The Rescue

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  • Dedicated to justforharrypotter and Infinity2375

This part is dedicated to:




Draco's POV

"Harry, you and Seamus go that way" I said when we reached the Malfoy Manor. "And I will go the other way" I said. They shook their heads in protest but I was already inside the Manor. I heard screams coming from one of the torture rooms.

All the childhood memories are coming back to me. My father taught me I didn't need friends I just needed minions to do my bidding. But I did enjoy the power, but I hated hurting people. My father made me keep his reputation intact. I hated pug face pansy always following me around, I hated being with her. I shoved my thoughts away, I will deal with all of that later. I have to find Hermione.

I followed the screams to reveal Ron on top of her, chocking her. I ran in and grabbed him by the neck and threw him down. He easily pushed me off and jumped on top of me and started punching me repeatedly. When did Ron get this strong? I tried to fight back but each time he hit me was draining my energy. I looked over to Hermione who was awake but I saw a pool of blood surrounding her, I panicked and tried to fight back.

Hermione's POV

"Ron" I tried to yell but it came out more of a whisper. "Ron! “I tried again. The pain was dreadful, I couldn't move my legs much so I couldn't try to help Draco . Then I spotted it, Ron's wand! He must have dropped it when Draco pushed him to the ground. I crawled and pushed myself to the wand. Finally I caught hold of the wand and pointed it at Ron. "Stupify" I whispered as Ron's body went flying off of Draco. I breathed a sigh of relief as Draco stood up. He's going to be okay, he's okay..... Then everything went black.

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