!" The envelope turned to Hermione "Dear I'm so truly sorry for what my son has done to you, we all love you so much and we are here if you need to talk" the envelope turned to Ginny " Oh honey were so happy, Congratulations! When Harry asked us for our blessing for him to marry you we were overwhelmed.We love you both so dearly and can't wait to see you!" The envelope turned back to me and snarled and then ripped itself up. I'm a disgrace.... I turned and ran out of the Great Hall planing for revenge.

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